A Trial of Loving-Kindness Meditation and Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD
This randomized controlled trial will assess whether a novel complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) intervention, Loving-kindness Meditation (LKM), is not meaningfully inferior to another group-based PTSD treatment , Cognitive Processing Therapy (Cognitive Only version; CPT-C) for reductions in PTSD and depressive symptoms. 170 male and female Veterans with current PTSD will be randomized to LKM or CPT-C. The investigators hypothesize that Veterans randomized to LKM will report mean reductions in PTSD and depressive symptom severity that are not meaningfully worse than CPT-C. The investigators further hypothesize that reductions in posttraumatic maladaptive beliefs will more strongly mediate PTSD and depressive symptom improvement for those assigned to CPT-C than those assigned to LKM.
NCT01962714 — Depression
Status: Completed
Mindfulness Meditation for Cognition and Mood: A Pilot Study Evaluating Feasibility and Collecting Preliminary Data
The purpose of this pilot study is to collect feasibility and acceptability of an internet mindfulness meditation intervention for older adults and to collect preliminary data on mood and cognition changes from before to after the intervention. Up to 32 older adults will be randomized to receive a mindfulness meditation intervention or a time and attention control, both delivered over the internet (16 completers). Participants will have a one-hour session weekly for six weeks with daily home practice between sessions. Participants will complete the sessions online with a study iPad. Their home practice will also be installed on the study iPad as well as an objective adherence monitoring program that the investigators developed to track actual home practice between sessions. The feasibility and acceptability measures are enrollment rate, completion rate, and participant satisfaction. Self-report mood questionnaires and cognitive tasks will be measured before and after the intervention period and data used to conduct power analyses and sample size estimation for a larger clinical trial.
NCT01946893 — Stress, Psychological
Status: Completed
Influence of Meditation-Based Breathing Training on Target Motion Management and Distress During Radiation for Abdominal and Lung Malignancies
This randomized pilot clinical trial studies the effects of meditation-based breathing training on patients' control of their breathing patterns and breathing-related movement, as well as on their psychological distress and treatment experience during radiation therapy. Meditation-based breathing training may decrease breathing-related movement and the amount of stress by improving breathing patterns in patients with abdominal or lung cancer undergoing radiation therapy.
NCT01939210 — Depression
Status: Terminated
Efficacy of an Enhanced Mindfulness-based Intervention for Social Anxiety Disorder: A Pilot Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial
The aim of this study is to evaluate the feasibility and initial efficacy of an enhanced mindfulness-based program that includes "mindful exposure" to reduce anxiety and avoidance of social situations, and the Buddhist practice of self-compassion aimed at reducing harsh judgment and self-criticism that is characteristic of people with social anxiety disorder.
NCT01914874 — Social Anxiety Disorder
Status: Completed
The Effect of a Short Term Meditation Retreat on Markers of Cellular Stress and Aging
The purpose of this research study is to examine whether a short term meditation intervention can improve health, mood, and biological markers of cellular stress and aging in novice and experienced meditators compared to controls.
NCT01857830 — Stress
Status: Completed
Effect of a Novel Mindfulness Based Loving Kindness Meditation on Positive and Negative Affect
The primary objective of this study is a proof-of-concept study to test whether a novel mindfulness based intervention, Positive Affect Training (PAT), can enhance positive affect and compassion, and decrease negative affect and feelings of depression. PAT involves a combination of practicing mindfulness meditation and loving-kindness meditation in groups. The goal of the research is to test the initial feasibility and efficacy in increasing positive affect and decreasing negative affect in individuals recruited from the general community who experience negative affect. If the training proves to be successful, we will test the intervention, in additional studies, on individuals with dysthymic disorder and other clinical disorders. PAT is a cost-effective, non-invasive intervention. Therefore if effective, it could be an alternative or supplemental intervention option to existing psychotherapy for dysthymic disorder.
NCT01853098 — Compassion
Status: Completed
Concentration/Meditation as a Novel Means to Limit Inflammation: a Randomized Controlled Pilot Study
Auto-immune diseases are characterized by an inappropriate inflammatory response against tissues in the body and represent a major health care burden. Pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-1β play a central role in the pathophysiology of many auto-immune diseases. Innovative therapies aimed at limiting pro-inflammatory cytokine production in a more physiological manner are warranted. In previous research conducted in an individual known as "the iceman", the investigators found that, through a autodidact concentration/meditation technique, he appears to mount a controlled stress response, characterized by activation of the sympathetic nervous system and enhanced production of cortisol, both of which are known to result in immunosuppression. In accordance, while practicing this concentration/meditation technique, the inflammatory response during human endotoxemia (lipopolysaccharide [LPS] administration) was remarkably low in this individual. Therefore, this technique could provide a novel means of controlling the inflammatory response. However, the aforementioned results were obtained in just one subject, and hence can not serve as scientific evidence for the effectiveness of the concentration/meditation technique. The iceman claims that he can teach this technique to other subjects within a relatively short time frame. Therefore, in the present study the investigators wish to investigate the effect of concentration/meditation on autonomic nervous system activity and the inflammatory response during experimental human endotoxemia in a controlled manner, by comparing a group of subjects that are trained by "the iceman" and practice the concentration/meditation technique with a group of subjects which do not.
NCT01835457 — Autoimmune Diseases
Status: Completed
This research is being done to learn about the effects of doing meditation (sitting quietly and concentrating) on people's ability to pay attention and be relaxed.
NCT01827033 — Meditation Training
Status: Terminated
Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) have impairments in attentional subsystems of alerting and conflict monitoring. Mindfulness meditation may lead to an improvement of these deficits, and reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression. However, the studies that demonstrated these improvements did not use a control group, nor controlled the use of medication. In the present study the investigators will examine the effects of the mindfulness practices (same protocol of 8 weekly sessions used in the study that showed positive effects in this disorder) in the performance of adult patients and healthy people (with ADHD). Cognitive performance, mood, and the quality of life will be assessed by validated questionnaires before and after treatment/standby.
NCT01738334 — Attention Deficit Disorder With Hyperactivity
Status: Completed
The Effect of Meditation and Massage Therapy for Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Autologous Tissue Reconstruction - A Pilot Study
In this study we propose to explore the efficacy of massage therapy combined with meditation in women recovering from tissue reconstruction after mastectomy for breast cancer. Patients will be randomized into 2 groups. The first group will consist of massage therapy on 3 consecutive days starting on the 1st day after surgery. The second group will consist of massage therapy combined with meditation for 3 consecutive days starting on the 1st day after surgery. The effect of massage and massage combined with meditation on stress, anxiety, relaxation, insomnia, alertness, fatigue, tension/muscular discomfort, pain, mood and energy level will be evaluated by using three different surveys.
NCT01736605 — Breast Cancer
Status: Completed