Dynamic Neural Mechanisms of Brexanolone-induced Antidepressant Effects in Postpartum Depression: a Feasibility Study
This is a feasibility study of performing repeated EEG recordings and assessment of affective states during open-label administration of BRX to women with postpartum depression. Study phases will include screening, enrollment, intervention, and follow-up. Subjects will be screened for study eligibility criteria through clinical assessments and self-report. Enrolled subjects will be admitted to the UNC Women's Hospital, where five serial EEG recordings will be obtained, along with frequent assessments of affective state, before, during, and after a 60-hour IV infusion of BRX. Follow-up procedures will include assessments of PPD and affective symptoms, as well as an exit interview with the study team. If feasibility outcomes are achieved, exploratory EEG analyses will be performed with AMICA (adaptive mixture independent component analysis), community detection, and microstate assessment. Exploratory analyses of data collected by facial expression detection software (iMotions Affectiva) are also planned.
NCT05543746 — Postpartum Depression
Status: Recruiting
Exercise Recovery From Persistent Major Depression in a UK Tertiary Care Centre: A Qualitative Thematic Analysis of Barriers and Drivers to Participation in a Structured Group Exercise Program
Depression is a leading cause of disability worldwide and poses a large economic burden in the UK. There is evidence that exercise is beneficial in the management of depression and NICE now recommends group exercise programs as a treatment for people with mild and moderate-severe depression. Research shows that patients with severe depression are less likely to engage in exercise than patients with mild to moderate depression. There is little evidence, however, on the barriers and drivers to participation in such programs experienced by patients with depression; leading to uncertainty in the most effective way to implement these programs. We aim to analyse accounts of patients who have been referred to or participated in the Exercise Recovery Group (ERG), a group exercise program at the Nottingham Specialist Depression Service (NSDS). The NSDS is a tertiary unit where referred patients have suffered moderate-severe, persistent clinical depression. Eligible participants will be patients with persistent major depression who have agreed to referral to the ERG at the NSDS and who are able to provide informed consent. Participants will undergo a one-off 60 minute meeting via MS Teams, including an in-depth semi-structured interview on their experience as well as self-completion questionnaires assessing demographics, depression, anxiety and shame. Transcripts of the interviews will be subject to qualitative thematic analysis addressing questions on barriers and drivers of exercise treatment in depression; and the perceived impact of an exercise group on the individual participating. Themes will be developed to give an account of these questions, supported by anonymised quotes from the transcripts. The questionnaire data (on demographics, depression, anxiety, shame) will be used to characterise the group, in order to help assess directness of the evidence provided for other clinical populations; ultimately helping clinicians to implement exercise groups for depression that are acceptable for patients.
NCT05539495 — Major Depressive Disorder
Status: Not yet recruiting
Individualized Neuromodulation for Anhedonic Depression
This program of research constitutes a three-arm, randomized, placebo-controlled trial testing noninvasive brain stimulation for the treatment of anhedonic depression. This trial is part of a larger, three-site study that will be conducted at UCSD, Stanford University, and Cornell University, with the overarching goals to compare competing interventions tested at each site and to combine data that will allow for the creation of an end-to-end model of anhedonic depression. By doing this, the investigators hope to gain insight and lead to the development of brain-behavior biomarkers to identify who is best suited for the different treatment options tested at each site. An additional exploratory objective is phenotyping anhedonic depression from the acquired measures. Anhedonic patients recruited at UCSD will be randomized to one of three treatment arms to receive different forms of accelerated intermittent theta burst stimulation (aiTBS),a novel form of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) that is an FDA approved treatment for depression. These arms include: individualized accelerated iTBS (Ind-aiTBS),based on both the frequency of brain responses and electric-field (e-field) modeling of brain bioconductivity; standard accelerated iTBS (Std-aiTBS); and accelerated sham iTBS(sham). Treatment will be delivered on an accelerated schedule, over one week. Additional study sessions will occur both before and after treatment to assess for clinical, neurophysiological, and cognitive measures that will allow for both individualization of treatment and detailed assessment of the effects of the different treatment arms.
NCT05537285 — Anhedonia
Status: Recruiting
Psychometric Properties of the Oxford Depression Questionnaire in Chinese Patients With Mood Disorders
Mood disorders are a group of psychiatric disorders that can affect a person's mood, energy, and motivation. Emotional blunting has been observed in clinical practice in patients with mood disorders. Emotional blunting has a negative impact on patients' overall treatment and leads to poorer adherence. The Oxford Depression Questionnaire (ODQ) is a measuring instrument of emotional blunting. The ODQ is expected to be a scientifically valid tool for detecting emotional blunting. The ODQ has high construct validity and internal reliability. However, no scientific validity studies have been conducted on ODQ in Chinese population. Therefore, this study is intended to investigate the reliability and validity of the ODQ in Chinese patients with mood disorders.
