A Prospective, Randomized, Controlled, Multicenter Trial to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (Deep TMS) With a New Stimulation Protocol in Subjects With Major Depression Disorder (MDD)
The BrainsWay Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (Depp TMS) device is intended for the treatment of depressive episodes in patients suffering from Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). The device technology is based on the application of deep brain TMS by means of repetitive pulse trains at a determined frequency. The purpose of the current study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of a new investigational stimulation protocol delivered with the BrainsWay Deep TMS device, for the treatment of MDD, demonstrating that it is non-inferior to the current standard-of-care stimulation protocol, in a randomized, controlled study.
NCT06357832 — Major Depressive Disorder
Status: Recruiting
Psilocybin and Affective Function in Chronic Lower Back Pain Depression
This study seeks to provide insight on psilocybin's effects on mechanisms of chronic pain among patients with co-morbid chronic low back pain and depression (CLBP+D). Participants will receive either a single high-dose of psilocybin (25mg absolute dose) or methylphenidate (40mg absolute dose). Participants will be asked to complete assessments of pain, depressive symptoms, and more general questionnaires regarding the participants experiences during the experimental sessions and the associated enduring effects.
NCT06355414 — Depression
Status: Recruiting
Exercise in Pregnancy and Risk of Postpartum Depression
The prevalence of postpartum depression (PPD) varies between 11.9% and 19.2% during the perinatal period. PPD refers to minor and major depression incidents that occur during pregnancy or shortly after (up until 12 months after birth). The symptoms of PPD embrace feeling sad or having a depressed mood, being uninterested in the new-born, unreasonable crying and fear of injuring or harming the baby. Consequently, PPD can negatively impact the mother's well-being and the baby's development. The impact on a child can be short for cognitive and motor development . Although medication is a feasible alternative, many women have constraints due to continuing breastfeeding. Therefore, exercise can be an alternative that could help to deal with PPD. Exercise can be used as a preventive or treatment of mild depression at an early stage and as an addition to a treatment plan for major depressive disorder. Exercising during pregnancy and postpartum improves psychological health and also benefits physical fitness, weight gain control and the prevention or reduction of musculoskeletal discomfort and pain. Therefore, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists has recommended that women during pregnancy and postpartum engage in moderate-intensity physical activity almost every day for 30 min a day
NCT06355375 — Depression
Status: Recruiting
rTMS Intervention for DMPFC Treatment of Treatment-Resistant Depression Under the Guidance of Personalized Brain Functional Area Dissection (pBFS) Technology
This study is a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial aimed at exploring the effectiveness and safety of rTMS intervention with DMPFC targets guided by pBFS in patients with treatment-resistant depression.
NCT06350396 — Major Depressive Disorder
Status: Recruiting
Digital Intervention for Depression and Anxiety in Adolescents
The goal of this clinical trial is to evaluate the effectiveness of digital interventions in treating depression and anxiety in adolescents. The main question it aims to answer is: Can digital interventions effectively alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety in adolescents? The trial will include a comparison group where researchers will compare the effects of the digital intervention to traditional health education methods to assess their relative efficacy. Participants will be asked to engage with the digital intervention platform for a period of two months.
NCT06349993 — Depression
Status: Recruiting
Efficacy of Digital Problem Solving Application in Reduction of Anxiety, Depression and Substance Use Disorder Symptoms
The focus of this study is the impact of usage of a mobile application to support problem-solving therapy on symptoms of anxiety, depression and substance use.
NCT06346431 — Anxiety
Status: Not yet recruiting
Ambulatory Phenotyping With Real-Time Indices of Discordant Affect Regulation: Exploring Opportunities for Targeted Intervention in Depression
Although treatments for depression are effective for many people, not everyone responds to treatment. This lack of treatment response could be due, in part, to the presence of multiple underlying causes of people's depression. This study aims to identify subtypes of depression, based on two factors: how successful people perceive themselves to be at regulating their affect in everyday life; and how much activity in the parasympathetic nervous system increases during moments when people try to regulate. The study involves ambulatory assessment of affect, regulation strategies, and physiological activity in everyday life, in a sample of young adults with remitted major depressive disorder and healthy volunteers. We will study regulation responses in the lab to further determine how subtypes differ in neural, physiological, and behavioral responses. Finally, participants will be randomly assigned to a remote, self-administered biofeedback intervention (vs. control intervention) designed to increase parasympathetic activity and physiological regulation success. While engaging in biofeedback at home for 10 days, participants will simultaneously repeat the ambulatory assessments. This design will allow us to determine the proximal impact of biofeedback on indices of regulation success in everyday life, and whether biofeedback has differential impact on regulation success for different subtypes.
NCT06345859 — Major Depressive Disorder
Status: Recruiting
A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Parallel-Group Dose-Controlled Study Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of RE104 for Injection in the Treatment of Patients With Postpartum Depression (PPD)
The purpose of this study is to determine if treatment with a single dose of RE104 for Injection reduces depressive symptoms in participants with moderate-to-severe postpartum depression (PPD) as compared to active-placebo.
NCT06342310 — Postpartum Depression
Status: Recruiting
Personalized Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Treatment for Depression
This proposal seeks to conduct a pragmatic single arm, open label pilot implementation to validate our individualized functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) connectome-guided localization approach for accelerated TMS among Asian patients with depression. Participants will be patients with Major Depressive Disorder not responding to standard treatment, with no exclusions to fMRI or transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) (essentially metal implants in the head) and willing to participate in the pilot. All participants will undergo MRI scans before and after the accelerated TMS treatment. The multi-session hierarchical Bayesian model (MS-HBM) approach will be used to estimate individualized connectome-guided target locations. Patients will undergo accelerated TMS applied to individualized connectome-guided target locations (based on the MS-HBM approach). Patients will undergo 10 sessions (each session lasting 10 min) spread out over 10 hours each day for 5 consecutive working days. All clinical outcome data will be collected for each patient by a pre-defined questionnaire at four time points: at baseline, post-treatment, 1 month and 3 months during follow-up. The clinical outcome data will be analyzed using linear regression or repeated analysis of variance (ANOVA) after adjusting for baseline clinical characteristics and socio-demographics. Trajectories of the clinical outcome data at baseline, post-treatment and all follow-up time points will be plotted and compared with time series statistical analysis models with the other clinical and socio-demographic characteristics included as confounders.
NCT06341803 — Depression
Status: Recruiting
Psilocybin-Assisted Psychotherapy for Treatment-Resistant Depression: A Randomized Phase II Clinical Trial Comparing One Versus Two Psychedelic Doses of Psilocybin (PSI-1V2)
The purpose of this study is to see if one or two doses of psilocybin is more effective in relieving depressive symptoms in patients with treatment-resistant depression (TRD). Researchers also want to know if a second dose of psilocybin is safe and well-tolerated. This study will see if psilocybin is effective, safe, and well-tolerated by tracking changes in depressive symptoms, suicidality, and side effects. This study will also see if a second dose of psilocybin has an effect on quality of life, functioning, cognition (thinking, reasoning, remembering), and how long depressive symptoms improve (or worsen) after psilocybin is administered.
NCT06341426 — Depression
Status: Recruiting