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Seach Results for — “Depression”

Effect of Electroacupuncture on Treating the First-episode Depression

Efficacy and Safety of Electroacupuncture on Treating the First Episode of Mild to Moderate Depression

Depression is a disease that endangers the physical and mental health of all human beings. Only 30-40% of patients with initial episode depression are cured after treatment with antidepressants. Acupuncture is a widely recognized therapy to treat depression in clinical practice, and it can effectively relieve the depressive mood and improve related physical symtoms in patients with mild to moderate depression. This randomised controlled trial (RCT) is aimed to investigate the efficacy and safety of electroacupuncture (EA) in the treatment for patients with the first-episode of mild to moderate depression.

NCT05818735 — Depression
Status: Recruiting

Mobile Observation Of Depression - MOOD

Mobile Observation Of Depression

The primary aim of this project is to test if OCOsense glasses can function as a digital phenotyping tool derived from behavioural and physiological signals related to facial expression and motion recorded using the glasses.

NCT05815459 — Major Depressive Disorder
Status: Completed

Sequenced Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Adolescent Depression (STAR-AD) - STAR-AD

Sequenced Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Adolescent Depression (STAR-AD) a Multicentre Open-label Randomized Controlled Trial Protocol

This project aims to investigate the effectiveness of existing common antidepressants and to provide new evidence for depressed children and adolescents who are not responding to their first treatment.

NCT05814640 — Depression
Status: Recruiting

The Effect of Baby Massage on Postpartum Depression and Maternal Attachment

The Effect of Baby Massage on Postpartum Depression and Maternal Attachment in the Postpartum Period: A Randomized Controlled Study

This study was conducted to determine the effect of baby massage on postpartum depression and maternal attachment in the postpartum period.

NCT05813782 — Depression, Postpartum
Status: Recruiting

Combined Effect of Tryptophan Rich Diet and Acupuncture on Depression Related to Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

Combined Effect of Tryptophan Rich Diet and Acupuncture on Depression Related to Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is a severe form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) affecting up to 8% of reproductive age women. It is characterized by physical and psychological symptoms that occur in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, prior to the onset of menses, and leads to negative impact on the psychosocial functioning of affected individuals. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are usually used to treat PMDD but they have several side effects so it is important to use complementary treatment such as tryptophan-rich diet and acupuncture for women with PMDD . The purpose of the current study is to determine the combined effect of tryptophan-rich diet and acupuncture on depression related to premenstrual dysphoric disorder

NCT05813366 — Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Status: Not yet recruiting

Interleaved TMS-fMRI in Ultra-treatment Resistant Depression

Interleaved TMS-fMRI to Evaluate Intermittent Theta-burst and Dorsolateral Prefrontal Circuit Engagement in Ultra-treatment Resistant Depression

This is a study that will recruit patients from the neurosurgery clinic and the regular TMS clinic. It's a smaller study designed to collect brain imaging pre-treatment and then use image guided TMS to treat patient with a one week "accelerated" rTMS protocol using the research TMS machine that is housed in Dr. Sean Nestor's lab. The idea is to examine whether severe treatment resistant depression has a different brain signature than less severe/TRD and whether we can get a therapeutic response from patients that would otherwise undergo neurosurgery or will ultimately undergo neurosurgery.

NCT05813093 — Major Depressive Disorder
Status: Recruiting

Accelerated High-dose Sequential Bilateral Theta Burst Stimulation for Treatment Resistant Depression

Accelerated High-dose Sequential Bilateral Theta Burst Stimulation for Treatment Resistant Depression: A Randomized Double-Blind Sham-controlled Pilot Study

Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and Theta burst stimulation (TBS) are approved by the US. Food and Drug administration (FDA) for the treatment of refractory major depression. TBS is more efficient than rTMS as it requires shorter stimulation time.Studies suggest that the efficacy of TBS could be enhanced and expedited by accelerated protocols (more than once daily sessions) with higher doses of stimulation (>600 TBS pulses up to 3600 pulses per session) and shorter duration of treatment (4-10days). The main objective of this study is to determine the clinical efficacy and safety of accelerated high dose bilateral TBS treatment for patients with treatment resistant depression in comparison to sham stimulation using a randomized double blind clinical trial design.