NCT05535270 — Mood Disorders
Status: Completed
Guided-internet Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Antenatal Depression - Treatment Effects, Assessment Modalities and Extra Support.
Pregnant women in pregnancy week 8-29 screening positive for antenatal depression will be randomized to either choose or to be allotted by chance to different forms of diagnostic assessment; i.e. telephone, video or face-to-face assessment. Those diagnosed with mild to moderate major depression will then be randomized to treatment with therapist-guided Internet-delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (ICBT) adapted for women suffering from antenatal depression or to the same treatment with addition of up to three contacts with extra support by a midwife or experienced perinatal mental health nurse. The primary aim is to assess whether extrasupport in addition to internet-guided pregnancy adapted ICBT decreases depressive symptoms more than internet-guided pregnancy adapted ICBT only. Secondary aims include effects of extrasupport and assessment mode on treatment satisfaction, fidelity and credibility.
NCT05533138 — Antenatal Depression
Status: Recruiting
Effects of Mindfulness Based Therapy on Patients Perception of Illness and Depression in Cardiac Rehabilitation Phase-i
A randomize controlled trial will be conducted at Punjab institute of cardiology hospital Lahore, through convenience sampling technique on 48 patients which will be allocated through simple random sampling through sealed opaque enveloped into group A and Group B. Pretreatment values of patients' blood pressure, RR, HR, will be recorded. And patient's perception of illness through Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ), PHQ9 for depression assessment and HRQOL for quality of life will be assessed before and after treatment. Group A will be treated with basic Phase-I cardiac rehabilitation. And Group B will be treated with basic Phase-I cardiac rehabilitation along with Mindfulness based therapy. Treatment evaluation will be done after 8 weeks. Data will be analyzed using SPSS software version 25. After assessing normality of data by Shapiro-Wilk test, it will be decided either parametric or non-parametric test will be use within a group or between two groups.
NCT05532605 — Coronary Artery Stenosis
Status: Recruiting
Enhanced Measurement-Based Care Effectiveness for Depression (EMBED) Study:A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of Enhanced Versus Standard Measurement-Based Care Implementation for Depression
Measurement-based care (MBC) is an evidence-based practice that incorporates routine outcome assessment using validated rating scales to guide collaborative clinical decision-making. Although MBC results in improved outcomes for patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), there are barriers to its broad implementation in clinical settings. The use of "enhanced" MBC (eMBC), with mobile apps that allow patients to track outcomes and engage in self-management via WeChat, may address some of these barriers. The investigators hypothesize that implementation with eMBC using WeChat will be superior to standard MBC implementation using paper-pencil assessments at the clinic, for both implementation and clinical outcomes.
NCT05527951 — Major Depressive Disorder
Status: Recruiting
Technology-Enabled Services to Support Care Mangers in Obstetrics Clinics to Treat Perinatal Depression
Investigators are evaluating a Technology Enabled Service (TES) to support the treatment of depression in the context of a collaborative care service in obstetrics clinics.
NCT05525689 — Depression
Status: Active, not recruiting
Probing the Functional and Behavioral Impact of Precision Circuit Modulation in Neuropsychiatric Diseases
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a way of non-invasively stimulating specific brain networks and is an established treatment for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). This proposal will reveal network mechanisms of the therapeutic effects of rTMS by investigating how stimulating each network specifically changes network connectivity and behavior. This will be done in a highly individualized manner in depressed and healthy patients, leading to more effective and more individualized treatments for depression.
NCT05523817 — Major Depressive Disorder
Status: Recruiting
Impact of Real-time Notification of Colonoscopic Optical Diagnosis on Patients' Anxiety and Depression After Polypectomy: a Randomized Control Trial
The accuracy of endoscopic optical diagnosis for colorectal polyps has been approaching histological diagnosis after implementation of image enhancement endoscopic technologies. The real-time notification of possible nature of resected polyp after colonoscopy is expected to reduce the anxiety and depression level of the patients before the availability of histological diagnosis and improve their quality of life. We designed and conducted a randomized control trial to confirm this hypothesis.
NCT05517343 — Depression
Status: Recruiting