View clinical trials related to Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
Filter by:Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is a chronic condition that is characterized by excessive and uncontrollable worry and anxiety. In Canada, 3 to 4% of the population suffer from GAD at any point in time. These individuals have a lowered quality of life and are at risk for many medical conditions such as coronary heart disease and cancer. Research suggests that both pharmacological and psychological approaches are effective for treating GAD in the short-term; however, psychological treatments appear to offer the greatest long-term benefits. There exist a number of effective psychological treatments for GAD, most of which fall into the category of cognitive-behavioural therapy or CBT. In the 1990s, a group of Canadian investigators developed a CBT protocol for GAD that included four components. Data from five clinical trials suggest that one of the four components is particularly important for treatment success: experiencing uncertainty rather than avoiding it in everyday life. Stated differently, learning to tolerate and deal with uncertainty appears to be the key to decreasing worry and anxiety. Given this finding, the investigators have developed a new treatment that exclusively targets intolerance of uncertainty: Behavioural Experiments for Intolerance of Uncertainty or BE-IU. The goal of the current proposal is to test the efficacy of BE-IU by comparing it to a Waiting List (WL) control condition. A total of 50 participants with a primary diagnosis of GAD will be randomly assigned to either BE-IU or WL and will be assessed at 5 time points ranging from pre-treatment to 12-month follow-up. The conditions will be compared in terms of treatment efficacy and mechanisms. The investigators will also examine the predictors of change during the 12-months following treatment. The proposed study will produce data on the efficacy and mechanisms of a treatment for GAD that is less costly, less complex and easier to disseminate than treatments that are currently available.
Anxiety disorders are common disorders, which pose a major burden to society and the individual. An anxiety disorder may be treated with medication, in particular with antidepressants such as the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). However, much of what is known about antidepressants is derived from research in depression rather than anxiety. In recent years, researchers have found that antidepressants are more effective for severely depressed patients than they are for patients with milder symptoms. It is possible that a similar relationship between symptom severity and antidepressant efficacy exists for anxiety disorders, but there is currently little evidence available to answer this question. As antidepressants are frequently prescribed to patients with mild or moderate anxiety, a clear understanding of their effectiveness across the severity range is vital to inform treatment decisions. Therefore, the purpose of this meta-analysis is to examine whether initial symptom severity affects antidepressant efficacy for anxiety disorders.
The purpose of this study is to examine the efficacy of a worry exposure intervention, a form of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), in comparison to a waitlist condition for the treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder. There will be a total of 60 subjects enrolled at the University of Texas at Austin. Patients will be randomized (like a flip of a coin) to either 12-sessions of WE therapy or a 12-week waitlist before being offered entry into therapy.
This study aims to evaluate whether PF-06372865 is safe and effective in the treatment of sub-optimally controlled symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder during two 4-week treatment periods using a Sequential Parallel Comparison Design (SPCD). The study will use the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A) to measure change in symptoms from baseline for two doses of PF-06372865 compared to placebo.
An open trial will be conducted at the Child and Mental Health Service (CAMHS) unit in the rural county Jämtland in Sweden to test the feasibility and efficacy of Internet-delivered Cognitive Behavior Therapy (ICBT) for children with anxiety disorders in a clinical setting. 20 children with a principal diagnosis of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), separation anxiety, specific phobia and their parents will be recruited from the CAMHS-center in Östersund. They will receive 12 weeks of therapist-supported ICBT and will be assessed by clinician ratings and child- and parent-reports at baseline, post-treatment and 3 month follow-up. The primary outcome measures the Clinical Global Impressions - Severity scale (CGI-S). Secondary outcome measures include clinician rated global functioning, and child and parent-rated anxiety and functioning.
This 8-week, pilot randomized, controlled trial to evaluate the benefits of transdiagnostic Internet-based CBT (iCBT) in young adults with MDD, SAD, PD or GAD. The investigators hypothesize that patients who receive iCBT will show significant improvement in anxiety symptoms and functioning, compared to a wait-list group. This pilot randomized controlled study will assess the efficacy of transdiagnostic iCBT in 60 young adults.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of a computerized cognitive training program (an attention and memory exercise performed on a computer) on thinking and memory in individuals with mood and anxiety disorders, and to begin to test whether this training affects symptoms of depression or anxiety.
The use of Kava in Generalised Anxiety Disorder: an 18-week double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled study.
1 out of 8 children, adolescents, and young adults suffer from an anxiety disorder. Studies over the past decade show that selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), a class of medication that treats anxiety in adults, also works well in young adults, children, and adolescents with anxiety disorders, but only for about 50%. 50% will have undergone treatment for several months before it will be established that the medication is not working to treat the anxiety. The purpose of this study is to find a test that will predict treatment outcome from the beginning based on behavioral and biological measures.
Background: There is need for more effectiveness studies concerning treatment of emotional symptom problems indicating anxiety and depression in adolescents. SMART is the only treatment manual for combined emotional disorders developed in Norwegian. Purpose: To find the best individualized treatment for adolescents with emotional difficulties by: Finding criteria for the selection of appropriate patients for treatment with cognitive-behavior therapy program SMART in an outpatient population (14-18 years). Finding predictors of completion of treatment program SMART. Examining the effects of treatment with the SMART program at 6 months follow-up. Design: A randomized controlled study in six outpatient clinics in the north of Norway. N= 160 referred adolescents (14-18 years) with score above 6 on the Emotional Problems scale of the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Two thirds are treated according to the SMART-manual immediately, while the waiting list control group is treated with SMART after six weeks. Hypothesis: The SMART treatment is an effective treatment for emotional symptom problems. Publication: The results sought published internationally and nationally and will be communicated to clinicians.