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Physical Therapy clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT05875207 Recruiting - Chronic Pain Clinical Trials

Physical Therapy Integrated With Mindfulness for Patients With Chronic Pain and Opioid Treatment

Start date: August 14, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This study will use multiple methods to assess the feasibility of conducting a fully powered multisite clinical trial to test the effectiveness of integrating mindfulness-based interventions into physical therapy for patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain and long-term opioid treatment. First, researchers will develop a manual for training physical therapists to provide mindfulness-based interventions to patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain and long-term opioid treatment. Next, the researchers will evaluate the competency of physical therapists to provided mindfulness-based interventions after being randomized to one of 3 different mindfulness training arms. Patients scheduled for physical therapy with the randomized physical therapists will be invited to enroll in the study. These patients will be asked to complete a variety of patient reported outcomes including self-reported average pain and the the amount of prescription opioid pain medication taken.

NCT ID: NCT05870254 Recruiting - Multiple Sclerosis Clinical Trials

Exergaming With Immersive Virtual Reality For People With Multiple Sclerosis (ExeRVIEM)

Start date: January 29, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

TITLE: Exergaming with Immersive Virtual Reality for people with Multiple Sclerosis INTRO: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune and chronic neurodegenerative pathology caused by loss of the myelin sheath in the nervous system, causing motor, cognitive, behavioral and sensory symptoms. Conventional physiotherapy often includes exercise therapies, based on repetitive performances that can sometimes be unmotivating for patients. Immersive Virtual Reality could offer programs based on exercise (exergames) that are motivating, as well as appropriate to the therapeutic objectives of the target group. This tool has already been successfully tested in other groups (post stroke, Parkinson's,...) with promising results. Our ExeRVIEM project (Exergaming with Immersive Virtual Reality in Multiple Sclerosis) represents a new strategy to improve functionality in people with MS, using an exercise program with Virtual Reality glasses. HYPOTHESIS: The practice of the ExeRVIEM protocol based on physical function training in people with MS contributes to the maintenance and improvement of functional capacities, reducing the number of falls and increasing their personal autonomy. GENERAL OBJECTIVES: 1.1 Design and implement an ExeRVIEM exercise program/protocol to improve balance in older people 1.2 Analyze the effects of this ExeRVIEM program/protocol, in the short and medium term in people who attend an Association of patients. 1.3 Identify if there is a relationship between the variables that induce frailty and functional dependence and the ExeRVIEM protocol. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: 2.1 Determine and apply the ExeRVIEM protocol to explore differential effects for 6 minutes a day (2 days a week for 8 weeks). 2.1.1 Improving the functional independence and mobility of people by improving balance, reducing the risk of falls and the correct development of activities of daily living. 2.1.2 Gait improvement. 2.1.3 Improved functionality. 2.1.4 Improving grip strength. 2.1.5 Improving reaction times. 2.1.6 Improving the perception of fatigue 2.2 Determine the influence of parameters related to exposure to RVI. 2.2.1 Safety of the virtual reality exhibition 2.2.2 Usability of the virtual reality exhibition 2.2.3 Personal experiences and satisfaction of the virtual reality exhibition METHODS: Design: Randomized controlled trial. People diagnosed with MS who attend the AVEMPO VIGO center in Spain on a regular basis will be invited to participate in the study. After they meet the selection criteria, they will be assigned to an experimental group and a control group. Information on the sociodemographic characteristics and a clinical history of the participants will be collected. Intervention: Two groups (experimental and control). The experimental group will carry out the ExeRVIEM protocol sessions (6 min) focused on the upper and lower limbs. (2 sessions per week for 8 weeks). All sessions will begin with a warm-up focused on stimulating coordination and joint mobilization, so that the body is predisposed both centrally and peripherally to carry out the session and will end with a stretching routine accompanied by breathing calm and controlled cycles. The session will be supervised by the center's physiotherapist or occupational therapist. The control group will continue with the usual activities proposed by the center team. Evaluations: 3 evaluations will be carried out: initial, final (at 8 weeks) and follow-up (one month after the end of the program). The contents of the evaluations will be: Patient characteristics: "Ad hoc" record sheet that will include data on age, sex, years since diagnosis, MS subtype, and drug treatment. 1. ExeRVIEM protocol. Safety (Simulator Sickness Questionnaire), Usability (System Usability Scale) and personal experiences (Game Experience Questionnaire and "ad hoc" interview notebook) 2. Balance, gait and risk of falling (Tinetti Test) 3. Functional mobility and lower limb strength (Five times sit to stand test) 4. Functional autonomy (Timed Up and Go Test- simple and cognitive) 5. Fatigue (Fatigue Severity Scale) 6 Handgrip (dynamometer) 7. Reaction time (Rezzil Software) Hypothesis: Our findings aim to support the use of new health technologies in the field of rehabilitation and medical care for people with MS, achieving a feasible and safe Immersive Virtual Reality exergaming program.

NCT ID: NCT05556850 Recruiting - Physical Therapy Clinical Trials

Efficacy of STABL Virtual Rehabilitation

Start date: March 1, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of the proposed study is to evaluate the efficacy of STABL rehabilitation vs in-person rehabilitation following meniscectomy or synovectomy. STABL is a digital health platform that uses computer-vision technology to facilitate at-home post-op recovery for patients while enabling remote monitoring by their surgeon.

