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Sexually Transmitted Diseases clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT01195220 Withdrawn - HIV Clinical Trials

Project AWARE: Using the Emergency Department (ED) to Prevent Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) in Youth

Start date: December 2011
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Project Aware introduces a sexually transmitted infection (STI) screening model for sexually experienced adolescents aged 14 to 21 in a large, inner-city Emergency Department (ED) in the Bronx, N.Y. Project Aware will scaffold routine, rapid testing and counseling for Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) onto an existing, successful, ED-based HIV testing and counseling program, Project BRIEF. Project Aware will educate and motivate youth to use condoms with the aid of a theory-based, youth-friendly multimedia behavioral intervention proven to be effective during the investigator's K23 training. Through Project Aware, the investigators propose to change the paradigm of STI testing. Whereas a view of "HIV exceptionalism" has persisted in U.S. health policies on STI testing, the investigators propose a comprehensive approach, in which efforts to identify, treat, and prevent multiple STIs coalesce in one program. The research study has two phases. In the production phase, new STI material will be added to the multimedia intervention currently used for HIV education. In the evaluation phase, a randomized controlled trial (RCT) will be conducted to assess the effectiveness of Project Aware in identifying, treating, and preventing new STI infections among high-risk adolescents. The RCT is designed to test the incremental effectiveness of three STI prevention methods: (1) HIV testing and counseling (T&C), (2) HIV T&C and STI testing, and (3) HIV/STI Testing plus a point-of-service risk reduction video that incorporates both HIV and STI counseling and education. The study is powered to examine three STI prevention outcomes: (1) the number of STI infections identified and treated successfully at baseline; (2) the number of new STI infections over the 12 months following study entry, identified by (a) performing STI testing at each follow-up assessment; and (b) obtaining anonymized rate data on STIs reported to the New York City Department of Health; (3) condom use behavior. 600 youth aged 14-21 will be enrolled in the RCT. Youth will be approached in the ED waiting room and recruited by Public Health Advocates. All will complete a survey to screen for eligibility; eligible youth will complete the baseline measures and be randomized. The follow-up data points and measures will be followed at 4, 8 and 12 months (4 time points) and STI testing will be included.

NCT ID: NCT01184157 Completed - Gonorrhea Clinical Trials

Randomized Trial of Home Versus Clinic-based Screening for Sexually Transmitted Infections

Start date: n/a
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This study randomizes women using long-acting reversible methods of contraception to home-based STD screening through the mail compared to screening available in a clinical setting. We hypothesize that women randomized to home-based screening will be more likely to complete screening.

NCT ID: NCT01154296 Completed - HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials

HIV Rapid Testing & Counseling in Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Clinics in the U.S.

Start date: April 2010
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Project Aware is a randomized controlled clinical trial in which individuals seeking medical or health services at sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinics are recruited to participate in a multi-center HIV testing and counseling study. The investigators will assess the relative effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of (1) on-site HIV rapid testing with brief, participant-tailored prevention counseling vs. (2) on-site HIV rapid testing with information only. The investigators will evaluate the effect of counseling on one primary outcome: STI incidence. Secondary outcomes will be reduction of sexual risk behaviors, substance use during sex (i.e., being under the influence during sex) and cost and cost effectiveness of counseling and testing. Participants will be assessed for sexually transmitted infections, HIV testing history and sexual and drug use risk behaviors at baseline and at 6-months follow-up. Approximately 5,000 individuals seeking medical or health services from approximately 9 STD clinics throughout the United States will be randomized. These individuals will be 18 years of age or older and efforts will be made to recruit a sample of study participants that reflects the proportion of minorities and gender in the STD clinic performance sites from which the investigators are recruiting.

