View clinical trials related to Neuralgia.
Filter by:This study is designed to measure how common nerve abnormalities are within a group of patients who feel discomfort within their eyes.
A possible treatment approach for neuropathic pain would employ a process designed to promote healthier function of the ventral posteromedial (VPM) and ventral posterolateral (VPL) thalamic nuclei. This study is designed to employ focused ultrasound technology to target the VPM and VPL thalamus among participants with ongoing neuropathic pain syndromes to evaluate for tolerability and early efficacy.
[18F]FTC-146 is a sigma-1 receptor detector and is an experimental radiotracer. Several studies have implicated involvement of sigma-1 receptors in generation and perpetuation of chronic pain conditions, while others are investigating anti sigma-1 receptor drugs for treatment of chronic pain. Using [18F]-FTC-146 and PET/MRI, we hope to learn what is the best approach to identify the source of pain generation and characterize the disease in pediatric patients with chronic pain.
Amputees often suffer from relentless pain and disability resulting from symptomatic neuromas within the amputation stumps. When conservative measures fail to address these symptoms, two contemporary surgical approaches to treat symptomatic neuromas have become the most popular. Targeted muscle reinnervation (TMR) is a procedure which involves transferring the injured proximal nerve stump into a terminal nerve branch entering muscle, such that the axons from the proximal nerve stump will regenerate into the muscle and thereby prevent neuroma recurrence. Regenerative peripheral nerve interfaces (RPNIs) are muscle grafts placed on the proximal nerve stumps that serve as targets for the regenerating axons from the proximal nerve stumps. While TMR and RPNIs have demonstrated promise for the treatment of symptomatic neuromas, prospective comparative data comparing outcomes with these two approaches is lacking. The investigators have recently developed a novel approach to treat symptomatic neuromas that provides vascularized, denervated muscle targets (VDMTs) for the axons regenerating from the severed proximal nerve stump to reinnervate. This is accomplished by islandizing a segment of muscle on its blood supply and ensuring complete denervation prior to implanting the neighboring transected nerve stump into this muscle. VDMTs offer theoretical benefits in comparison to RPNIs and TMR that the investigators also aim to test in the proposed study. The investigators' objective is to enroll amputees with symptomatic neuromas into a prospective study in which amputees will be randomized to undergo TMR, RPNI, or VDMT and subsequently monitored for pain and disability for 1-year post-operatively. The investigators' specific aims are as follows: 1) Test the hypothesis that VDMTs are more effective than TMR and RPNIs with regards to treating pain and disability associated with symptomatic neuromas; 2) Provide the first level one, prospective data directly comparing the efficacy of TMR and RPNIs.
NI-ES therapy is a treatment that is being studied to potentially treat pain associated with SCI and may help movement below the injury site.
The study evaluates the combined effect of optimized pharmacological treatment, spinal cord stimulation and physiotherapy on pain relief, health-related quality of life and physical function in patients with neuropathic pain. All patients will receive optimized pharmacological treatment before start of spinal cord stimulation treatment. Half of the participants will be randomized to physiotherapy before start of spinal cord stimulation treatment while the other half will start physiotherapy after spinal cord stimulation treatment.
In this study, investigators want to perform the reliability and cross-cultural Adaptation of the Turkish Version of the Neuropathic Pain Symptom Inventory
To study the effectiveness of the pain relief method of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) for women who will undergo suction evacuation under conscious sedation for first trimester termination of pregnancy.
This study intends to compare the patients with pain with those who underwent same procedure without developing pain. The patients with pain and without pain will be further analyzed in respect to clinical differences, biomarkers and genetical differences.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of genetic testing on healthcare decisions and patient outcomes in interventional pain management clinical care. Results of genetic testing will also be compared with the clinical outcome measures collected to discover novel genetic factors that may influence patient care.