NCT ID: NCT05441670 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

Art and Physical Therapy in Pediatric HCT

Start date: October 12, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this study is to compare the effect of a combination of art therapy (AT) and physical therapy (PT) to PT only in children undergoing hematopoietic cell transplant (HCT). Each child will receive daily AT and PT or only PT for 5 days per week for 2 weeks. These sessions will begin approximately on day 15 following the transplant. Prior to starting the sessions and following 2-weeks of sessions, self-care and mobility skills will be measured. During each session, the following variables will be measured: heart rate variability (i.e., time between heart beats) using a small monitor on the chest (about the size of a quarter), walking distance using an accelerometer (similar to wearing a watch), and self-reported happiness and excitability. Although results cannot be guaranteed, it is expected that each group will benefit and demonstrate improvements in emotional state, self-care, and mobility skills.

NCT ID: NCT05419310 Recruiting - Low Back Pain Clinical Trials

Evaluation on the Effects of Two Rehabilitation Treatment and Tape for Functional and Motor Recovery of LBP Patients

Start date: May 12, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The objective of this study is to verify which is the most effective type of rehabilitation treatment (rehabilitation based on core strengthening vs pilates) in patients suffering from low back pain. The secondary objective is to verify whether the use of Kinesio Tape (KT) associated with rehabilitation treatment can have greater effects in the motor and functional recovery of patients suffering from Low Back Pain than traditional rehabilitation.

NCT ID: NCT05345015 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Chronic Low-back Pain

High Frequency RF Current Effects on Muscle Pain and Function

Start date: April 30, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this study is to examine the acute and chronic effects of high frequency electrical current transfer (frequently called "TECAR") on pain and functional movement in individuals with a musculoskeletal injury or pain. The participants will be assigned into an experimental or a control group and outcome measures will be measured prior to, after, 24 and 48 hours following a single intervention session (Acute effects) as well as 3 and 6 months after the intervention (chronic effects).

NCT ID: NCT05133362 Recruiting - Physical Therapy Clinical Trials

Effects of Backward Gait Training With Exoskeleton on Motor Functions

Start date: August 25, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The proposed study aims to optimize patient outcomes and treatment intervention using a robotic exoskeleton in adults with cerebrovascular accidents (CVA, stroke) by investigating the following: AIM 1 is to investigate the effect of backward gait training with exoskeleton on motor function. AIM 2 is to investigate the effect of backward gait training with exoskeleton on depression. AIM 3 is to investigate the impact of social determinants of health and depression on patient adherence to physical therapy.

NCT ID: NCT04778930 Recruiting - Cerebral Palsy Clinical Trials

Physical Therapy for Improving Functionality, Gait and Participation in Cerebral Palsy

Start date: February 1, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Cerebral Palsy is a non-progressive nature lesion of the Central Nervous System, with a wide spectrum of impairments at body structure and function, which has a great impact at activity and participation in the environment. The intensity of participation is influenced by multiple factors, among which independent mobility stands out, through the functional activity of walking. Children and adolescents with Cerebral Palsy present limitations in gait function both at the level of body structure and activity and improving these aspects is one of the main therapeutic objectives in their treatment. Physical Therapy interventions based on task learning and achieving objectives have proven to be effective in improving functional skills, gait and participation. Due to COVID-19, interventions have been interrupted or reduced in periodicity. For this reason, it is essential to provide alternatives to Physical Therapy interventions for children and adolescents with Cerebral Palsy. Telehealth may play an important role both in maintaining function and in monitoring individuals, in addition to bringing the Physical Therapist closer to the natural environment of the child / adolescent through digital platforms. Therefore the aim of this clinical trial is to verify that a Physiotherapy intervention that combines face-to-face sessions with telecare in natural settings is effective in improving the functional activity of walking and participation in the environment of children and adolescents with Cerebral Palsy. The study population are children and adolescents diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy; ages 6-17 years old. The sample of 50 subjects (25 in each group) will be recruited in care centers for children and adolescents with Cerebral Palsy in Alcalá de Henares. The outcome variables are: participation in the environment (Spanish version of the Children's Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment - CAPE), gait speed (10-meter walk test - 10MM), gait endurance (6-minute walk test - 6MM), gross motor function (Spanish version of the Gross Motor Function Measure - GMFM-SP) and static and dynamic balance (Spanish version of the Pediatric Balance Scale - PBS). They will be collected in three moments: baseline assessment (V0); intermediate assessment (V1) at 6 weeks at the end of each group intervention; Final assessment (V2) 3 months after baseline.

NCT ID: NCT04529200 Recruiting - Physical Therapy Clinical Trials

Effects of Comprehensive Fall Prevention Protocol (CARE: Cognitive-Aerobic-Resistance-Exer-gaming) on Mobility Level in Elderly

Start date: January 5, 2019
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Lack of research oriented health care facilities especially rehabilitation department in Pakistan. 30-50 % of population of age 65 years and above have some problems with balance (3) and 75 % of people aging 70 years and above have poor balance which leads to fall related injuries (5). So fall and related injuries are major problem in this age group. All studies conducted so far addresses only one or two aspects of balance training not to all. This study will address all the aspects and develop a comprehensive balance training protocol and will try to contribute to this under research area.

NCT ID: NCT04080401 Recruiting - Physical Therapy Clinical Trials

Effectiveness of a Novel Gaming System on Post-operative Rehabilitation Outcomes After Total Knee Arthroplasty

Start date: June 1, 2018
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a novel, game-based rehabilitation system, consisting a sensor-equipped knee sleeve and a mobile application, on rehabilitation outcomes after Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) surgery, when compared to conventional rehabilitation; where patients learn and perform rehabilitative exercises using printed brochures.