View clinical trials related to Tennis Elbow.
Filter by:In this study, the objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of a single application of human Connective Tissue Allograft (CTA) as a treatment of LET. CTM Biomedical markets and distributes decellularized particulate human placental connective-tissue matrix products, intended solely for homologous use to supplement or replace damaged or inadequate connective-tissue. These are structural tissue allografts processed according to the criteria contained in 21CFR 1271.10(a) for regulation solely under section 361 of the Public Health Service Act. Drug/Device Handling: If the research involves drugs or device, describe your plans to store, handle, and administer those drugs or devices so that they will be used only on subjects and be used only by authorized investigators.
A randomized cross-over trial comparing the immediate effects of a wrist extensor exercise with and without blood flow restriction (BFR) on pain perception in patients with lateral elbow tendinopathy (LET).
A randomized clinical trial will be conducted. 130 subjects diagnosed with lateral epicondylitis will be studied. 3 intervention groups will be formed. Experimental group 1 will receive a 1000mg daily vitamin C supplement along with the usual practice of manual therapy and TENS. Group 2 will undergo high-speed vertebral manipulations along with manual therapy and TENS. In group 3 or control, manual therapy and transcutaneous electrotherapy (TENS) will be applied. All groups will receive the same manual therapy program and TENS, one session per week for 6 consecutive weeks. Data analysis: The data will be entered in the SPSS statistical package (version 21.0) for analysis). Statistical analysis will be performed with a 95% confidence interval, meaning that those whose P is <0.05 will be considered significant values.