View clinical trials related to Periapical Periodontitis.
Filter by:This study will evaluate the effect of PRF (platelet rich fibrin) on the healing of apicomarginal defects. Healing of the defects will be assessed 2 dimensionaly by periapical radiograph and 3 dimensionaly using CBCT.
This study will evaluate the synergistic effect of CHX + H2O2 when used as an irrigant during biomechanical root canal treatment on periapical healing and compared with Chlorhexidine( CHX) and Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl).
The aim of study was to evaluate the effect of dental operating microscope use on the healing outcome of non surgical endodontic treatment of maxillary molars.
Introduction: Pulpal necrosis may lead to spread of the infection from the pulp to involve the apex of the tooth and surrounding bone which when asymptomatic with periapical radiolucency on radiograph, is called chronic apical periodontitis. In order to eliminate the virulent bacteria and to overcome the inflammation in the root apex, endodontic treatment is the treatment of choice. Bacteria usually survive in the complex anatomy of the root canal system. In order to eliminate the remaining bacteria, various intracanal medicaments have been used widely however, there is controversy over their use and efficacy. Calcium hydroxide (CH) is the most commonly used intracanal medicament between root canal treatment sessions and available in different combinations. Multiple studies have been conducted to evaluate the effect of various types of CH based medicaments but whether CH with iodoform is more effective than CH alone against endodontic pathogens is a matter of controversy. In order to evaluate the true reduction in microbial load from the infected canals, microbial culture is a predictable and convenient tool. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the antimicrobial effectiveness of inter-appointment intracanal medicament with either CH alone (Calcipex) or CH with iodoform (Metapex) for the treatment of infected root canals of teeth diagnosed with chronic apical periodontitis using colony forming unit (CFU). Objective: To compare the anti-microbial efficacy of calcipex and metapex in endodontic treatment of teeth diagnosed with chronic apical periodontitis and to compare two different methods for removal of oil based intracanal medicaments. Method: Approval from ERC is obtained. The selected subjects will be divided in to two study groups using a computer generated randomization list i.e., Group A - Calcipex group (n = 30) and Group B - Metapex group (n = 30). Two samples will be collected from the root canals for evaluation of microbial load after chemomechanical preparation (S1) (before use of intracanal medicament) and after usage of intra canal medicament (S2)(after 7 days). Two techniques will be used for removal of oil based medicaments. Two radiographs will be obtained for each technique, after oil based medicament placement and after medicament removal for evaluation. Data Analysis: Mean and standard deviation of continuous variable will be computed. Frequency distribution and proportion of categorical variables will be determined. Paired t-test will be used to assess difference bet¬ween antimicrobial efficacies within groups of medicaments. Independent sample t-test will be used to assess antimicrobial efficacies between groups. Level of significance will be kept at 0.05. Mann whitney U test will be used to evaluate medicament removal between 2 groups and at three canal levels; coronal, middle and apical.
the study was to evaluate the effect of intra-canal cryotherapy on post-endodontic pain and interleukin-6 expression in teeth with symptomatic apical periodontitis using different irrigation protocols.
Endodontic post-treatment pain management is one of the most challenging problems in the clinical practice of endodontics. Although this pain is decreased after root canal treatment, there may be residual symptoms due to inflammation. It has been reported that up to 80% of patients with preoperative pain, will report pain after endodontic treatment, which might range from mild to severe. Management of endodontic pain should involve all steps of treatment including preoperative pain control through accurate diagnosis and reduction of anxiety, intraoperative pain control through effective and profound local anesthetic, operative techniques and that can be achieved through a variety of pharmacologic agents. Many mechanisms have been proposed to explain the reason for postoperative pain including the sensitization of nociceptors by inflammatory mediators. Among these chemical inflammatory mediators are the prostaglandins which is the terminal product of arachidonic acid metabolism, through the cyclooxygenase (COX) pathway. Endodontic treatment can cause the release of inflammatory mediators (e.g. prostaglandins, leukotrienes, bradykinin, platelet- activating factor and substance P) into the surrounding periapical tissues, causing pain fibers to be directly stimulated (by bradykinin for instance) or sensitized (by prostaglandins). In addition, the vascular dilation and increased permeability as a consequence of periradicular inflammation, cause edema and increased interstitial tissue response. Single-visit root canal treatment is common in some endodontic practices. However, one of the main concerns with this approach has been the fear of post- operative pain. Mechanical, chemical and microbiological injuries to the peri- radicular tissues during root canal treatment have been suggested as possible causes of post-operative pain. The role of irrigating solutions used during root canal treatment to help control post-operative pain is unclear. While certain studies have observed a reduction in post-operative pain with particular types and concentrations of irrigating solutions, other studies have reported no difference in post-operative pain with the different irrigating solutions .
The objective of the study is to evaluate and compare, clinically and radiographically, the outcome of non surgical primary/secondary root canal treatment using a hydraulic sealer or a zinc oxide-eugenol sealer.
Regenerative endodontic procedures have been used to successfully treat human mature permanent teeth with necrotic pulps and apical periodontitis. Many researchers have begun to apply regenerative endodontic procedures to mature teeth in adult patients. Several clinical case reports have shown complete resolution of signs and symptoms of pulp necrosis in mature teeth, even those with large periapical lesions, as well as signs of pulp canal obliteration. thevaim of this study is To assess the regenerative potential of mature permanent teeth with necrotic pulps with platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) and blood clot using radiographic and clinical methods.
PUFA Index was introduced to detect the clinical consequences of untreated dental caries. To date, there are no studies on the reliability and accuracy of the PUFA index as a screening tool. Other than indices, radiographs were sometimes used as a screening tool using the validated Periapical Index (PAI). The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability and accuracy of PUFA and PAI in screening for clinical outcomes of untreated caries, specifically pulpal and periapical diseases. The reference standard is the clinical diagnosis, as categorized by the American Association of Endodontists. Intra- and inter-examiner reliability will be determined using Cohen's kappa. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value will be calculated. Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) contrast estimation will be computed to compare the two index tests.
The primary goal of the study is to compare the success rates of pulpal anesthesia (defined as ability to complete the intended dental procedure without the need for rescue anesthesia) between Kovanaze nasal mist and Articaine needle anesthesia.