View clinical trials related to Radiotherapy Side Effect.
Filter by:Radiation therapy (RT) is used in at least 50% of cancer patients and is critical in treating and palliating tumor-related symptoms. Normal tissue radiation toxicity remains an overwhelming obstacle in treating cancer patients with localized tumors. Mucositis is the inflammation and ulceration of the oral and gastrointestinal mucosa observed with different cancer therapies. Oral mucositis is a common, severe, and debilitating complication of RT occurring several days to weeks after RT initiation.
Randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded, parallel group clinical trial to investigate if 6 months of oral lithium tablets (S-lithium 0,5-1,0 mmol/l) will prevent cognitive decline after brain radiotherapy in pediatric brain tumor survivors. Primary outcome measure is Processing Speed Index (PSI) 2 years after start of study treatment.
This is a prospective pilot study to evaluate the mean increase of bowel symptoms after pelvic radiotherapy (RT) in prostate cancer (PCa) patient using the validated & newly translated EORTC-QLQ PRT20 module.
Randomized Phase III study, comparing pelvic ultra-hypo fractionated radiotherapy (UHF: 5Gy/fraction) to a standard or moderate hypo-fractionation (1.8-2.15Gy/fraction), both associated to an HDR prostate +/- adjacent seminal vesicles brachytherapy boost (HDR-BT)+ ADT according to NCCN guidelines. Considering that the calculated bio-equivalent doses to the tumor are similar for all treatment options, the UHF technique is deemed to be non-inferior to the standard approach. Treatment acceptability, tolerance and adverse events will be reported and compared for non-inferiority as the primary objective. Secondary objectives are biochemical control, metastasis-free, disease specific and overall survival.
Phase 1-2 study, comparing ultra-hypofractionnated (UH) to a moderately hypofractionnated (MH) radiation therapy, with image guided HDR prostate brachytherapy. Using iso-equivalent doses, a non-inferiority analysis will be done in order to prove UH non-inferior to MH, toxicity wise. Acceptability, tolerability, acute and late toxicity will be reported. MRI visible dominant intra-prostatic lesion will be outlines and variability between radiation oncologists and radiologists will be reported. As secondary objective, biochemical and clinical failure free survival will be reported at 5 & 10 years.
The radiotherapy scheme with extreme hypofractionation has gained space in clinical practice and, therefore, it is necessary to analyze the Brazilian national experience in selected patients with breast cancer, with the aim of evaluating the oncological outcomes and toxicities with the use of this treatment protocol.
The goal of this observational study is to learn about toxicities and cosmetic outcomes in breast cancer patients treated with hypofractionated radiotherapy. The main question it aims to answer are: - Changes in breast skin - Factors related to breast skin changes - Patient-reported outcomes - Cosmetic outcomes Participants will be assessed by multi-dimensional methods before and after radiotherapy: - Photographs - Fibrometer - Questionnaires (BREAST-Q) - CTCAE version 4.03 evaluated by treating physicians
This is a phase II study to investigate the feasibility of Ultra-hypofractionated radiotherapy with or without simultaneous integrated boost for low risk breast cancer patients who have received breast conservative surgery of mastectomy.
To establish if the cardiac radiation dose assesment is well aproximated with routine 3D CT scan compared to 4D CT experimental scan with respiratory gating (breath motion monitoring). The study population relates to left side breast cancers female patients that require a radiation therapy treatment.
The goal of this clinical trial is to learn evaluate the safety and efficacy of the addition of radiation therapy to all tumour lesions, to first line medical treatment with alectinib in non-small cell lung cancer harbouring ALK-rearrangements. The main aims of the trial are to evaluate: - if the treatment combination is safe - if the treatment combination can inhibit progression Participants who have responded to 1st line alectinib will be treated with consolidation radiation therapy to all remaining tumour lesions while continuing on alectinib until disease progression, unacceptable toxicity or another discontinuation criterion is met.