View clinical trials related to Mental Health Wellness 1.
Filter by:The purpose of the study is to further develop and examine the Jump Start Plus COVID Support (JS+CS) program, which encourages improved psychosocial functioning by promoting resiliency in childcare centers.
Patients seeking mental health care and those being discharged from psychiatric units frequently express psychological distress. A lack of routine follow-up and tailored support during these critical stages of a patient's journey can weaken the patient's connection to the health care system, resulting in low adherence and dissatisfaction with treatment, and the need for more intensive therapies. These unfavourable outcomes may result in deterioration of the patient's mental health, readmissions, recurrent emergency department (ED) visits, and extended length of stay (LOS). The investigators propose implementing an add-on supportive text messaging service (Text4Support), developed using cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) principles to augment mental health support for patients accessing different degrees of psychiatric care in Nova Scotia. The primary objective is to investigate the effectiveness of Text4Support, compared to usual care, in improving clinical mental health outcomes and overall mental wellbeing among participants. Secondary objective is to examine the impact of Text4Support on health services utilization and patient satisfaction. Lastly, investigators will explore Text4Support implementation outcomes. This will be a multicenter, mixed-methods, longitudinal, prospective, parallel, two-arm, rater-blinded randomized controlled trial. Participants will be randomized into two arms: the intervention arm will receive the usual care, plus daily automated supportive text messages from an online application, and the control arm will receive the usual care, which includes the freely accessible Health Authority approved e-mental health services. It is planned to enrol at least 1500 participants. Quantitative data will be analyzed using repeated measures mixed-effects modelling, effect size analysis, and correlational analysis between measures at each time point on an intention-to-treat basis. Qualitative data analysis will be guided by the six-phase thematic analysis framework. The analysis of the implementation outcomes will be guided by the RE-AIM framework. The results of the study will provide important information with respect to a comprehensive evaluation of outcomes of a supportive daily text message program; comparability of a supportive daily text message program compared with care as usual; and the impact of a supportive daily text message program on clinical outcomes, patient satisfaction and health services utilization.
American Indian populations continue to suffer disproportionately from health problems including such nutrition-related chronic diseases as diabetes and heart disease. This research project will therefore investigate how a traditional Indigenous food called chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) impacts epigenetic and metabolic health in relation to resiliency markers in American Indian participants. The process of research with American Indian communities is significant in that it can inform best practices in community engagement orientations, approaches, and models in future research settings.
This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the online stepped-care mental well-being system together with offline programs in comparison to care as usual. This study will provide important findings for future health economic analyses of blended stepped-care mental well-being interventions which may increase public's access to mental well-being services and ease the long waiting time under the current public healthcare system. It is hypothesized that participants in the intervention group show (H1) greater reduction in depressive and anxiety symptoms, (H2) better improvement of well-being, (H3) better improvement of quality of life, and (H4) lower incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER), compared to care as usual.
Prevalence of anxiety and depression in the general population is known, but is under researched in the acute hospital setting and there is little evidence on the prevalence of anxiety and depression within the emergency medical admission population. A potential intervention for treating such mental health prevalence would be in the form of IAPT methodology which has been utilised in other parts of the NHS demonstrating good outcomes. Therefore, this feasibility study will explore the utility of IAPT in the acute setting. This study will explore the prevalence of anxiety and depression in the emergency medical population within medical inpatient wards , utilising the assessment tools adopted by the IAPT services and explained in detail below. The study will explore a) feasibility of introducing psychological intervention to an emergency medical ward and b) provide preliminary data on the outcome of this intervention on hospital length of stay and readmission rates.
