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Seach Results for — “light therapy”

Therapy Light Rooms for Improved Sleep in Dementia Patients - DEMLIGHT

Therapy Light Rooms for Nursing Home Patients With Dementia - Designing Diurnal Conditions for Improved Sleep, Mood and Behavioural Problems (DEM.Light)

This intervention study will investigate the effect of therapy light rooms on sleep, circadian rhythms, mood, behavioural problems and function in nursing home (NH) patients with dementia.

NCT03357328 — Dementia
Status: Completed

"iRestore" Light Therapy Apparatus

"iRestore" Light Therapy Apparatus in the Treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia: A Randomized, Double-blind, Self-comparison, Sham Device-controlled, Multicenter Trial

Current effective therapies of pattern hiar loss are topical minoxidil and oral finasteride. Finasteride is an inhibitor of type 2 5α-reductase and will cause hypospadias in male infant if taken or touched by pregnant woman. The effect of minoxidil is still known now but the dilation of scalp vessel might improve the progression of pattern hair oss. However, minoxidil is not effective for frontotemporal recession and sometimes cause scalp irritation. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) a new therapy to treat alopecia. In 2007, LLLT was approved by the FDA as a treatment for hair loss. In some small studies, patients had a decrease in the number of vellus hairs, an increase in the number of terminal hairs, and an increase in shaft diameter. Up to now, however, no longer, placebo-controlled studies have proved its efficacy in this application. According to the mechanism of paradoxical hair growth (PHG), sublethal injury to the hair follicle could stimulate the hair follicle to enter anagen via the release of factors that alter angiogenesis, leading to increased blood flow to the dermal papilla. Furthermore, load inflammation in the papilla nad heat shok response, possibly mediated by HSP27, may play a role in activation of follicular stem cell. This study is a randomized, blinded, self-comparison and superior clinical trial design. In this clinical trial, the investigators try to evaluate the efficacy of low-level laser therapy in treating pattern hair loss. Pattern hair loss is characterized by increased vellus hairs and decreased shaft diameter, and these features are improved by LLLT in previous.

NCT03331003 — Alopecia
Status: Completed

Study of the Efficacy and Tolerance of Light Therapy in Sensitive Skin - SENSILED

Study of the Efficacy and Tolerance of Light Therapy by Light-emitting Diode (LED) in Sensitive Skin

Light-emitting diode (LED) light therapy is increasingly used successfully and without adverse effects in diabetic leg ulcer, chronic low back pain, chronic myofacial pain in the neck and in several dermatoses such as acne, Psoriasis, alopecia areata and skin rejuvenation. A Korean study conducted in 2013 suggested its effectiveness in patients with sensitive skin in connection with rosacea, acne, eczema. The objective of the study is to perform a study in subjects with a sensitive skin without associated dermatosis.

NCT03279003 — Sensitive Skin
Status: Completed

To Decrease Fatigue With Light Therapy - SPARKLE

Improving Sleep Quality, Psychosocial Functioning, and Cancer Related Fatigue With Light Therapy

Cancer related fatigue (CRF) is one of the most prevalent and distressing long-term complaints reported by (non-) Hodgkin survivors. The SPARKLE study will test the efficacy of two intensities of light therapy on cancer related fatigue. Additionally, it explores possible working mechanisms of light therapy on CRF including improvements in sleep quality, psychosocial variables (depression, anxiety, cognitive complaints, and quality of life), and changes in biological circadian rhythms.

NCT03242902 — Hodgkin Lymphoma
Status: Completed

Low-level Light Therapy on Treatment of Venous Ulcers Assesed by Nursing Outcome Classification (NOC) - LASERUVe

The Effect of Low-level Light Therapy on Treatment of Venous Ulcers Assessed by Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC): Randomized Clinical Trial

This study compares the effect of adjuvant treatment of Low-level Light Therapy with conventional treatment in the tissue repair of venous ulcers in patients undergoing outpatient nursing consultation. For the evaluation of the cases clinical indicators of Nursing Outcomes Classification have been used.

NCT03229330 — Venous Ulcer
Status: Completed

Intense Pulsed Light Therapy for Hidrosadenitis Suppurativa

The Effect of Intense Pulsed Light Assisted Hair Removal Therapy on Mild and Moderate Cases of Hidrosadenitis Suppurativa

6 monthly treatments with IPL laser in patients with Hidradenitis Suppurativa. The effect in measured on several severity scores.

NCT03203122 — Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Status: Recruiting

A Study of Low-level Light Therapy Using Photo-activated Modulation Ameliorates Cognitive Deficits

A Study of Low-level Light Therapy Using Photo-activated Modulation Ameliorates Cognitive Deficits by Enhancing Cerebral Blow Flow

The primary objective of this study is to confirm and compare the effect of methods of Low-level light therapy (LED-T) in the mild cognitive impairment.

NCT03192670 — Mild Cognitive Impairment
Status: Not yet recruiting

Light Therapy in Disorders of Consciousness: Behavioral, Neuroimaging and (Neuro)Physiological Assessments.

Luminothérapie Chez Les Patients présentant un état de la Conscience altérée: évaluations Comportementale, de Neuroimagerie et (Neuro)Physiologique.

In this randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled project, the investigators would like to assess the effect of a specific light, as compared to placebo light, on wakefulness (circadian rhythms, homeostasy, sleep-wake cycle), awareness (perceptual and self consciousness), cognition (attention, memory) and underlying brain activity (electrophysiology and neuroimaging)

NCT03174119 — Disorder of Consciousness
Status: Not yet recruiting

Pilot Comparison of N-of-1 Trials of Light Therapy

Comparison of N-of-1 Trials of Light Therapy for Depressive Symptoms in Cancer Survivors

This study compares the effect of two N-of-1 trials on study compliance with an N-of-1 protocol and on satisfaction with participation in an N-of-1 trial. Using within-person analyses, the study also compares the effect of different types of light therapy on mood, fatigue, sleep, physical activity, and side effects within a mild to moderately depressed cancer survivor population. Ten participants will be randomized to the bright white versus dim red light therapy N-of-1 trial, while the remaining 5 participants will be randomized to a dim white versus dim red light comparator N-of-1 trial.

NCT03167372 — Depression
Status: Completed

Light Therapy as Treatment for Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis

Light Therapy as Treatment for Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis

This prospective study will randomize 1:1 people living with multiple sclerosis-associated fatigue to one of two spectra of light therapy. Each participant will be asked to use the light box twice daily at home or at the workplace at preset hours during the day for a total of four weeks. Participants will be asked to record their fatigue on standard measurement scales before, during, and after the use of the light therapy box. The investigators anticipate a reduction in self-reported fatigue following the use of the light box therapy of a particular spectrum of light among people living with multiple sclerosis.

NCT03060759 — Multiple Sclerosis, Relapsing-Remitting
Status: Completed