View clinical trials related to Metabolic Syndrome.
Filter by:The purpose of this study is determine whether different antiretroviral therapy (ART) changes the effects on body fat and predict the weight change in Black and Hispanic females.
Uncontrolled Gestational Diabetes Mellitus may leads to maternal and fetal complications. These complications can be avoided by adopting the dietary modifications along with medications. Previous studies suggested that consumption of low Carbohydrate diet improves Gestational Diabetes and related complications. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effect of very low carbohydrate dietary intervention on glycemic, glycemic, metabolic, glycated and inflammatory markers.
Culinary medicine has emerged which provides the practical application of nutrition education through experiential learning. Studies have shown that patients with metabolic syndrome who underwent a series of classes that featured nutrition recommendations and cooking classes had weight loss, and improved cardiac health and blood sugar management. Given the increasing focus on providing remote experiences to minimize contact and risk of infection with Sars-COV2, this pilot study at Boston Medical Center (BMC) will integrate a physician consultation, interactive didactic presentations, nutritious cooking and mind- body exercises. Patients with obesity and metabolic syndrome can attend a virtual shared medical visit series co-taught by a registered dietician and chef and an endocrinologist and weight management specialist. Data will be collected in the form of surveys, phone interviews, chart review, and home monitoring to test both the feasibility of running such an intervention virtually and to explore whether attending this one month program with weekly remote classes/visits improves vitals including weight and blood blood pressure and other small habit changes in patients.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of metformin glycinate at dose of 620 mg twice per day plus standard treatment comparing to standard treatment alone (we will use placebo) of patients who have metabolic syndrome or type 2 diabetes, which have severe acute respiratory syndrome secondary to SARS-CoV-2.
Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) and cardiovascular disease are associated with systemic inflammation (SI). Activation of the mechanisms of inflammation is triggered by the inflammatory cytokines. Τhe NLRP3 inflammasome is activated by microbial-derived low molecular weight (LMW) factors, short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), pathogen-associated molecular pattern molecules (PAMPs), damage-associated molecular pattern molecules (DAMPs), and monosodium urate crystals. Probiotics can regulate inflammation in two ways: 1) indirectly, by producing SCFAs as well as increasing synthesis of antimicrobial peptides and 2) directly, by binding innate immune system receptors Toll-like (TLR 2, 4, 9) and triggering important signaling pathways associated with activation of NLRs affecting the formation of inflammasome, thus the inflammatory response.
The randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled multicenter study will be held in parallel groups. During 5 weeks the efficacy of different endpoints as a measure of response to the daily intake of dietary fibers (8 g of either inulin, pectin, beta-glucan or galactooligosaccharides) will be evaluated. Gut microbiota composition, lipids levels, inflammation markers, microbiome metabolites, changes in quality of life and stool parameters will be assessed in order to predict individual response in participants without serious chronic diseases
The balance between hunger and satiety is imperative for an individual's survival and overall health.). Without this balance, individuals can become morbidly obese or lack adequate nutrition for survival. Craniopharyngioma (CP) is a benign tumour that occurs at the base of the brain in children. Unfortunately, pediatric neurosurgeons sometimes inadvertently destroy a child's satiety centre during CP tumour removal surgery. This leaves the child with a post-operative complication: an insatiable appetite. This form of obesity is called "hypothalamic obesity". This study is designed to investigate Deep Brain Stimulation for hypothalamic obesity in n=6 young adults who have stabilized tumours.
Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) include filling, emptying or post-voiding state alterations; producing symptomatology depending of the underline mechanism. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is the most common underlying disease, which increases with age and significantly affects men over 50 years. There are currently no prevention or curative treatment guidelines, as their pathophysiological mechanism is not exactly known. Several factors have been implicated, such as hormones, aging, lifestyle or diet. BPH is associated with metabolic disorders, the basis of which is insulin resistance and its associated pathologies: diabetes, hypertension, obesity, dyslipidemia and metabolic syndrome. Patients without these metabolic signs have a lower incidence of BPH and / or LUTS. Insulin resistance (IR) is associated with greater proliferation and a reduction of cellular apoptosis at the prostate level; leading to an increase in prostate volume or symptoms. Likewise, the autonomic nervous system (ANS) imbalance, both in favor of sympathetic (emptying symptoms) or parasympathetic (filling symptoms), influences LUTS. SNA activity can be measured non-invasively, repetitively and effectively by measuring the heart rate variability (HRV). Caloric restriction with optimal nutrition (CRON, hereinafter only CR) is the most physiologically adapted nutritional alternative to our ancestral needs and has been shown in humans to reduce insulin resistance and associated pathologies. It has also been observed that CR improves the balance of the SNA and allows to improve LUTS. Proliferation inhibition and prostatic apoptosis induction, mediated through CR, by insulin-IGF-1 axis reduction and mTOR metabolic pathways inhibition, are the central axis of this project. CR will be used to reduce insulin resistance, IGF expression and inhibition of the PI3K / AKT / mTOR pathway, to reduce prostate cell proliferation and promote prostatic tissue apoptosis; in this way it will be possible to reduce its volume and improve the symptomatology. Additionally, CR will allow us to evaluate the potential benefits it has on certain metabolic diseases (diabetes, dyslipidemia, obesity, hypertension, etc.), anthropometric values (BMI, abdominal perimeter and skin folds) and autonomic nervous system functionality (HRV) .
The purpose of this study is to determine if a weight loss app (VA MOVE!® Coach App) along with regularly scheduled telephone counseling, will motivate obese people with metabolic syndrome to lose weight and improve the symptoms of the metabolic syndrome, compared to usual weight loss approaches. This study will randomly assign participants to one of two groups, interventional or control. The interventional group will use the app with phone coaching and standard of care for weight loss. The control group will receive standard weight loss care without the app and phone coaching. Weight loss motivation to adopt life-style changes to maintain weight loss and quality of life between the two groups will be compared. The metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a cluster of disorders including high blood pressure, pre-diabetes, the tendency to carry body weight around the waist, and increased fat in the blood. When these problems happen together, there is an increased risk for heart attack, stroke, diabetes and certain cancers. Although the metabolic syndrome is a serious condition, it can be treated with diet, weight loss and increased activity. It can even be reversed using these lifestyle changes. Due to poor success with routine short-term weight loss treatment (group and one-on-one counseling), it is time to address the problem by a different method. Studies have shown feedback devices and weight loss apps have been successful in weight loss and weight maintenance. They are economical (many apps are free), and convenient to use, without attendance at group sessions. Since weight loss is the corner stone for improvement in the symptoms of the MetS, this study will offer a unique approach to support individuals who are committed to losing weight and adopting a healthier lifestyle. Numerous studies demonstrated that feedback via text messaging, and interaction through social networking support groups, in addition to iPhone apps, are all more effective in weight loss measures than group sessions at a hospital site. (Duncan et al., 2011; Greene, Sacks, Piniewski, Kil, & Hahn, 2012; Shaw et al., 2013; Spring et al., 2013). The benefit of these various methods is that they appear to accelerate weight loss and prevent weight re-gain if employed long-term. With technology changing daily, these approaches must be considered an essential adjunct to, or replacement for, traditional group counselling sessions.
The purpose of this study is to test the feasibility of nutrition and exercise counseling program for reducing the incidence of metabolic syndrome in prostate cancer patients on Androgen Deprivation Therapy.