NCT ID: NCT01144871 Completed - Clinical trials for Sexually Transmitted Infections

Parental Knowledge and Attitudes of Confidential Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) Services for Teens

Start date: September 2007
Phase: N/A
Study type: Observational

This study will provide new and important information regarding parental knowledge and attitudes of confidential STI and related health care services (prevention, diagnosis and treatment) for teens that may be needed to address the STI epidemic. Using both qualitative and quantitative methods, this study will gather information necessary to develop effective interventions aimed at the often neglected parent component of the teen-parent-health care provider partnership by giving parents knowledge and skills to help them facilitate their adolescent's access to confidential STI services as needed.

NCT ID: NCT01142882 Recruiting - HIV Infections Clinical Trials

Comparative Effectiveness of Web-based Versus Traditional Adolescent HIV Prevention

Start date: February 2010
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This study will evaluate the comparative effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a customized, interactive web-based HIV, sexually transmitted infections (STI) and hepatitis prevention intervention as compared to a traditional, educator-delivered prevention intervention. Both interventions will be offered to youth enrolled in outpatient, community-based substance abuse treatment at our collaborating treatment facilities. Outcomes to be measured include accurate HIV/disease prevention knowledge, intentions to engage in safer sex, actual HIV risk behavior, attitudes toward safer sex and self-reported substance use. The web-delivered intervention under evaluation has the potential to deliver evidence-based content at low cost without increasing demands on treatment staff time or training needs.

NCT ID: NCT01136850 Completed - Anaemia Clinical Trials

Intermittent Preventive Treatment With Azithromycin-containing Regimens in Pregnant Women in Papua New Guinea

Start date: November 2009
Phase: Phase 3
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this study is to determine whether repeated courses of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) in combination with azithromycin given at Antenatal Clinic, leads to lower rates of low birth weight deliveries (<2.5 kg) among Papua New Guinean women, than the current standard treatment of SP and chloroquine.

NCT ID: NCT01132950 Recruiting - Pregnancy Clinical Trials

Contraceptive Awareness and Reproductive Education

Start date: February 2009
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this study is to increase the initiation and continuation of highly effective contraceptive use while incarcerated and upon release, as well as decrease unsafe sexual activity.

NCT ID: NCT01090102 Completed - HIV Infections Clinical Trials

Mesalamine to Reduce T Cell Activation in HIV Infection

Start date: June 2010
Phase: Phase 4
Study type: Interventional

The objective of this study is to determine whether 12 weeks of mesalamine therapy added to a standard HIV treatment decreases systemic immune activation and inflammation in HIV-infected patients, possibly resulting in better recovery of the immune system. The study hypothesis is that decreasing inflammation directly in the gut may decrease both of these potential causes of chronic inflammation, potentially resulting in an immunologic benefit.

NCT ID: NCT01088542 Active, not recruiting - Depression Clinical Trials

The Community Youth Development Study: A Test of Communities That Care

Start date: October 1, 2003
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The Community Youth Development Study is an experimental test of the Communities That Care (CTC) prevention planning system. It has been designed to find out if communities that were trained to use the CTC system improved public health by reducing rates of adolescent drug use, delinquency, violence, and risky sexual behavior when compared to communities that did not use this approach. The primary purpose of the current continuation study is to investigate whether CTC has long-term effects on substance use, antisocial behavior, and violence, as well as secondary effects on educational attainment, mental health, and sexual risk behavior in young adults at ages 26 and 28. The continuation study also examines (a) how the interaction of social, normative, and legal marijuana contexts creates variation in the permissiveness of individuals' marijuana environments from late childhood to young adulthood and (b) whether, when, and for whom permissive marijuana environments increase marijuana and ATOD use and misuse from age 11 to 28 and interfere with the adoption of adult roles.

NCT ID: NCT01084395 Completed - HIV Infections Clinical Trials

Reducing HIV Risk Among Mexican Youth

Start date: September 2002
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The broad objective of this project is to test the efficacy of a theory-based HIV risk-reduction intervention, which includes both an adolescent component and parental component, designed to reduce the adolescents' risk of sexually transmitted HIV.