View clinical trials related to Optimism.
Filter by:The goal of this randomized trial is to test the effectiveness of two universal classroom-based mindfulness social and emotional learning (SEL) programs (one for students and one for teachers) by examining behavioral outcomes on 5th and 6th grade students and their teachers. The main questions it aims to answer are: - What are the singular and combined effects of a mindfulness-based SEL education programs for teachers and their students on the development of students' and their teachers' social, emotional, and cognitive competence, and well-being? - Can mindfulness-based SEL education programs for students and teachers foster the creation of caring, inclusive, equitable, and collaborative classroom contexts? - Can mindfulness-based SEL education programs support the development of students' and teachers' prosocial attitudes, mindsets that positively impact student learning? - Are the effects durable beyond the end of the programs with regard to the singular and combined mindfulness-based SEL interventions? A total of 24 classrooms will be randomized into one of three study conditions: 1. Mindfulness SEL program for Educators only 2. Mindfulness SEL program for Educators and Mindfulness SEL program for Students in combination, and 3. "Business as usual" (comparison groups in which regular classroom SEL curricula is implemented). Data will be obtained via multiple objective and subjective methods (e.g., self- and teacher-reports, peer behavioral assessments) from different sources (e.g., self-, peer-, and teacher-reports). Data will also be collected to monitor implementation of the two programs. To explore the ways in which these two programs impact student, teacher, and classroom outcomes, data will be analyzed to compare students and teachers in the three conditions. In Phase One (year one), the investigators will conduct an experimental "outcome" study to examine the singular and combined effects of the two programs by comparing pre-test and post-test measures across the three conditions. In Phase Two (year two), the investigators will conduct a six-month follow up with those teachers and students who participated in Phase One in order to determine the degree to which the program effects are durable after the program has ended.
Read more »The primary objective of the study was to determine whether the yoga-based breathing and meditation program SKY could improve wellness indicators in currently practicing physicians. The hypothesis of this study is that SKY is effective in reducing anxiety and depression, increasing subjective optimism, and reducing physician burnout in healthy, actively practicing physicians.
This is a cross-sectional observational study where investigators are trying to see the associations between factors contributing to obesity (dietary behavior and physical activity), resilience (self-efficacy, self-esteem, and optimism), and HRQoL in Indian adolescents. The key research question and sub-questions are as follows: Main research question: Is there a relationship between resilience (measured as self-efficacy) and obesity in children? 1. What is the level of other resilience factors (measured as self-esteem and optimism) among overweight, obese, and normal-weight adolescents? Are there differences between the groups? Are there differences between ages? Are there differences between genders? 2. Is there a relationship between resilience factors (measured as self-esteem and optimism) and HRQoL among overweight, obese, and normal-weight adolescents? Are there differences between the groups? Are there differences between ages? Are there differences between genders? 3. Is low resilience (measured as self-esteem, self-efficacy, and optimism) associated with overweight or obesity among adolescents and a lower HRQoL? Are there differences between ages? Are there differences between genders? 4. What is the level of association between resilience (identified as self-esteem, self-efficacy, and optimism) and factors contributing to obesity (dietary habits - measured in terms of more frequent unhealthy eating, such as eating fast food, sugary beverages, more calories, and less frequent healthy habits, such as more junk foods for meals, less physical activity, higher BMI, or higher weight-for-age Z scores, more body fat percentage and psychosocial factors related to obesity: socio-economic status
Read more »The Covid-19 pandemic has affected global health systems and required healthcare professionals to show high performance. In this process, the mental health of intensive care nurses, who undertake the biggest burden in health systems, is negatively affected by the high working hours and patient care burden during the pandemic. When the literature is reviewed, pessimistic thinking, feeling hopeless and not enjoying life at more exacerbated levels can be observed in intensive care nurses. It is concluded that studies are needed to increase the motivation of intensive care nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic.In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the effect of motivational messages on optimism, hopelessness and life satisfaction of intensive care nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in Brazil, and its treatment, namely surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or hormone therapy, has consequences and side effects that significantly affect the quality of life and associated physical and psychological factors. The practice of physical activity, in turn, may play a beneficial role in these factors, and help the recovery of the patient in relation to the consequences of the treatments. Two types of physical activity can be addressed in the context of breast cancer; Dance and the Pilates method. Thus, the objective of the present study will be to analyze the impact of Pilates practice and dance on quality of life and on psychological and physical factors in patients undergoing adjuvant treatment of breast cancer. Patients older than 18 years who are in adjuvant treatment, namely, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and / or hormone therapy at the Oncology Research Center - CEPON, will be invited to be part of the study. With a randomized clinical trial of three arms, the patients will be submitted to 16 weeks of intervention, and randomized in 3 groups: (A) belly dance protocol group; (B) Pilates method protocol group, and (C) control group who will continue with their routine activities. Sample randomization will be conducted in confidence by one of the researchers in a specific computer program. Information about personal and clinical characteristics, quality of life, psychological factors (depressive symptoms, body image, self-esteem, optimism, perceived stress, fatigue, pain, sexual function and sleep quality) and physical factors (cardiorespiratory fitness, balance , Posture, upper limb functionality and presence of lymphedema). All information will be collected before and after the intervention period. Statistical analysis will use the statistical package SPSS - IBM, version 20.0. Firstly, descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation and percentage) will be used in order to know the data, and then the Anova two way test with repeated measurements and Sydak Comparison Test, in order to analyze the data. Groups of the Pilates method, of the dance and control group. Significance level of 5%.
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