View clinical trials related to Psychophysiologic Disorders.
Filter by:Specific aims for this pilot study are: (Behavioral health outcomes aim): Among primary care patients, compare the effectiveness of an 8-week mindfulness-based intervention (Mindfulness Training for Primary Care[MTPC]) vs. a 60-minute introduction to mindfulness plus referral to community resources on measures related to anxiety, depression, and stress, and self-management of chronic illness. (Medical Regimen Adherence Aim): Among primary care patients, compare the effectiveness of MTPC vs. 60-minute introduction to mindfulness on the initiation and maintenance of an action plan. (Patient-Provider Relationship Aim): To examine the effects of level of primary care provider mindfulness training on successful referral to program, patient-provider relationship measures, and on patient action plan initiation and maintenance.
The purpose of this multicenter-study is to investigate safety of psychopharmacological treatment and rates of adverse drug reactions in gerontopsychiatric inpatients. Elderly people are at higher risk for developing side effects under pharmacological treatment due to an altered metabolic situation, higher comorbidity rates and often polypharmacy. Furthermore gerontopsychiatric patients can often not articulate their symptoms clearly, for example due to pronounced cognitive impairment. The aim of the study is to gain valid data of possible adverse drug reaction rates, their potential risk factors and outcome, as well as medical prescription practises. To assess these outcomes an intensive pharmacovigilance-monitoring will be conducted at the five participating study sites. At Baseline demographic data, previous and present disorders, use of drugs, previous and present medication, quality of life, cognitive function, physical examination results, laboratory results and ECG will be assessed. Afterwards patients are visited weekly and screened for possible adverse drug reactions. All adverse drug reactions will be coded in the MedDRA-system. In case of a possible serious adverse drug reaction serum levels of all psychotropic substances applicated will be assessed. Drug combinations will be analysed using an established advanced bioinformatic tool (mediQ). Diagnosis, medication intake and possible adverse drug reactions are documented continually. 2 weeks after discharge from the ward, patients will be contacted by phone to assess catamnestic data.
More and more people suffer from stress-related illness and ailments that can greatly affect the individual's experienced quality of life and sense of coping since pain, physical, mental and social functioning are closely linked. Many of these people will seek primary care for help, and thus be referred to the Norwegian psychomotor physiotherapy (NPMP) performed by physiotherapists in primary care. Data shows that for the first three months of 2009, 42% of patients were referred to NPMP had a musculoskeletal diagnosis as the first diagnosis, often in the form of long-term and comprehensive pain problems. Many of the patients also had emotional difficulties, but without being diagnosed with mental illness. 23% of patients who were referred to NPMP had a psychiatric diagnosis as the first diagnosis. The full range of psychiatric diagnoses are represented, but the majority of patients were treated for anxiety and depression. The investigators want to let people who have had NPMP treatment to consider what effect the treatment has given, measured by separate registrations of quality of life, pain, physical, mental and social functioning.
Cases of physical and psychological stress problems is the need to prevent the risk of depression, primary care model will help to prevent depression. Many scholars have advocated for depression treatment not only concern symptom control and relief, prevention of recurrence should also be aware. The literature found cases had depression, with cognitive strategy bias , may cause recurrence of depression, under the influence of stress. The study was to assist the physical and mental disorder patient caused by stress and depression patient having cognitive and emotional regulation, and increased adapting Ability by ongoing two separate treatment groups ,Mindfulness-based Cognitive Group Therapy and psycho-physiological stress regulation Group Therapy. In addition, psychological groups can also help regulation daily Trivia stress, study will try to know about how group therapy's effects on patient's immune system.Research has three purposes,to validation 2 group model's results in assisting psycho-physiological stressed and depression patient, to establish group leader training center and prepare groups' standard procedure manuals,and to understand the patient's psycho-physical stress reaction on the immune system and fat cell hormone.
