View clinical trials related to Lewy Body Disease.
Filter by:This retrospective study is a more extensive, confirmatory analysis of the cognitive and functional outcomes initially seen in 2 groups of MCI/dementia patients in Springfield, MA and compares specialized dementia care and a comprehensive treatment approach versus usual care delivered in a non-specialist setting. The first group of patients (n= 328) was seen by a dementia specialist, who utilized a standardized assessment and treatment protocol (CNS). This included comprehensive identification and treatment of hypoxia, sleep-disorders, and other cognitively-impairing metabolic conditions as well as maximally- dosed FDA-approved medications for dementia, depression, and PBA. The second group of patients (n= 280) was seen by non-dementia specialists in the community and received usual care which did not include comprehensive assessment or treatment of underlying metabolic derangements or maximal utilization of currently available medications. This study, evaluating date from a larger cohort (n>800) of specialist-treated cognitively-impaired patients, will further examine the hypothesis that a comprehensive dementia treatment protocol yields cognitive stabilization and/or improvement using already available dementia drugs when compared with usual community care.
This is a human clinical study involving the isolation of autologous bone marrow derived stem cells (BMSC) and transfer to the vascular system and inferior 1/3 of the nasal passages in order to determine if such a treatment will provide improvement in neurologic function for patients with certain neurologic conditions.
This study seeks to establish the sensitivity and specificity of what appears to be a unique brainstem biomarker of Parkinson's Disease (PD) - an electrically induced olygosynaptic nasotrigeminal reflex response - in differentiating early stage PD from normal controls and from patients with various other neurodegenerative diseases. This study will additionally compare the biomarker to olfactory testing.
This study seeks to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Nelotanserin for the treatment of Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep Behavior Disorder (RBD) in subjects with dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) or Parkinson's disease dementia (PDD).
This study uses a special type of scan called a positron emission tomography (PET) scan to take pictures of the brain. During the PET scan, a special dye called 11C-PBR28 is injected into the body. 11C-PBR28 sticks to parts of the brain where there is inflammation. The purpose of this study is to see if 11C-PBR28 can detect inflammation in patients with Parkinson's disease dementia or dementia with Lewy bodies. 11C-PBR28 is considered a drug by the Food and Drug Administration. 11C-PBR28 is not a treatment for any disease. Rather, 11C-PBR28 can be used to measure inflammation in the brain.
This study seeks to evaluate the efficacy and safety of intepirdine (RVT-101) in patients with dementia with Lewy bodies.
This study seeks to evaluate safety and efficacy of Nelotanserin for the treatment of visual hallucinations in subjects with Lewy body dementia.
- To determine whether retinal abnormalities, as measured by high definition optical coherence tomography (HD-OCT) and visual electrophysiology techniques can be used as a clinical biomarker to monitor disease progression overtime in patients with Parkinson disease. - To establish whether these measures can be used to identify patients with PD in the premotor phase. - To define the rate of progression of retinal abnormalities in PD (both in the motor and premotor stages) for potential use as a clinical outcome measure
The main objectives for this study are: 1. To investigate novel, non-invasive ocular measurements including optical coherence tomography and eye tracking in a cross-sectional study of participants with various neurodegenerative dementias against standard cognitive assessments and brain imaging measures; and 2. To assess the potential utility of ocular assessments for early detection in the pre-dementia, i.e. the so-called Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) stage, across the common neurodegenerative dementia syndromes and, Vascular Cognitive Impairment (VCI) due to small vessel disease (SVD). 3. To determine the prevalence and relevance of amyloid uptake on PET scanning across the dementias most commonly associated with amyloidosis. Specifically we aim to examine correlations with amyloid uptake status in patients symptomatic from the most common proteinopathies (ie amyloid, tau, synuclein) combined in varying degrees with the most common vasculopathies (ie small vessel disease) using multimodal structural and functional imaging, cognitive behavioral, and gait and balance measures, taking into account genetic risk markers (particularly apolipoprotein E genotypes) and fluid biomarkers ( eg cytokines, oxidative stress, lipidomics).
To investigate long term safety (especially about Parkinsonism) and efficacy of donepezil hydrochloride in clinical practice as well as its proper use information in participants with DLB.