View clinical trials related to Respiratory Disease.
Filter by:The Transition Navigator Trial (TNT) is a pragmatic randomized controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of usual care plus a patient navigator service versus usual care plus newsletters and other educational materials, to improve transition outcomes among adolescents aged 16-21 who have chronic health conditions requiring transfer to adult specialty care. The study will provide urgently needed data to guide health care providers and policy makers regarding the provision of coordinated transition care. These results have the potential to: 1. Change care delivery 2. Improve health outcomes 3. Improve the experiences of young adult transition to adult care
This is a phase 4, randomized, double-blind, multicenter clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of YMC026 in respiratory disease patients with cough and sputum as the main symptoms
The aim of this study is to investigate if patients hospitalised for medical disease will increase their time spent out of bed during hospitalisation through simple feedback about physical activities from a mobile device. Physical activity is measured by means of a pair of accelerometers embedded in band aids placed on the thigh and on the chest. The measurement is continuous and data is uploaded to a secure internet-server. Summaries of physical activity (bedrest, sitting, standing, walking) is computed and can be displayed on a mobile device (tablet) through a dedicated application. The study will be conducted as a controlled cohort study in a large tertiary public hospital in Copenhagen, Denmark. Patients admitted to Department of Respiratory Medicine will be included and will have their physical activity measured during hospitalisation. Half of the cohort will receive visual feedback about the amount of physical activity from a mobile device placed on the bed table. A total of 108 patients will be included resulting in 6 periods of 18 patients each.
Reviewing providers' current standard operating procedure on Respiratory Pathogen testing
This is a generic sample collection study for collecting blood, stool, rectal swabs, nasal washes, nasopharyngeal aspirates, nasopharyngeal swabs, throat swabs, nasal swabs, and urine from human sources. Subjects will be recruited from BioFire Diagnostics employees and from the general community. Subjects may be asked about recent or ongoing illness at the time of specimen collection and these symptoms will be recorded and attached to the sample. No other identifying information will be collected and the samples will be kept anonymous.The samples may be used internally or by external sites, such as the clinical study sites, for evaluating and determining performance characteristics of in vitro diagnostic devices.
The TRACK ("Test for Respiratory and Asthma Control in Kids") questionnaire is a validated instrument to evaluate the control of respiratory symptoms in young children. The TRACK questionnaire was developed in English and a version in Portuguese is not available or validated, purpose of the present project.
A multicentric study to explore variability when clinicians are intrepreting lung function tests. Comparison with results of in-house built software for automatic interpretation.
To evaluate the compatibility and correlation between noninvasive surface respiratory electromyography and invasive transesophageal diaphragmatic electromyography measurements, as facilitating indicators of neural respiratory drive evaluation during treadmill exercise. Transesophageal diaphragmatic EMG (EMGdi,es) and surface inspiratory EMG, including surface diaphragmatic EMG (EMGdi,sur), surface parasternal intercostal muscle EMG (EMGpara) and surface sternocleidomastoid EMG (EMGsc) were detected simultaneously during increasing capacity exercise in stable patients with COPD. EMGdi,es, EMGdi,sur, EMGpara and EMGsc was quantified using root mean square (RMS), which represent as RMSdi,es, RMSdi,sur, RMSpara and RMSsc.
Background. Mexico is lacking guidelines that provide an integral approach for the prevention and control of respiratory diseases in adults. The World Health Organization (WHO) proposed a "Practical Approach to Lung Health" (PAL) using generic guidelines to be used in primary health care settings for diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases. These guidelines were adapted to the Mexican context as AIRE campaign by the Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias, Mexico. Objective. To evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of implementing a model of care for respiratory diseases in adults based on AIRE guidelines,. Materials and methods. Prospective quasi-experimental pre-post study. During 03-08/2013 (phase 1), investigators recruited consenting subjects older than 15 years of age seeking medical care in primary care centers in Orizaba, Veracruz. Researchers investigated sociodemographic, epidemiological and clinical information before consultation. On patients who had been diagnosed with respiratory disease by a physician, researchers investigated prescribed treatment on leaving the physician´s office. A month later conducted a home visit to investigate clinical outcome. During 09/2014 we trained doctors from the participating health centers in "AIRE" guidelines. From 10/2014 to 03/2015 (phase 2) researchers again surveyed all consenting subjects older than 15 years of age who received health services in the same health centers following the same procedures as in phase 1.
The primary objective of the study is to determine the correlation between mean pleural pressure and oesophageal pressure in the immediate aftermath of bi-pulmonary transplantation. In this research, oesophageal pressure will be measured by a nasogastric tube with an esophageal balloon (also suitable for feeding the patient) usually installed at the time of transplantation, pleural pressure will be measured by several Pleurocath-type catheters (Prodimed Inc, France) which the thoracic surgeon will have positioned at the end of the surgery without additional skin intrusion.