Unstable Angina Clinical Trial
Official title:
A Clinical Trial of Conservative Versus Routine Invasive Management in Patients With Prior Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery in Patients With a Non-ST Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome: a Pilot Trial and Registry.
Background: Most coronary artery bypass grafts (CABG) are diseased or blocked within 10
years of surgery meaning CABG survivors have an ever increasing risk of recurrent angina,
heart attack and death. Given the large number of CABG survivors in the United Kingdom (UK),
and the complexities of their clinical management, their heart health problems and related
treatment are an increasing challenge in the UK National Health Service (NHS) and worldwide.
There is considerable controversy in the NHS and internationally about how to best manage
patients with prior CABG and unstable angina / non-ST elevation acute coronary syndromes
(NSTE-ACS). This is because there is no robust evidence to inform treatment practices or
clinical guidelines since, historically, these patients have been excluded from randomised
trials. This is the rationale for our study.
Aims: Our overall aim is to undertake a clinical trial of conservative non-invasive
management with optimal drug therapy versus routine invasive management in NSTE-ACS patients
with prior CABG during routine clinical care in NHS hospitals across the UK. Our trial is a
proof-of-concept study of feasibility, safety, potential efficacy and health economics.
Hypothesis: A routine invasive approach in NSTE-ACS patients with prior CABG will not be
superior to a conservative non-invasive approach with optimal medical therapy.
Design: The pilot study will involve 60 patients recruited in large urban hospitals (Western
Infirmary, Glasgow Royal Infirmary) and district general hospitals (Royal Alexandra
Hospital, Royal Blackburn Hospital (RBH)) to reflect usual practice in the UK. One of these
hospitals (RBH) has an on-site cardiac catheterization laboratory, whereas the other
hospitals refer patients who have been triaged for invasive management to the regional
cardiothoracic centre (the Golden Jubilee National Hospital). In this proof of concept
study, the investigators aim to gather information about screening, recruitment,
randomisation, patient characteristics (including comorbidity and quality of life) and
initial clinical outcomes to inform the design of the definitive trial. The follow-up will
be in line with standard clinical care i.e. 30-42 days and 1 year. The investigators will
hold data in the longer term to enable long-term follow-up analyses. The investigators will
record information on NSTE-ACS patients with prior CABG who are ineligible to take part or
who do not wish to be randomised as part of all follow-up registry of 'all-comers'.
Background: Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery is commonly performed in the NHS and
worldwide based on historical evidence of benefit over medical therapy and more recent
evidence of benefit over percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). According to the national
audit data from the Society of Cardiothoracic Surgeons and the British Cardiovascular
Intervention Society, over 1 million CABG operations have been performed in the UK, with
20,000 - 25,000 operations performed annually since 1994. Although the number of isolated
CABG operations performed annually has fallen slightly (e.g. 17,822 in 2010), CABG combined
with valve surgery has increased. Since the 5 year survival rate after CABG is approximately
90%, several hundred thousand patients with prior CABG are likely alive in the UK. However,
occlusive vein graft disease affects around 10% of patients within 12 months of surgery and
affects at least two thirds of patients by 10 years. Furthermore, disease in the native
coronary arteries may also deteriorate. Consequently, even though vein graft occlusion may
initially be subclinical, angina eventually recurs in most patients with repeat
revascularisation (almost always by PCI) required in nearly two thirds of patients by 12
years. Furthermore, when PCI is performed in these patients clinical outcomes in the longer
term are poor because of restenosis.
Given the large number of CABG survivors in the UK, and the complexities of their clinical
management, their cardiac morbidity and mortality is an increasing challenge in NHS
Chest pain is the commonest reason for hospital admission in the UK and more than 1 in 10
hospital admissions with suspected acute myocardial infarction (MI) have a history of prior
CABG and non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS) patients with prior CABG spend
more time in hospital than those without a history of CABG. According to the Myocardial
Ischaemia National Audit Project (MINAP), 47,162 patients were admitted with an NSTE-ACS in
England and Wales during 2009/2010 including approximately 5000 patients with prior CABG.
