View clinical trials related to Low Back Pain.
Filter by:To evaluate and compare the effectiveness of 3 different injection treatments on multifidus atrophy and lower back pain.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of D-cycloserine versus placebo in relieving the signs and symptoms of patients with chronic lower back pain.
The purpose of this study is to collect information about how patients feel when doctors manage their pain after lumbar spine surgery using a combination of EXPAREL® and bupivacaine injected into the lumbar spine at the end of surgery, compared to the patients that doctors use only EXPAREL® or bupivacaine to manage their pain. This information will help doctors determine which approach works best for patients who will receive surgery in their lumbar spine in the future.
Multicentre, randomised, double-blinded, sham-controlled trial with parallel economic evaluation. Patients will be allocated 1:1 to activated 10kHz SCS plus usual care (intervention) or sham 10kHz SCS plus usual care (control) and followed up to 6 months.
This study is a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled, three period crossover clinical trial. The main purpose of this study is to determine if Chronic Low Back Pain patients presenting with either localized or widespread painful symptoms respond differently to treatment with Duloxetine or Propranolol, and if the effectiveness of treatment with these drugs can determined by the presence or absence of SNPs associated with the Serotonin receptor or Cathecol-O-MethylTransferase activity. Each treatment period will be of two weeks duration with a 1 week washout phase between treatment periods. Following a Latin square design, patients will be randomly assigned to one of six different treatment groups, starting their first treatment cycle with either Duloxetine, Propranolol or Placebo and rotating through the other treatments in the subsequent cycles. Effectiveness of treatment will be measured by means of Pain Index as the primary outcome measure, and secondary outcome measures will include Pressure Pain Threshold and the Pain Disability Index, Perceived Stress Scale, Symptom Checklist -90R and the Patient's Global Impression of Change questionnaires.
Pregnant women often suffer from lumbar pain , specially during the last semester . Usually physiotherapy and manual therapy on TRIGGER point help them . But there is also another type of support , the Kinesio-Taping using the pose of a strip which aims to mobilize the muscle without any restriction. The purpose is to reduce the pain with the combo therapy (TRIGGER point plus Kinesi Taping)
The primary objective of the study is to evaluate the efficacy of fasinumab in relieving Chronic low back pain (CLBP) as compared to placebo in participants with a clinical diagnosis of moderate-to-severe non-radicular CLBP and Osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee or hip when treated for up to 16 weeks. The secondary objectives of the study are: To evaluate the safety and tolerability of fasinumab compared to placebo when participants with a clinical diagnosis of moderate-to-severe non-radicular CLBP and OA of the knee or hip are treated for up to 16 weeks; To characterize the concentrations of fasinumab in serum over time when participants with a clinical diagnosis of moderate-to-severe non-radicular CLBP and OA of the knee or hip are treated for up to 16 weeks; To evaluate the immunogenicity of fasinumab when treated for up to 16 weeks in participants with a clinical diagnosis of moderate-to-severe non-radicular CLBP and OA of the knee or hip.
The focus of this proposal is to evaluate the feasibility of a cognitive reassurance training program by examining changes in physical therapist low back pain beliefs and skills with training and evaluating the quality with which physical therapists apply cognitive reassurance to patients. The secondary focus is to examine the association between physical therapist application of cognitive reassurance and short-term changes in patients' low back pain beliefs and expectations.
This study intends to understand the effects of osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) on the expression patterns of 60 immune cell biomarkers in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of each participant, before and after intervention - OMT or seated control. This study will utilize participants with a history of low back pain (LBP), and will identify and validate those immune cell biomarkers that change in most participants after OMT, by using the novel protein subcellular localization (PSL) microarray technology. This study intends to uncover the important immune cells affected by OMT techniques, therefore to uncover the molecular mechanisms of OMT.
The investigators will be evaluating quality of life outcomes in patients who are undergoing routine spinal cord stimulator implant for uncontrolled pain. Patients will be evaluated pre and post-operatively for quality of life improvements, pain control, and functionality.