View clinical trials related to Tennis Elbow.
Filter by:This study aimed to check and compare how well shock wave therapy works for tennis elbow, both in terms of symptoms and what we can see on ultrasound.
Painful condition of lateral epicondyle of the humerus characterized by the inflammation of the tendons during loading of the wrist extensor muscles is a common musculoskeletal presentation in men and women between 35 and 54 years of age. The above symptom is associated with a clinical diagnosis of lateral elbow tendinopathy (LET), also known as tennis elbow or lateral epicondylalgia the two effective treatment approaches for lateral epicondylitis are Nirschl exercises and Mulligan taping. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of Nirschl exercises with or without Mulligan taping in treating lateral epicondylitis. The study design for this project employs a randomized controlled trial and a sample of individuals with lateral epicondylitis randomly assigned in one of the two groups i.e., Nirschl exercises only and Nirschl exercises with Mulligan taping. Nirschl exercises involve the eccentric strengthening of the wrist extensor muscles and forearm. The participants in both groups will receive Nirschl exercises while the second group will also receive Mulligan taping, which involves the application of tape to the lateral aspect of the elbow to offload stress during movement of the extensor tendons. Different outcome measures including pain intensity, functional disability, grip strength, range of motion will be evaluated using, PRTEE Scale, Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and Calibrated Jammer hand held dynamometer. Statistical analysis, including independent t-tests or chi-square tests, will be conducted to compare the outcomes between the two groups. The significance level will be set at p < 0.05. This study will contribute to the evidence base regarding the efficacy of Nirschl exercises and Mulligan taping in managing lateral epicondylitis and will help the clinicians and patients in deciding the best treatment approach for lateral epicondylitis.
Objectives: This study aims to evaluate and compare the short-term efficacy of high-intensity laser therapy (HILT) and extra corporeal shock wave therapy(ESWT) on pain, sensitivity, handgrip strength, and functions in the treatment of lateral epicondylitis (LE). Material and methods: Forty five participants (age range, 18 to 65 years) with unilateral elbow pain were randomized into two groups. HILT group (n = 22) and the ESWT group (n = 23). The HILT and ESWT were administered three times a week for three weeks, and each treatment was combined with exercises. All patients in both groups were evaluated with ultrasonography for common extensor tendon(CET) thickness. A visual analog scale (VAS), Quick Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (QDASH), and hand grip strength test were used to evaluate the patients before, one, and six weeks after treatment.
İt is aimed to examine the effect of chiropractic cervical manipulation on pain, functionality and grip strength in patients with lateral epicondylitis and whether it is preferable to placebo.
Comparison of the effects of kinesiotaping and high intensity laser therapy in patients with lateral epicondylitis: a randomized controlled study
The goal of this clinical trial is to compare autologous blood, corticosteroid, and their combined injection for treating lateral epicondylitis. The main question it aims to answer are: • Which of these highly used drugs in treatment of lateral epicondylitis is more effective? Participants were randomly allocated into three equal treatment groups (AB versus CS versus their combination) with sealed envelopes prepared by a computer-based random number generator. Patients in the AB Group received 1 ml of autologous venous blood mixed with 2 ml of 2% prilocaine HCl, patients in the CS Group received 1 ml of 40 mg methylprednisolone acetate mixed with 2 ml of 2% prilocaine HCl, and patients in the Combined Group (AB+CS) received 1 ml of autologous venous blood, 1 ml of 40 mg methylprednisolone acetate mixed with 1 ml of 2% prilocaine HCl. Each group received an equal amount of (3 ml) injected material. PRTEE and HGS measurements were assessed before the injection (baseline values), on Day 15, Day 30, and Day 90, in the same manner by the senior author.
Common extensor tendon (CET) tears that can be detected with ultrasonography (US) may be associated with worsening clinical and other ultrasonographic parameters in patients with LE. In this retrospective evaluation of patients with lateral epicondylitis (LE), the effect of common extensor tendon (CET) tears revealed by ultrasonography (US) with demographic, clinical, and other US findings was investigated.
Lateral epicondylitis (LE) is one of the most common causes of non-traumatic elbow pain, which develops as a result of repetitive stresses due to overuse of the forearm muscles, and is also called tennis elbow.Conservative treatment options include electrotherapy, exercises, extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT), steroid injections, platelet rich plasma, hyaluronic acid injections. As our knowledge this is the first study comparing the three different treatment modalities ESWT, Us and Iontophoresis on lateral epicondylitis The aim of our study; to evaluate the efficacy of ESWT, ultrasound and iontophoresis treatments in terms of pain, grip strength, functionality and quality of life in patients with lateral epicondylitis and to determine the superiority of the treatments against each other.
Epicondylitis is one of the most common pathologies in tennis players. The search for an effective treatment is necessary for the relief of symptoms and the return to sports practice. Therefore, a ddry needling treatment in combination with electricity is postulated as an alternative to isolated dry needling treatment or conventional physiotherapy treatment. Data will be collected in relation to pain and muscle activation by EMG in order to check the effectiveness of these techniques as well as the muscle activation that is generated.
The aim of this study is to find the comparative effects of mills manipulation with or without Mulligan pain release phenomena on the pain, grip strength, and function in patients with Lateral Epicondylitis. The results of this study will provide clinicians with valuable insights into the most effective treatment approach for lateral epicondylitis, enabling them to stay up-to-date with the latest practice methods and optimize patient care.