The COVID-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus represents threats to global health and economy. The high pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 extent that the Mexican government declared a national health emergency, agreeing to take extraordinary measures such as the suspension of non-essential work, including the suspension of academic activities at all levels, in order to minimize the dispersion and transmission of the virus and its consequences. Several previously reported quarantine evaluations have shown that psychological stress reactions can arise from the experience of physical and social isolation, so the current global threat of isolation has shaken the usual practices of the general population, including young people, and resulting in the modification of their academic, labor and social dynamics. The usual behavior in this phenomenon establishes that greater social isolation is associated with less satisfaction with life, higher levels of depression and lower levels of psychological well-being or performance as well as changes in diet. Understanding the factors related to coping with COVID-19 is essential to issue guidance on health in the student population, for that, the present proposal intends to evaluate changes in health parameters derived from the resumption of academic activities in person for a year in university students of health sciences area.
The aim of the present study is to investigate the effectiveness of a nature-based intervention on adaptive psychological functioning. We compared a structured protocol with a high level of nature engagement and involvement of multiple sensory processes with a waitlist control group. We expected that participants in the structured protocol of nature contact will report higher levels of mental health and more positive work-related functioning immediately and three months after the interventions.
Adolescents will complete a 4-week intervention, during which they will either complete a kind act for others, complete a kind act for others with a reflection component, or report their daily activities three days per week. Psychological measures will be indexed before and after the intervention.
The aim of this project is to demonstrate the synergistic effect of TRE and NW training on health indicators for older women. The women will be divided into four groups, i.e. Control group (CG); time-restricted eating group (TRG) which will follow 12 weeks of TRE protocol; Nordic walking training group (NWT) which will follow 12 weeks of supervised Nordic walking training and Nordic walking training combined with a time-restricted eating group (NW-TRG). In addition, it is assumed to prove that among young men, TRE will improve adaptation to endurance training and improve the metabolism. The study will be divided into two groups: 1. a group undergoing endurance training and 2. a group combining endurance training with TRE. In all subject's changes in the metabolism of iron, tryptophan, vitamin D and lipids will be evaluated. Endocrine function of skeletal muscles, mental state and cognitive abilities of the subjects will also be examined. The investigators expect that the applied procedure of temporary restriction of food intake will be easy to apply and continue for much longer than the study period. In order to maintain this time window, test subjects will be asked to delay their breakfast and early dinner intake. In addition, it is expected that the improvement in wellbeing, vitality and a significant improvement in performance and biochemical indicators of health, especially in the NWT plus TRE group, will allow to better understand the physiology of exercise, which may result in future specific health recommendations for people of different ages.
Background: Transition in care is defined as the "purposeful and planned movement of adolescents and young adults with a chronic medical condition from pediatric to adult-oriented healthcare systems/care providers." Currently, there is no Level 1 evidence of an intervention to improve the care of transitioning adolescents and young adults (AYAs) with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The development of a transition program using a biopsychosocial approach will improve the standards for healthcare delivery to transitioning IBD patients. This is a protocol for a structured randomized controlled trial (RCT) to assess the efficacy and impact of a multimodal intervention focused on improving patient function, transition readiness and outcomes among AYA patients with IBD being cared for at pediatric centers in Canada. Methods: This multi-center RCT is a type 1 hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial to evaluate effectiveness of the intervention and how it can be implemented more widely after the trial. We will include patients aged 16.0 to 17.5 years. The intervention program consists of 4 core components: 1) individualized assessment, 2) transition navigator, 3) virtual patient skills-building with a focus on building resilience, self-management and self-efficacy, and 4) a virtual structured education program. The control group will undergo standard-of-care defined by each participating center. The primary outcome will be the IBD Disability Index, a validated measure to assess patient functioning. Secondary outcomes include transition readiness, anxiety and depression scales, and health service utilization rates. Additionally, we will identify the effectiveness of an evidence-based implementation approach and related barriers and facilitators for the intervention program. Discussion: The type 1 hybrid effectiveness-implementation design will allow us to develop a feasible, sustainable, and acceptable final intervention model. The intervention will consist of modules that can be accessed in an online, virtual platform. The implementation will not depend on individual hospital resources, allowing centralization of interventions and funding. The authors anticipate that the main study limitation will relate to study subjects not completely adhering to every component of the intervention, which will be evaluated and addressed using the implementation science approach.