The median 30-day death rate of all NSTE-ACS patients in the UK in 2009/2010 was
approximately 7.5% and clinical outcomes in CABG patients are much worse than in patients
without prior CABG. However, since prior CABG status is not an independent predictor of
mortality, the prognostic determinants are multifactorial and strongly influenced by age and
There is an important lack of evidence to inform clinical decision making in symptomatic
CABG patients hospitalised with NSTE-ACS. Firstly, most clinical trials of treatment
strategies in ACS have excluded patients with prior CABG. The pivotal clinical trials which
specifically compared invasive versus conservative management in unstable coronary
syndromes, including Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) IIIb, Fragmin during
Instability in Coronary Artery Disease (FRISC) II, Treat Angina With Aggrastat and Determine
the Cost of Therapy With an Invasive or Conservative Strategy (TACTICS)-TIMI 18, and
Randomized Intervention Treatment of Angina (RITA) 3, excluded patients with prior CABG,
meaning evidence is lacking on which treatment strategy is most appropriate in this patient
group. In the absence of trial data, guidelines for clinicians are based on observational
studies, a subgroup analysis and expert opinion (level of evidence C). According to the UK
National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) Clinical Guideline 94, "in the absence of
more research, consensus expert opinion is the best that can be achieved." Although CABG
patients with acute ischaemia are often managed invasively, angiography commonly does not
lead to revascularisation. PCI, or even repeat CABG, is technically challenging,
complications are common and longer term outcomes are poor. This is especially the case for
repeat PCI in vein grafts. Overall, invasive management of patients with prior CABG is
technically challenging and health outcomes are influenced by the effectiveness of the
procedure and complications (safety). Procedural success is harder to achieve because of
advanced native coronary and graft disease and co-morbidity meaning the procedure is less
often a success and the risks of complications and adverse events (e.g. stroke) are
three-four fold higher than average. Since the internal mammary graft is almost always
patent, redo surgery is rarely performed because sternotomy may damage the mammary graft
(which can be a life-threatening complication) and current guidelines recommend PCI unless
the mammary graft is occluded.
The effectiveness of a routine invasive approach in every-day clinical practice, which is
the approach of many clinicians, is called into question because acute and long term
outcomes are much worse than in patients without prior CABG. PCI in redo CABG carries a
four-fold higher risk of death compared to the index procedure and complications associated
with PCI include bleeding, stroke and contrast nephropathy. Redo CABG confers a much higher
risk than percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Overall, increased age and co-morbidity
are common and key drivers of long-term outcome. Outcomes after PCI in vein grafts or native
vessel disease are poor. For example, in Wales, of 161 patients who had PCI after CABG,
adverse cardiac events occurred in 14% of them by 13 months (mainly related to repeat PCI
(12%). In the UK overall, of 33,652 PCIs performed in 1999/2000, 907 (2.7%) were performed
in patients with prior CABG. Only 1 in 10 procedures were reported as successful and 1.3%
and 1.0% of patients experienced in-hospital MI or death. Ten years on (2009/2010), 8.4% of
all patients undergoing PCI had a history of prior CABG and procedure-related outcomes
remained disappointingly similar (1 in 10 procedures unsuccessful, in-hospital death rate
(1.0%), 30-day mortality 1.5%).
By contrast, the efficacy of contemporary optimal medical therapies in patients with prior
CABG is at least as good as in patients without prior CABG. Furthermore, medical therapy is
not associated with procedure-related complications and potentially may be safer than
invasive management. In contrast to revascularisation trials, patients with prior CABG are
usually not excluded from contemporary drug trials (e.g. PLATO) and the evidence for
secondary prevention medical therapies in patients with prior CABG is reasonably robust. In
fact, some therapeutic trials have specifically focused on post-CABG patients and have shown
that statin therapy attenuates graft disease progression and improves patient outcomes. In
ACS patients with prior CABG, health outcomes are also improved by treatment with
contemporary anti-platelet drug therapies. New evidence-based medicines continue to emerge
including more potent anti-platelet drugs such as ticagrelor and prasugrel and safer
anti-coagulants, such as fondaparinux. Our strategy is also predicated on use of optimal
anti-ischaemic therapies, including novel drugs such as ivabradine, as clinically
ISCHEMIA: Since most patients with prior CABG and an acute NSTE-ACS will be
intermediate-high risk, most patients will be considered for invasive management according
to guideline recommendations. Registries indicate that invasive management only occurs in
about half of these patients in the UK and abroad, and revascularisation only occurs in
about half of those who have angiography. In fact, prior CABG status is an independent
predictor against invasive management. Use of evidence-based drug therapies, such as
aspirin, clopidogrel, ticagrelor is lower in ACS patients with prior CABG compared to in
patients without prior CABG despite the fact clinical trial results suggest these drugs
improve outcomes substantially in patients with prior CABG.
