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Major Depression clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT01893749 Completed - Major Depression Clinical Trials

Primary Care Internet Based Depression Prevention for Adolescents (CATCH-IT) Also Known as Promoting AdolescenT Health

Start date: February 2012
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this randomized multiple-site clinical study is to determine whether a revised CATCH-IT (Internet-based depression prevention program) is more effective than a general health education Internet intervention (Health Education)on teens ages 13-18 (inclusive). It is hypothesized that teens in CATCH-IT will exhibit lower levels of depressed mood and/or maintain lower depressive scores over 2 years long-term follow up as compared to teens in Health Education group.

NCT ID: NCT01884025 Completed - Schizophrenia Clinical Trials

Get Moving and Get Well - Pilot Study

Start date: June 2013
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Individuals with serious mental illness have greater morbidity from physical illness and mortality than the general population, but tend not to initiate or sustain engagement in health promotion interventions. Although promising weight management and wellness interventions have been developed for this population, they are very intensive and tend to have low enrollment, high attrition, and low reach. This pilot study will investigate a novel low-demand intervention that may be initially more acceptable, the Get Moving and Get Well! (GMGW) program. The primary objectives of the proposed study are to investigate the effects of participation in the GMGW program on measures of behavioral activation, self-efficacy, physical activity, general physical and mental health, mood, participants' intent to engage in more intensive physical health interventions, and actual engagement in those programs. Results of this pilot study will inform a future full-scale study of GMGW.

NCT ID: NCT01870219 Completed - Major Depression Clinical Trials

Effects of Sevoflurane and Ketamine on QT in Electroconvulsive Therapy

Start date: February 2012
Phase: Phase 4
Study type: Interventional

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of sevoflurane or ketamine on the QTc and Tp-e interval during in patients with major depression.

NCT ID: NCT01851356 Completed - Major Depression Clinical Trials

Brain Inflammation in Major Depressive Disorder Background

Start date: May 8, 2013
Study type: Observational

Background: - Studies have shown that inflammation plays an important role in depression. Brain inflammation may contribute to depression, and may make it more difficult to treat some kinds of depression with current therapies. Researchers want to use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) scanning to study inflammation in the brain. To do so, they will use a contrast agent, which is a chemical that can show inflammation during an imaging study. Objectives: - To see if people with major depressive disorder have increased inflammation in the brain. Eligibility: - Individuals at least 18 years of age who have major depressive disorder. Design: - Participants will be screened with a physical exam and medical history. They will provide blood samples before the scanning sessions. - Participants will have a PET scan after the screening visit. They will have a dose of the contrast agent before the study. This scan will look for possible brain inflammation. - Participants will also have an MRI scan. This scan will take pictures of the brain for comparison studies. - Treatment will not be provided as part of this study.

NCT ID: NCT01830088 Terminated - Depressive Disorder Clinical Trials

Family Based Treatment of Depressed Adolescents (AHUS)

Start date: October 2013
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Major depressive disorder (MDD) affects about 5% of adolescents and is on the rise both internationally and in Norway. Further, it is also associated with increased risk for suicide. Not surprisingly, depression is the largest reason for referral to specialty mental health services for adolescents (13-17 years) in Norway. Although anti-depressants and Cognitive behavioral therapy are strong treatments and have received extensive research, the best treatments show a recovery rate of only 37 %. There is a need to develop and test alternative treatments that can stand alone or augment anti-depressant medication. Family factors play an important role in the etiology, maintenance and relapse of depression. A promising family-based treatment (Attachment based family therapy- ABFT) was imported to Norway and its feasibility tested in a pilot randomized clinical trial with 20 families. The results showed promising treatment outcomes. Although the developers of the model have refined, adapted the model to suicidal ideation and built strong technology to support dissemination, a definitive study of ABFT for adolescents with major depression has not yet been conducted. Therefore the primary aim of this study is to test if ABFT is more effective that enhanced usual care (EUC) to treat clinic-referred adolescents with major depression. The investigators will test the hypothesis that 12 weeks of ABFT therapy will produce a greater proportion of adolescents report remission from depression and symptom change than 12 weeks of enhanced clinical care (EUC). Secondary research aims are i) to test a hypothesis that parent-adolescent conflict will be more sensitive to change for adolescents receiving ABFT that adolescents receiving EUC ii) to explore patterns of change in suicidal ideation in the recruited sample in the acute-phase treatment. Central challenges to the study are i) blinding therapists/patients, which is difficult in psychotherapy trials ii) lack of a standardized control condition, and iii) selecting and training regular staff therapists to high adherence levels. However, with tighter control over these factors than is normal for a typical effectiveness trial, the investigators expect results to show what to expect under the "best of conditions" in community clinics. Benchmark derived from the study will inform how to effectively train therapists and subsequently implement the model into mainstream services.

