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Stroke, Ischemic clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT03699397 Recruiting - Stroke, Ischemic Clinical Trials

EEG Controlled Triage in the Ambulance for Acute Ischemic Stroke

Start date: October 4, 2018
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Endovascular thrombectomy (EVT) is the standard treatment for patients with a large vessel occlusion (LVO) stroke. Direct presentation of patients with an LVO to a comprehensive stroke center (CSC) reduces onset-to-treatment time by approximately an hour and thereby improves clinical outcome. However, a reliable tool for prehospital LVO-detection is currently not available. Previous electroencephalography (EEG) studies have shown that hemispheric hypoxia quickly results in slowing of the EEG-signal. Dry electrode EEG caps allow reliable EEG measurement in less than five minutes. We hypothesize that dry electrode EEG is an accurate and feasible diagnostic test for LVO in the prehospital setting. ELECTRA-STROKE is a diagnostic pilot study that consists of four phases. In phases 1, 2 and 3, technical and logistical feasibility of performing dry electrode EEGs are tested in different in-hospital settings: the outpatient clinic (sample size: max. 20 patients), Neurology ward (sample size: max. 20 patients) and emergency room (sample size: max. 300 patients), respectively. In the final phase, ambulance paramedics will perform dry electrode EEGs in 386 patients with a suspected stroke. The aim of the ELECTRA-STROKE study is to determine the diagnostic accuracy of dry-electrode EEG for diagnosis of LVO-a stroke when performed by ambulance personnel in patients with a suspected AIS. Sample size calculation is based on an expected specificity of 70% and an incidence of LVO stroke of 5%.

NCT ID: NCT03605381 Recruiting - Stroke Clinical Trials

MORbidity PRevalence Estimate In StrokE

Start date: September 30, 2018
Study type: Observational

Information regarding the likely progress of post-stroke symptoms is vitally important to stroke survivors to allow them to plan for the future and to adjust to life after stroke. Moreover, the prevalence of morbidity secondary to stroke is of central importance to Health Professionals to understand the prognosis of the disease in the patients under their care. Additionally, it will also allow commissioners of care, planners and third sector organisations to adapt to and answer the needs of a post-stroke population. Currently, the data collected by national audit programmes are concentrated on what can be termed 'process or process of care' data. The utility of these data are in the ability to audit the care received by stroke survivors on stroke units against evidenced standards for care, thus ensuring evidence based practice. Nevertheless, process of care is only one form of measuring stroke unit care and the audit programmes collect some limited functional status data, data relating to risk-factor co-morbidities and treatment received data. Therefore, the scope of this study is to build on the minimum data set currently collected and to collect post-stroke data in domains not currently collected. The International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) takes important steps to collect data outside of process of care data such as a Patient Reported outcome data in their minimum outcome data set for stroke [currently under review].. Nevertheless, the ICHOM doesn't currently advocate the specific collection of data relating to cognitive impairment or emotional problems secondary to stroke. It is in these important aspects that this study will augment the data set currently advocated by ICHOM to collect data in the areas of cognitive impairment and emotional problems secondary to stroke. Therefore, the aim of this study is to quantify the prevalence of morbidity at six months post-stroke.

NCT ID: NCT03592563 Recruiting - Stroke Clinical Trials

CUHK Brain Health Longitudinal Study

Start date: July 1, 2019
Study type: Observational

The goal of this study is to develop a large longitudinal cohort of individuals diagnosed with or at high risk for brain diseases (both neurological and psychiatric in nature), in order to identify risk factors that contribute to neurological and psychiatric diseases over time. The investigators seek to capture relevant information from medical records, electronically administered questionnaires and follow up phone-based interviews. The investigators expect to eventually have sufficient power from our dataset to examine risk factors for a variety of brain disorders, both individually and in aggregate. Our ultimate goal is to offer scientifically validated ways to preserve and promote brain health by working with our patients' needs and tracking their progress over time.

NCT ID: NCT03485040 Recruiting - Stroke, Ischemic Clinical Trials

Stroke Motor Rehabilitation and Recovery Study

Start date: June 9, 2017
Study type: Observational

SMaHRT (Stroke Motor reHabiliation and Recovery sTudy) is a longitudinal study aimed at understanding the natural history of upper extremity motor recovery after ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke.

NCT ID: NCT03291392 Recruiting - Stroke, Ischemic Clinical Trials

CUHK Stroke Biobank

Start date: June 15, 2015
Study type: Observational

The purpose of the study are: 1. To make quality, characterized samples and related data available for future studies, including Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS), genomics, and biomarker research; 2. To use these samples and related medical information to answer research questions aimed at understanding the genetics and underlying biology of acquired disease and injury to the brain, heart and blood vessels with the express purpose of advancing the search for effective modalities for prevention, treatment, and recovery; 3. To develop additional operational infrastructure to support this project across the Prince of Wales Hospital and divisions, including (1) tracking of patient consent, (2) management of collection and sample processing processes, (3) sample inventory and QC/QA processes, and (4) release of materials to investigators for further research.

NCT ID: NCT03160131 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Traumatic Brain Injury

Rehabilitation of Visual Function After Brain Injury

Start date: August 1, 2017
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

In Denmark, about 120,000 people suffer from brain damage, of whom approx. 75,000 with brain damage after stroke. Serious and often lasting vision impairments affect 20% to 35% of people after stroke. Vision is the most important sense in humans, and even smaller permanent injuries can drastically reduce quality of life. Vision impairments after brain damage inhibits rehabilitation and enhances other invalidating effects. Reduced vision results in impaired balance, increased risk of serious falls, increased support needs, reduced quality of life, and impaired ability to perform activities of daily living. Restoration of visual field impairments occur only to a small extent during the first month after brain damage, and therefore the time window for spontaneous improvements is very limited. Hence, brain-impaired persons with visual impairment will most likely experience chronically impaired vision already 4 weeks after brain injury and the need for visual compensatory rehabilitation is substantial. Neuro Vision Technology (NVT) is an supervised training course where people with visual impairments are trained in compensatory techniques using special equipment. Through the NVT process, the individual's vision problems are carefully investigated and personal data is used to organize individual training sessions that practice the individual in coping with situations that cause problems in everyday life. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether rehabilitation with NVT can cause significant and lasting improvement in functional capacity in persons with chronic visual impairments after brain injury. Improving eyesight is expected to increase both physical and mental functioning, thus improving the quality of life. Participants included in the project will be investigated in terms of both visual and mental functions, including quality of life, cognition and depression. Such an investigation has not been performed previously and can have a significant impact on vision rehabilitation both nationally and internationally.

NCT ID: NCT02988128 Recruiting - Stroke, Ischemic Clinical Trials

Neurovascular Product Surveillance Registry

Start date: December 2016
Study type: Observational [Patient Registry]

Post market surveillance registry

NCT ID: NCT01716481 Recruiting - Stroke, Ischemic Clinical Trials

The STem Cell Application Researches and Trials In NeuroloGy-2 (STARTING-2) Study

Start date: November 2012
Phase: Phase 3
Study type: Interventional

The objectives of this study was to test hypothesis that ischemic stroke patients having moderate to severe persistent neurologic deficit will have better outcomes with intravenous transplantation of autologous mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) expanded with autologous serum that is obtained at acute phase of stroke than patients receiving standard treatment.