View clinical trials related to Pain, Procedural.
Filter by:We aim to investigate the effects of premedication (intranasal or intravenous administration) of s-ketamin, dexmedetomidine, and combination for premedication in children undergoing ENT surgery.
The main objective of the study was to determine the effect of using crochet octopus in order to reduce the acute pain developed during the process of heel lance in neonates. The hypothesis of the study was "Crochet octopus is rather effective in reducing the acute pain in heel lance process for neonates".
This study will evaluate the impact of our smartphone-based Virtual Reality Pain Alleviation Tool (VR-PAT) during the repeated at-home burn dressing changes of children (5-17 years) with a burn injury in comparison with a control group of children with a burn injury who will not use VR-PAT during at-home burn dressing changes. We hypothesize that children using VR-PAT will report less pain during their dressing changes.
The purpose of this study is to compare patient responses during and after surgery when local anesthetic is used for dental treatment under general anesthesia (GA) and when it is not used.
Adult patients aged 18-50 undergoing blood draw for routine lab evaluation will be randomized to a control group or experimental group to assess if the use of virtual reality reduces procedural pain (primary outcome) and procedural anxiety (secondary outcome) during venipuncture.
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the distraction cards, virtual reality and Buzzy® methods on venipuncture pain and anxiety in children aged 7-12 years.
Aims and objectives: This study aimed to determine the effect of music therapy on procedural pain intensity and anxiety and comfort levels in patients during cystoscopy. Background: Cystoscopy is a procedure that is commonly performed as day surgery in urology clinics in order to diagnose lower urinary tract system symptoms as well as to diagnose and follow up tumors associated with the lower urinary system. During cystoscopy, which is an invasive intervention, individuals may experience pain and anxiety, and their comfort may be negatively affected. Methods: This study was a prospective, randomized controlled trial. Study participants were randomly assigned to either a control or music group. The outcome measures were assessed using the Visual Analogue Scale, State Anxiety Scale, and General Comfort Questionnaire. This report followed the CONSORT checklist.
Effect of Soft tissue Therapy in managing Procedural Pain among neonates admitted in neonatal intensive care unit. This study focuses on the Procedural pain management with the help of Soft tissue manipulation which includes various techniques like stroking, petrissage manipulations.
Lavender is a plant whose extracts are widely used in aromatherapy. Lavender has been shown to decrease pain during procedures, and has also been shown to decrease pre-operative anxiety. It contains two compounds, linalool and linalyl acetate, both of which have been shown to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system. The study will be conducted to evaluate the effect of inhaled lavender on pain and anxiety levels associated with specific interventional pain procedures. The study will be conducted in a randomized controlled trial. The trial will include one experimental group who will be exposed to lavender oil infused surgical mask to be worn by the subject, a second placebo group who will be exposed to a almond oil infused surgical mask to be worn, and a third control group who will wear a surgical mask infused with sterile water. Participants will be randomly assigned, and subject will be blinded. Our study will seek at least sixty participants, each randomly assigned either the experimental, placebo, or control group (n=20) to ensure adequate power. The disease characteristics among groups will be similar, with all participants experiencing back pain with or without radicular symptoms leading them to seek lumbar epidural steroid injection or lumbar medial branch block. Pre-procedural anxiety and anxiety occurring during the procedure will be measured by the State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAT-I) questionnaire. Procedural pain will be measured using the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Our goal with this study is to investigate safe, adjunctive therapies that may decrease patient discomfort during interventional pain procedures, and ultimately improve procedural adherence.
Cervical preparation with osmotic dilators is commonly used prior to dilation and evacuation (D&E) procedures to decrease the risk of complications. Women have described the pain of osmotic dilator insertion as moderate to severe yet there have been few studies aimed at addressing pain during and after osmotic dilator insertion. In addition to the discomfort during insertion, pain after osmotic dilator insertion peaks at 2 hours post-insertion with use of a lidocaine paracervical block. One randomized trial found that use of a paracervical block with 1% buffered lidocaine decreased pain with osmotic dilator insertion compared to a sham block. There are adjunct treatments to optimize analgesia with local anesthetics at a variety of anatomic locations. Buprenorphine, a partial mu-opioid receptor agonist, has been found to increase the quality of the anesthetic at the time of administration and increase the duration of nerve block analgesia at several anatomic sites, though has never been studied as an adjunct in a paracervical block. This has been used extensively in orthopedic surgery with significant prolongation of the local anesthetic effect by almost threefold in some studies. Primary Aim: To compare the mean pain score at the time of osmotic dilator insertion among women randomized to a 1% lidocaine and buprenorphine paracervical block compared to a 1% lidocaine paracervical block alone. Secondary Aim: To compare the mean pain score 2 hours after osmotic dilator insertion among women randomized to a lidocaine and buprenorphine paracervical block compared to a lidocaine paracervical block alone. The investigators hypothesize that in patients undergoing osmotic dilator insertion in preparation for dilation and evacuation, the addition of buprenorphine 0.15mg to a 1% lidocaine paracervical block will be associated with lower mean pain scores at time of osmotic dilator insertion compared to women who receive a 1% lidocaine paracervical block alone.