View clinical trials related to Lifestyle-related Condition.
Filter by:The purpose of this research project is to conduct a preliminary validation study of the Diet Quality Photo Navigation (DQPN) method of dietary intake assessment. In 150 adults, dietary intake as estimated by the DQPN will be compared to dietary intake as estimated by a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) and with blood levels of fatty acids, folic acid, and beta-carotene as biomarkers of dietary intake.
This is a randomized open-label parallel-group trial. 240 subjects will be recruited during 8 months and a 12 months follow-up will be carried out for each one of them. The sample will split in two groups: control group (n=120) who will receive usual psycho-pharmacological therapy and the intervention group (n=120) who will receive usual therapy plus So-Lo-Mo app.
Lifestyle behaviors such as sleep, diet, and physical activity, are implicated in a number of chronic conditions including hypertension, obesity, diabetes, heart failure, and obstructive sleep apnea. Research shows that despite awareness of this fact, patients at risk for lifestyle-related chronic diseases have difficulty adhering to lifestyle change recommendations made by their physicians, and face challenges when attempting to modify unhealthy behaviors. New technologies, such as wearable activity trackers and automated text messaging, are promising tools for monitoring and promoting healthy lifestyle behaviors among patients. This randomized controlled trial will evaluate the effect of a digital health program, which uses pre-medical post-baccalaureate or undergraduate health coaches, wearable activity trackers (Fitbit Charge 2), and mobile messaging, compared to wearable activity trackers (Fitbit Charge 2) alone in promoting lifestyle change among overweight and sedentary 18-64 year old patients recruited from UCLA Health primary care clinics.
The Nutritarian Women's Health Study (NWHS) is a long-term hybrid effectiveness-implementation study on the effect of the Nutritarian Diet on the occurrence, recurrence, and progression of chronic diseases (including all forms of cancer and cardiometabolic risk factors).
Studies evaluating lifestyle intervention in obese women during pregnancy have reported limited success in decreasing excessive gestational weight gain, and have failed to achieve the key outcome of breaking the obesity cycle and reducing neonatal adiposity or birth weight. Although some investigators advocate weight loss during pregnancy in obese women, these recommendations were based on extrapolation of retrospective epidemiological data. Of concern, we reported increased small for gestational age babies and decreased lean body mass in neonates of obese women with weight loss or inadequate gestational weight gain. Based on our research, optimal outcomes from lifestyle interventions are likely to be temporal and therefore must be initiated prior to conception to first improve maternal metabolic function, and subsequently, placental/fetal growth. Several large retrospective cohort studies support our hypothesis. For example, women who lost weight between pregnancies had fewer large for gestational age babies in contrast to women who increased interpregnancy weight. In addition, prospective randomized controlled trials have shown that postpartum weight loss is achievable without adverse maternal or neonatal outcomes, these studies include women who breastfed. Based on these observations, we propose a randomized control trial to determine the effect of lifestyle intervention initiated prior to a planned pregnancy on improving neonatal metabolism and adiposity. Our overarching hypothesis is that the maternal pre-pregnancy metabolic condition determines the obesogenic in-utero environment, which affects programming of placental mitochondrial function and metabolic pathways, promoting lipid accumulation and neonatal adiposity. Our rationale is based on the need to establish the most effective time to introduce an intervention that will break the obesity cycle in mothers and their children. Understanding how pregravid metabolic conditioning improves maternal physiology, and cellular and molecular function in pregnancy will provide the empirical data to support the intervention. We have a highly successful record of recruiting women who are planning a pregnancy, obtaining compliance in longitudinal studies, and in long-term follow-up of mothers and their offspring. Lifestyle intervention will be initiated prior to conception to decrease maternal body fat, inflammation, insulin resistance, and ?-cell dysfunction. Our transdisciplinary team has the required expertise in lifestyle interventions management of obesity, and in human physiology that is needed to determine the effects of these interventions on maternal metabolism and fetalplacental growth and function. We will recruit 200 women to pursue the following specific aims: Specific Aim 1: To investigate the physiological significance of lifestyle intervention in preparation for pregnancy (LIPP) on maternal and neonatal metabolism and adiposity. Specific Aim 2: To determine the molecular effects whereby lifestyle intervention initiated before pregnancy can improve placental mitochondrial lipid oxidation and accumulation.
Long-term sitting has been associated with multiple health risks. To reduce sitting time for office workers in a Dutch insurance company, an intervention will be implemented. The goal of this study is to evaluate this intervention on the short term (3 months) and long-term (12 months).
In this study the investigators aim to investigate the relationship between environmental factors, lifestyle and symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Initially the investigators intend to measure the relationship between nutritional quality, exercise and sleep and ADHD symptoms. And then measure whether a change made in the diet can improve the symptoms of ADHD.
The purpose of this study is evaluate the effectiveness of different doses of supervised exercise training intensity -concomitant to lifestyle counselling- as a Primary Health Care intervention tool for the management of the metabolic syndrome in low active adults with one or more metabolic risk factors. Secondary aims of the study are to investigate the effects of these interventions on systemic inflammation and adipose tissue function, cardiorespiratory fitness, physical activity and sedentary habits, and the cost-effectiveness of the intervention with regard to health related quality of life. The general hypothesis is that adults with risk factors for metabolic syndrome participating in interventions for the promotion of a healthy lifestyle that together with counselling strategies will include supervised physical exercise of vigorous intensity will present greater improvements in terms of metabolic risk, physical condition, physical activity/sedentary behaviours and psychological parameters at the end of the intervention and at 6-months follow-up than participants in interventions for the promotion of a healthy lifestyle that will include counselling plus physical exercise of low-to-moderate intensity or interventions based exclusively on counselling. It is a three arms controlled randomized clinical trial implemented in the Primary Health Care setting and of 10 months duration.
Unhealthy lifestyles in early childhood are a major global health challenge. These lifestyles often persist from generation to generation and contribute to a vicious cycle of health-related and social problems. We present a study protocol that examines the effectiveness of two novel, integrated healthy school interventions. One is a full intervention called 'The Healthy Primary School of the Future', the other is a partial intervention called 'The Physical Activity School'. These intervention approaches will be compared with the regular school approach that is currently common practice in the Netherlands. The main outcome measure will be changes in children's body mass index (BMI). In addition, lifestyle behaviours, academic achievement, child well-being, socio-economic differences, and societal costs will be examined.
This study designed for primary care practionars for chronic care in primary care. A new model of motivational short interview used for intervention. The aim of this study is to develop diet and exercise regimens in type 2 diabetic patients.