NCT ID: NCT01824433 Completed - Major Depression Clinical Trials

Comparison of Venlafaxine and Fluoxetine in the Treatment of Postmenopausal Women With Major Depression

Start date: March 7, 2013
Phase: Phase 4
Study type: Interventional

Women are more prone to depression at certain points of the life cycle, although the etiologic and therapeutic implications remain largely unknown1,2. It is reported that pre- and postmenopausal women have a significant difference in response to some antidepressants, within a large clinical trial data set3, 4. A growing number of researches indicate that a woman's hormonal status may influence response to different forms of antidepressant medication. Specifically, younger women appeared to respond better to monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRIs), whereas men and older women have tended to have relatively better responses to tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) 1-5. One difference between these classes of antidepressants is that the SSRIs are strongly serotoninergic, whereas TCAs have predominantly noradrenergic effects. One pooled analysis 6 suggests that older women (age ≥ 50) tend to respond poorer to SSRI, while this phenomenen was not observed with venlafaxine. The antidepressive mechanism of venlafaxine that has both noradrenergic and serotonergic effects is superior to SSRIs. As a noradrenergic and serotonergic antidepressant, venlafaxinee has been demonstrated of significant advantages in response and remission rates compared with various SSRIs. As mentioned above, older women tend to have relatively better responses to TCAs which is predominantly noradrenergic antidepressant. Postmenopausal women with depression also would be predicted to respond better to an SSRI if administered along with hormone replacement therapy 6. This could be critical to understanding age difference in antidepressant responses across the life cycle because circulating estrogen levels may modulate central serotoninergic pathways. Therefore, it is presumed that antidepressants which enhance both serotonergic and noradrenergic neurotransmission, as venlafaxine, may be more effective than SSRIs for postmenopausal women with major depressive disorder.

NCT ID: NCT01811147 Completed - Bipolar Disorder Clinical Trials

Differentiating Unipolar and Bipolar Depression in Young Adults Using fMRI

Start date: November 2011
Phase: Phase 4
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of the study is to find out what parts of the brain have increased or decreased activity and connectivity in individuals who have bipolar disorder, major depression, or no history of mood disorder. Another purpose of this study is to use MRI images to determine which young adults with major depression may be at greater risk for developing mild or more severe symptoms of mania which suggests a diagnosis of bipolar disorder.

NCT ID: NCT01803711 Terminated - Cancer Clinical Trials

Omega 3 FA Supplements as Augmentation in the Treatment of Depression

Start date: February 2013
Phase: Phase 2/Phase 3
Study type: Interventional

To assess the efficacy of Omega 3 Fatty acid (Omega 3 FA) augmentation of desvenlafaxine (DVS) compared to placebo augmentation of DVS when used to treat depression and anxiety symptoms in patients with select medical conditions (cancer, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes).

NCT ID: NCT01792414 Completed - Major Depression Clinical Trials

Transcranial Electrical Stimulation (TES) for the Treatment of Depression.

Start date: January 2013
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This study is a RCT of transcranial electrical stimulation in depressed patients. Mood, cognitive test performance and biomarkers will be measured during the trial.

NCT ID: NCT01788657 Completed - Major Depression Clinical Trials

iCBT for Depression - Standard Versus Condensed Treatment Material

Start date: October 29, 2013
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Internet-based cognitive behavior therapy (iCBT) has been shown effective for depression in several studies, however the investigators know very little about how the written treatment material should be designed to be effective and at the same time acceptable to the patients. The investigators are not aware of any research that has investigated if slow readers, or persons with difficulty concentrating, can use the standard material or if they would benefit more from using an adapted version. In this study the investigators will assess reading speed and the ability to concentrate in all patients and then randomise them to an internet-based treatment for depression using either a standard material or a condensed one. The condensed material consists of 30000 words and will be available as text files and on audio files. The standard material consists of 60000 words and is only available as text files. Both groups will have the possibility of e-mail contact with a personal therapist during the treatment. Patients will be recruited within Örebro County by referrals and self-referrals. The goal is to recruit between 200 and 300 patients during 2 years. The treatment time will be 10 weeks and all patients will be assessed for depression at an interview with a psychologist. There will also be interviews after treatment and one year after treatment. The most important outcome will be depressive symptoms.