View clinical trials related to Pulmonary Heart Disease.
Filter by:This study aims to evaluate prevalence of sarcopenia and cachexia in patients with chronic cardiopulmonary disease. The investigators will also investigate metabolic disorders like glucose metabolism, presence of metabolic syndrome, body composition and histological changes in skeletal muscle and body fat. Finally, patients will be followed for clinical endpoints.
Historically, ultrasound imaging of the lung parenchyma has been challenging because of the high total ultrasound energy attenuation and scattering by the air in the lungs. However, recent technological advancements have allowed for rapid assessment of various pulmonary diseases via the use of lung ultrasound. Furthermore, it has been shown that clear reproducible Doppler signals can be recorded from the lung parenchyma by means of a pulsed Doppler ultrasound system incorporating a special signal-processing package. The LDS may contain information of significant diagnostic and physiological value regarding the pulmonary parenchyma and vasculature, as well as the cardio-vascular system in general. In a pilot clinical validation study of patients with acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) patients, LDS signals unique to ADHF patients were identified, that superpose on the normal Lung Doppler Signals (unpublished data). These are high velocity "disorganized" variable signals that are not synchronous with the cardiac cycle but rather sometimes with respiration.
Environmental toxins exert damaging health effects in workers. Thousands of responders who worked or volunteered on the World Trade Center (WTC) rescue and recovery effort following the September 11, 2001 attacks suffer from health conditions or may be at increased risk for worsening health. In a pilot study, investigators identified the first evidence of kidney damage in subjects with very high exposure at Ground Zero. Specifically, noted was a preliminary association between the intensity of particulate matter exposure and albuminuria, a marker of early chronic kidney disease (CKD), systemic endothelial dysfunction, and increased cardiovascular risk. The long-term goal is to minimize the risk of CKD and cardiovascular disease (CVD) among individuals exposed to inhaled toxins. The primary objective of this research is to quantify the risk of kidney damage among first responders to the WTC attack and to determine the relationship to particulate matter exposure as well as determine an association between renal and cardiovascular damage in first responders and to explore potential mechanisms. The central hypothesis is that exposure to inhaled particulate matter causes systemic inflammation and endothelial dysfunction that result in chronic kidney and cardiovascular damage. This hypothesis will be investigated in a subgroup of participants from a previously conducted NIOSH-funded study "Pulmonary Function Abnormalities, Diastolic Dysfunction and WTC Exposure: Implications for Diagnosis and Treatment" ("WTC-CHEST," PI Mary Ann McLaughlin). The proposed study will capitalize on unique resources in WTC-CHEST, including the standardized collection of data on particulate matter exposure and shared risk factors for CKD and cardiovascular disease, and cardiopulmonary function testing. The output from this proposal is anticipated to have a broad impact on understanding the health effects of inhaled particulate matter.
Recent data from large trials of high-frequency high frequency oscillation (HFO) without a cuff leak vs, lung-protective conventional ventialtion (CMV) failed to show any HFO-related benefit with respect to outcome. A possible explanation is that HFO increases the probability of right ventricular dysfunction due to the combination of high mean airway pressures (mPaws) and hypercapnia. In contrast, available preliminary data on low-frequency HFO-tracheal gas insufflation (TGI) with cuff leak vs. CMV are suggestive of an HFO-TGI related benefit. Low-frequency HFO-TGI with a cuff leak is associated with relatively low mean tracheal pressures and adequate control of PaCO2. Thus, the investigators intend to test the hypothesis that low frequency HFO +/- TGI with a cuff leak is associated with better right ventricular function relative to high-frequency HFO without a cuff leak.
Many patients admitted to intensive care have heart or lung problems. Patients with these conditions often require longer durations of support from breathing machines. Survival and long-term recovery are improved if the investigators can remove the breathing support quickly. In this study, the investigators will focus on patients with severe lung or heart disease to examine whether a particular type of breathing machine (NAVA ventilator) will allow us to remove breathing support more quickly and with less need for sedative medications, when compared to current practice.
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and mechanical ventilation can lead to right ventricular dysfunction and ultimately right ventricular failure by increasing pulmonary vascular resistances and pressure load. This can be prevented by modifying ventilator settings, using vasopressors or inotropes or even by prone positionning.But to do so, right ventricular dysfonction has to be detected. Echocardiography has emerged as a first line tool to diagnose right heart failure. Recently, strain analysis showed promising results to detect early right ventricle abnormalities in other settings such as pulmonary hypertension or scleroderma. We therefore decided to determine whether 2D strain could help detect early right ventricular dysfunction in ARDS.
This is a study on a population of flight attendants who were exposed to occupational secondhand tobacco smoke (SHS). This research will examine associations between flight attendant SHS exposure and development of respiratory illnesses, reproductive problems, and cardiovascular diseases.
In patients with suspected APE (Acute Pulmonary Embolism) referred to the intensive care unit (ICU)after major surgery, serum NT-proBNP (N-terminal proBNP), Troponin-I and D-dimers were measured according to the standard hospital protocol. To definitively confirm or exclude APE, all patients underwent an angiographic CT-scan of the thorax.
Many studies have evaluated the viability of measuring the pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) by non-invasive methods in patients with pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary thromboembolism, ischemic cardiopathy and valvular disease. The investigators have not found other studies which evaluate the PVR in elderly patients with COPD. The hypothesis is that in patients with COPD, the severity of obstruction, expressed by GOLD class, is associated with an increase of PVR.
This project will evaluate the effects of World Trade Center (WTC) exposure in WTC responders 10-13 years following the events of 9/11. Prior studies have described persistent pulmonary function abnormalities in a significant portion of responders. The investigators study seeks to examine the relationship between pulmonary function abnormalities and other markers of chronic cardiopulmonary disease and further elucidate the pathophysiologic effects of exposure to inhaled particulate matter (PM) on 9/11. This study will provide critical information regarding risk of exposure to PM, risk factors for disease and potential for improvements in diagnosis and treatment.