View clinical trials related to Fertility Disorders.
Filter by:The meta-analysis comparing the cryopreservation of human embryos by vitrification or slow-freezing suggested that more well design studies as randomized trials are necessary to identify the most successful method for cryopreservation. The efficacy of the vitrification with the GAVI system will be compared with the conventional slow freezing method through a randomized control trial. Couples in IVF attempt will be randomized at the day of embryo cryopreservation by the biologist. Supernumerary frozen embryos will be thawed and transferred in utero in case of failure of the "fresh" embryo transfer. The outcomes of the thawing and frozen/thawed embryo transfer will be assessed. In the two groups, the patients will benefit of the standard IVF procedures applied in the Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) center of Toulouse.
The study is a randomized controlled trial of a cognitive behavioral interventions and an art-based stress reduction treatment protocol (CB-ART) with 100 women, identified with elevated perceived stress, before undergoing IVF treatment; in order to examine its effect on perceived stress, plasma CFD, telomere length and pregnancy rates. CB-ART is a 6-session treatment protocol that has been utilized with women coping with stress, depression and pain and is effective in reducing these indicators, developed and evaluated by our research team. The treatment protocol emphasizes processing together with the client's recalled image, symptom or memory (ISM) pertaining to a current distressing mental or physical state. CB-ART is a multi-method model that integrates cognitive behavioral interventions and art-based stress reduction interventions. The innovation in this method is the transformation of imagined and drawn images and memories rather than solely verbally discussing their contents. The focus is on changing compositional elements that comprise each image and memory, thus providing a therapeutic venue to reframe and transform stress producing, recalled images and memories and reduce symptoms of perceived stress. Art making is beneficial for eliciting an emotional response and provides a concrete platform to conduct the cognitive processing that initiate change on the paper and then in the mind. Furthermore, the soothing qualities of interacting with art making foster and enhance behavioral relaxation techniques. Our study population, women with infertility problems, who are designated to undergo IVF treatment and have been identified to have elevated perceived stress scores on the Perceived Stress Scale (above 15) will be randomized and allocated to receive the CB-ART intervention tailored to reduce stress or treatment as usual.
The main objective of this study is to analyze management of Controlled Ovarian Stimulation (COS) protocols in low prognosis patients, secondly to observe the clinical outcomes (Fertilization Rate, Pregnancy Rate, the Ongoing Pregnancy Rate and the Live birth Rate) and the total units of gonadotrophins consume per M2 oocyte retrieved in this subgroup.
In this study physiological data is measured using wearable sensors as well as hormonal and ultrasound measurements of growing follicles/ ovulation in a group of endocrinologically healthy women with regular cycles, who aim for a spontaneous pregnancy. These women were recruited to generate reliable data on changes of the measured physiological parameters in a healthy menstrual cycle, as well as to evaluate physiological changes associated with early pregnancy. All pregnancies beginning during the study period are to be monitored to their natural end, in order to evaluate how the same nine physiological parameters are changing during pregnancy, how strong the variations of the parameters during pregnancy are, and whether they could be associated with early onsets of pregnancy complications such as premature birth or pre-eclampsia. This will be highly valuable to develop study protocols for the specific evaluation of the screening potential of pregnancy complications.
This proof of concept study is designed to determine the practicality of using home ovulation tests to enable optimum timing for transfer of frozen embryos in a natural menstrual cycle in comparison to the standard ultrasound and serum monitoring currently conducted by many IVF clinics.
This is a randomized controlled trial of couples with a history of poor embryo quality undergoing a repeat in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle for unexplained infertility. Couples will be randomized to sperm selection by the clinical standard of centrifugation and density-gradient processing compared to the microfluidic sperm sorting chip.
Preimplantational genetic screen (PGS) is tool for diagnosis of embryo chromosome abnormality before transfer. Under this tool, patients with a family history of genetic disease or special genetic disease could avoid to produce chromosomal abnormalities of the next pregnant. This study is a retrospective study, data collection from 2001 Jan. to 2015. Nov. Patients underwent PGS and data including the couples age, infertility factors, stimulation protocols, medicine records, embryo quality records and blood tests were collected in this study. Analysis the relationship between outcomes of PGS, clinical outcomes and embryo quality is performed and further to find a diagnosis reference for clinical care.
Evaluate the effectiveness of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (GCSF) in the treatment of thin endometrium or in women with recurrent implantation failure in ICSI cycles
To evaluate the difference in the prevalence of the main FSHR polymorphism (ASN680Ser), as well as other, less studied, gonadotropin polymorphisms between ovarian response groups, following ovarian stimulation
The purpose of this study was to evaluate clinically the efficacy of the PREVADH® Film in the prevention of adhesions in gynaecologic surgery, and to assess post-operative complications related to adhesions and pregnancy rate after myomectomy by open surgery.