PATIENT POPULATION: The study population will involve patients with an established history
of coronary heart disease who have had previous CABG. Typically, CABG patients who are
readmitted to hospital with recurrent angina or myocardial infarction do so at least one
year after the operation (and usually 5-15 years afterwards). Therefore, these patients are
usually familiar with the hospital environment and will always have had a coronary angiogram
in the past since this is a requirement before CABG. Furthermore, many (e.g. at least one
quarter) of these patients will have had an angioplasty in the past too. Some of these
patients will have had angiograms and angioplasty procedures after the CABG also.
ISSUES RELATING TO ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROME: We will recruit patients with unstable angina or
a non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS). These patients usually have a history
of self limiting chest pain. Usually, the pain is controlled by initial medical therapy and
these patients routinely wait on hospital cardiology wards often days at a time for an
in-patient coronary/graft angiogram. Sometimes the angiography is deferred as an
out-patient. Occasionally, angina recurs at rest or with minimal exertion (refractory
ischaemia) and angiography is expedited. In the vast majority of patients, there will be
ample time (minimum 4 h, usually > 24 h as appropriate) to discuss the Patient Information
Sheet and obtain informed consent.
MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES: Clinical Guidelines from NICE and the European Society of Cardiology
recognise that there is no evidence base to instructively inform the management of these
patients thus patient and clinician preference usually inform decision-making. In this
trial, patients who are invited to participate should be eligible for either treatment
option. In this trial, the type of treatment in each strategy (medical or invasive) will be
as per current practice in the NHS and there will be no additional study interventions.
Usual care diagnostic tests including non-invasive stress testing and CT angiography may be
performed if requested by the attending clinician, but these tests cannot influence the
treatment group assignment of randomised patients.
HOSPITAL TYPE: A group of hospitals will be included that provide different forms of
clinical services. The city hospitals in this trial will be the Western Infirmary and
Glasgow Royal Infirmary. The District hospitals will be the Royal Alexandra Hospital and
Royal Blackburn Hospital. One of the hospitals will have 'on-site' admission and
catheterisation facilities (the Royal Blackburn Hospital) and the other hospitals
participate in a regional model of care with transfer for invasive management to the
regional cardiothoracic centre )the Golden Jubilee National Hospital). The standard clinical
referral pathway in the NHS will be used in this trial.
OBJECTIVE OF THE PILOT: to prospectively gather information on about screening, recruitment,
randomisation and initial clinical outcomes. Other than the randomisation to either medical
or invasive management, the trial will essentially be observational.
RECRUITMENT: will take place during routine clinical care and will be lead by the attending
clinicians who are responsible for the patients (rather than being lead by a research team).
OBJECTIVE OF THE REGISTRY: to understand the characteristics of NSTE-ACS patients with prior
CABG who do not take part in the randomised trial. The reasons for not participating may be
due to the presence of exclusion characteristics, patient preference, or physician
preference. This information will be very important to understand feasibility and also
whether or not our trial will enroll patients who are representative overall. Thus, we will
record information on registry patients with prior CABG who are not randomised and follow
them up in the same way as the trial patients (i.e. case note review, 1 year contact by
telephone or hospital visit, electronic record linkage).
1. To determine whether or not a strategy of invasive management is more effective in
symptomatic patients with prior CABG compared to optimal medical therapy patients.
2. To determine whether optimal medical therapy is associated with fewer major
complications and so might be safer than invasive management,
3. To prospectively quantify resource utilisation in the NHS with each treatment strategy,
derive the difference in the quality-adjusted life years (QUALY) and hence evaluate
comparative cost-effectiveness.
1) Quality of life (EQ-50 at baseline and 6 months); 2) components of the primary composite
outcome; 3) Canadian Cardiovascular Society angina class; 4) secondary care costs.
Unifying null hypothesis: Overall, we hypothesise that a routine invasive approach in
NSTE-ACS patients with prior CABG will not be superior to a conservative non-invasive
For the future multicentre definitive trial that we hope to undertake, we have adopted a
pragmatic trial design. A non-inferiority trial would require a very large number of
patients (and may not be ethical given the large equivalence margin), if a routine invasive
approach proves not to be superior to a conservative non-invasive approach and our safety
and health economic hypotheses prove correct then the trial results would support a
conclusion that a routine invasive approach should not be adopted in the NHS.