NCT05811104 — Treatment Resistant Depression
Status: Not yet recruiting

Gut Microbiome and Depression

Role of the Gut Microbiome as Determinant of Depression in Multiple Sclerosis Subjects

The purpose of this project is to determine if specific gut microbiome or gut-derived metabolites are associated with depression in patients with Multiple Sclerosis (pwMS). Mechanistically, the investigators further hypothesize that depression in pwMS is related to decreased abundance of gut bacteria with GABA-producing activities and/or with anti-inflammatory properties. To determine if the presence of depression in pwMS is associated with specific gut microbiome, gut-derived metabolites or peripheral blood immune profiles. The investigators will perform a cross-sectional study in clinically stable pwMS recruited at the John L. Trotter MS Center. The investigators will evaluate the presence of depression using the Quality of Life in Neurological Disorders (Neuro-Qol) depression scale, one of the 13 scales in the Neuro-Qol recently developed by the NIH using modern psychometric techniques and validated in pwMS. A total of 120 pwMS will be recruited: 60 with and 60 without depression based on the Neuro-Qol depression scale. At the study visit each participant will be asked to provide a stool sample for microbiome analyses and a blood sample for peripheral blood immunophenotyping. Potential confounders will be collected and treated as covariates in the analyses. These include: 1) degree of disability (EDSS); 2) treatment with anti-depressants and DMTs; 3) a 4-days food diary to evaluate diet composition; 4) weight and height to calculate the BMI; 5) fatigue; 6) level of physical activity; 7) sleep quality.

NCT05808101 — Depression
Status: Recruiting

Phase 2 Clinical Trial of GH001 in Postpartum Depression

A Phase 2 Clinical Trial of GH001 in Patients With Postpartum Depression

This study is a multicenter, open-label, single-arm Phase 2 clinical trial. Approximately 15 female participants with clinically diagnosed postpartum depression (PPD) will be included in this study. The participants will receive an individualized dosing regimen (IDR) with at least one and up to three doses of GH001 administered within a single day.

NCT05804708 — Postpartum Depression
Status: Recruiting

Advanced Prediction of Respiratory Depression Episode With the Linshom Continuous Predictive Respiratory Sensor

Advanced Prediction of Respiratory Depression Episode With the Linshom Continuous Predictive Respiratory Sensor

Investigators will enroll 320 patients who will undergo non-cardiac surgery, receive supplemental oxygen via face mask, and will be on a continuous pulse oximetry monitor in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU). The enrollment criteria were adapted from a previous study that showed SpO2 values seriously underestimated the severity of post-operative hypoxemia in patients with and without specific risk factors for hypoxemia. Research personnel will screen and ensure that each subject meets the enrollment criteria, and the informed consent is properly executed. Upon arrival to the PACU, each subject will be fitted with oxygen mask containing the Linshom sensor, which will be connected to a Linshom monitor for data collection. A side stream capnography line will be connected to the same face mask and the capnography data will be collected on the Zoe Medical 740 SELECT™ monitor. Additionally, two pulse oximeters will be applied to the same hand (non- NIBP arm), one of which will be connected to a hospital monitor (SoC) and the other to a Zoe Medical 740 SELECT™ monitor. The Linshom and 740 SELECT™ monitors will collect data once every second. Research personnel will then initiate the Linshom CPRM baseline mode and begin recording any clinical intervention (e.g., medications, oxygen delivery change, and stimulation upon detection of changes in patient's condition) that is performed by the PACU staff, paying close attention to, and recording of time at which those interventions occurred. Data collection will be performed throughout the subject's entire PACU stay. The CPRM data collection will be performed passively while the patient is monitored via SoC and will not interfere with clinical interventions that may take place during the data collection. Clinical staff in the PACU will be blinded to the Linshom CPRM data as well as pulse oximetry (non-SOC monitor) and capnography data collected.

NCT05804175 — Respiratory Complication
Status: Recruiting