The purpose of this observational multicenter-study is to investigate safety of psychopharmacological treatment and rates of adverse drug reactions in gerontopsychiatric inpatients. Elderly people are at higher risk for developing side effects under pharmacological treatment due to an altered metabolic situation, higher comorbidity rates and often polypharmacy. Furthermore gerontopsychiatric patients can often not articulate their symptoms clearly, for example due to pronounced cognitive impairment. The aim of the study is to gain valid data of possible adverse drug reaction rates, their potential risk factors and outcome, as well as medical prescription practises. To assess these outcomes an intensive pharmacovigilance-monitoring will be conducted at the five participating study sites. At Baseline demographic data, previous and present disorders, use of drugs, previous and present medication, quality of life, cognitive function, physical examination results, laboratory results and ECG will be assessed. Afterwards patients are visited weekly and screened for possible adverse drug reactions. All adverse drug reactions will be coded in the MedDRA-system. In case of a possible serious adverse drug reaction serum levels of all psychotropic substances applicated will be assessed. Drug combinations will be analysed using an established advanced bioinformatic tool (mediQ). Diagnosis, medication intake and possible adverse drug reactions are documented continually. 2 weeks after discharge from the ward, patients will be contacted by phone to assess catamnestic data.
Menopausal syndromes includes somatic symptom, psychosomatic symptoms, sexual dysfunction and even urinary symptoms. Hormone therapy (HT) is widely used for controlling menopausal symptoms. Common HT for menopausal syndrome with intact uterus includes tibolone, estradiol valerate (E2V) 1mg & medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) 2.5 mg, and conjugated equine estrogens & MPA. However, only a few literatures mentioned about the therapeutic effect of tibolone, but lack of comparison research about their therapeutic effect on somatic symptoms, psychosomatic symptoms, sexual dysfunction and even urinary symptoms. The knowledge of the above therapeutic effects should be important for choosing a suitable medication. Therefore, the aim of this study is to assess the therapeutic effect on somatic symptoms, psychosomatic symptoms, sexual dysfunction and even urinary symptoms between tibolone and E2V/MPA.
Psychological stress occurs when an individual perceives that environmental demands tax or exceed his or her adaptive capacity. In this view, stressful experiences are conceptualized as person-environment transactions, whose result is dependent on the impact of the external stimulus. This is mediated by the person's appraisal of the significance of the stimulus, of the personal, social and cultural resources available and of the efficacy of the coping efforts. Extreme levels of stress can have a negative influence on one's professional life and can disrupt both the social and personal life of an individual. Stress can also cause different physiological and psychological disorders such as anxiety, chronic headaches, depression, withdrawal symptoms, nausea, phobias, blood pressure problems, heart impairments and others. Stress Management Therapy can help to overcome counter effects of stress. Usually various techniques are used including relaxation, interaction, biofeedback and Cognitive Behavior Therapy methods. According to the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews the best validated approach covering both stress management and stress treatment is the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) approach. The trouble with stress is that it is very personal. Thus, stress-related disorders depend a great deal on how the person experiencing a stressor is put together —psychologically and physically. So the focus for assessment, prediction and treatment has to be the person's situated experience. To overcome the above limitations, the INTERSTRESS project suggests the adoption of a new paradigm for e-health - Interreality - that integrates contextualized assessment and treatment within a hybrid environment, bridging physical and virtual world. From the clinical point of view the INTERSTRESS solution may offer the following innovations to current traditional protocols for stress management: - Objective and quantitative assessment of user's stress level using biosensors and behavioral analysis; - Provision of warnings and motivating feedbacks to improve self awareness, compliance and long term outcome; - Decision Support System (DSS) for treatment planning through data fusion and detection algorithms.
Neuropattern™, a new diagnostic tool for stress related disorders is being applied in a demanding workplace environment. Neuropattern™ aims at identifying stress-related bodily changes at an early stage. By identifying subgroups based on Neuropattern™ subjects gain access to online counseling specified according to their Neuropattern™ diagnosis. Efficacy is being assessed by several questionnaires in a follow-up.
This project evaluates the outcomes of a work rehabilitation program, Redesigning Daily Occupations (ReDO), for women with stress-related disorders. The ReDO intervention focuses on how people compose their everyday lives. The basic idea is that re-structuring of an individual's lifestyle and pattern of daily occupations will lead to a healthier balance between the occupations of everyday life, and that this balance will promote wellness and increased work capacity. The program is group based and comprises 16 weeks. The aim is to evaluate ReDO for women with stress-related disorders. The project, which covers the time period from entering the program to a 12-month follow-up, is a quasi-experimental study. 42 women who entered the program and fitted the selection criteria were included. A matched comparison group was selected among those clients at the Social Insurance Office who get "care-as-usual" (CAU). Both groups are followed prospectively and are compared regarding return to work, sick leave, and different aspects of health and well-being. The hypothesis is that the ReDO group will improve more than the CAU group in all these respects.