Active Efficacy Hypothesis: Compared to a routine conservative non-invasive approach, an
invasive approach in NSTE-ACS patients with prior CABG is associated with a lower rate of
all-cause mortality, recurrent myocardial ischaemia or heart failure.
Active Safety hypothesis: Compared to an invasive approach, a conservative approach in
NSTE-ACS patients with prior CABG is associated with a lower rate of adverse events related
to safety during the index hospitalisation.
Health economics hypothesis: A conservative approach is associated with reduced resource
utilisation compared to a routine invasive approach in NSTE-ACS patients with prior CABG.
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY ADVERSE EVENTS are defined in the Trial Protocol.
DATA MONITORING COMMITTEE - Data monitoring for safety will be coordinated by the Sponsor
and Trials Unit (Pharmacovigilance).
CLINICAL EVENT COMMITTEE - A clinical event committee including 3 cardiologists independent
to the research team and blind to treatment group assignment will adjudicate on the primary
and secondary causes of adverse events. The case reviews will be supported with source
documentation (e.g. ECGs, discharge letter, blood results), as appropriate. The adjudication
decisions will be provided to the Sponsor and Clinical Trials Unit.
Allocation: Randomized, Endpoint Classification: Safety/Efficacy Study, Intervention Model: Parallel Assignment, Masking: Open Label, Primary Purpose: Treatment
Status | Clinical Trial | Phase | |
Completed |
NCT05563701 -
Evaluation of the LVivo Image Quality Scoring (IQS)
Completed |
NCT04097912 -
Study to Gather Information to What Extent Patients Follow the Treatment Regimen of Low-dose Aspirin for Primary and Secondary Prevention of Diseases of the Heart and Blood Vessels
Not yet recruiting |
NCT03610529 -
CardioSenseSystem Compared Study Regarding Efficacy and Safety in the Monitoring of ECG
N/A | |
Withdrawn |
NCT03906812 -
A Randomized Trial of Telemetry Compared With Unmonitored Floor Admissions in ED Patients With Low-Risk Chest Pain
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT01826552 -
Comparison of the Angiographic Result of the Orsiro Hybrid Stent With Resolute Integrity Stent
Phase 4 | |
Completed |
NCT01709669 -
The Impact of Gratitude on Biology and Behavior in Persons With Heart Disease
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT01688648 -
Comparison Between Lidocaine, Dexmedetomidine, and Their Combined Infusion in Subjects Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT01171404 -
Study Evaluating How Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome Are Managed During 2 Years After Discharge
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT01020383 -
Comparative Study of ALX-0081 Versus GPIIb/IIIa Inhibitor in High Risk Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) Patients
Phase 2 | |
Completed |
NCT01167582 -
Myocardial Ischemia and Transfusion Pilot
Phase 3 | |
Completed |
NCT00449826 -
Risk Stratification of Non ST Elevation ACS With Computed Tomographic Angiography (REACT)
N/A | |
Terminated |
NCT00355992 -
The Ischemia Modified Albumin In Diagnosing Ischemic New Events
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT00263263 -
RRISC Study: Reduction of Restenosis In Saphenous Vein Grafts With Cypher Sirolimus-Eluting Stent.
Phase 2 | |
Active, not recruiting |
NCT04929496 -
Physiology as Guidance to Evaluate the Direct Impact of Coronary Lesion Treatment: The PREDICT Study
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT03103620 -
Safety and Effectiveness Evaluation of COBRA PzF Coronary Stent System: A Post Marketing Observational Registry
Completed |
NCT04648306 -
Restore EF Observational Study
Not yet recruiting |
NCT03266289 -
Evaluation of Short Term Outcome of Different Bifurcation Stenting Techniques at Assuit University Cath. Lab
N/A | |
Not yet recruiting |
NCT04403048 -
Drug Coated Balloon for Side Branch Treatment vs. Conventional Approach in True Bifurcation Coronary Disease: PRO-DAVID
N/A | |
Recruiting |
NCT02748603 -
Appropriateness of Coronary Angioplasty in PAtients With isCHEmic Heart Disease
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT01774838 -
Vasoactive and Anti-inflammatory Effects of Prasugrel in Acute Coronary Syndrome
Phase 3 |