Depressive Disorder Clinical Trial
Official title:
Interpersonal Counseling (IPC) for Treatment of Depression in Adolescents: Implementation and Effectiveness Study in School Health Care
The aim of this cluster randomized trial is to investigate whether the brief, 1+6 session
psychosocial intervention, Interpersonal Counseling (IPC) is more effective than standard
professional treatment (ST) in the treatment of mild or moderate depression among 12 to
17-year-old adolescents in services provided by school health care and counseling
professionals (school nurses, school psychologists and school social workers). The clients
are identified from the pool of adolescents routinely seen in school health care and
counseling services.
A total of 54 school nurses, social workers, and psychologists from all public secondary
schools in the standard education system of City of Espoo, Finland will be trained in IPC in
a three-day workshop in two waves. Each school (plus the one primary care level health care
unit for adolescents in Espoo) is represented by 1-3 trial IPC counselors. In the first wave
the schools are cluster randomized to provide either A) 1+6 sessions of IPC, or B) 1+6
sessions of standard treatment (ST), which consists of psychosocial work as guided by the
workers' own standard professional principles and methods. The workers randomized to deliver
IPC get the IPC training immediately. In the second wave those who delivered ST in the first
wave will be trained in IPC. The data for this trial will be collected from the first wave.
The data collection period is one school year plus follow-up of clients after 3 and 6
The clients are adolescents who have either self-referred themselves, are referred by other
school personnel, or by parents to the services offered in the school due to emotional
symptoms in the school year 2016 -2017 in the participating schools. They are screened with
the BDI at the initial visit to identify depressive symptoms. A diagnostic interview will be
administered to those exceeding a clinical cutoff. Main inclusion criterion is DSM-5
depressive disorder of either mild or moderate severity. Those with current harmful alcohol
use, acute suicidal ideation or behavior, severe depression or anxiety disorder, psychotic
symptoms or very low global level of functioning are excluded and offered other treatment.
The clients will complete self-report questionnaires (BDI) as outcome measures. Their level
of depression symptoms will also be assessed with ADRS scale and their level of global
psychosocial functioning with the CGAS by the project IPC counselors / ST providers.
Moreover, the clients will complete the Young Person's Clinical Outcomes for Routine
Evaluation (YP-CORE) as a measure of global symptomatology after each session. A follow-up
interview at 3 months and 6 months after treatment termination will be arranged. The
K-SADS-PL will be used for diagnostic evaluation, the ADRS and the C-GAS to assess level of
depressive symptoms and global functioning, and the adolescent completes both the BDI and
YP-CORE as self-reports of symptomatology.
The incidence of depression increases in adolescence. Depression is one of the most common
and clinically mental health disorder in this age group. In total, 5-10 % of adolescents
experience depression episodes, and among 1-2% of the age group depressive symptoms are
persistent and long-term (Costello et al., 2011; Marttunen & Karlsson, 2010). Depression
causes significant distress and functional impairment to those affected by it. Furthermore,
depressions symptoms with onset in adolescents tend to predict symptom continuation or new
episodes in adulthood, and they associate with increased risk of suicide, hospital
treatment, psychosocial problems and concurrent anxiety, substance use, and conduct
disorders (Weissman et al., 1999; Marttunen et al., 2015).
However, only a minority of adolescents with mental health disorders seek help. Possible
reasons include lack of recognition of symptoms, stigma related to being referred to mental
health services, and lack of expertise in treating hold mental health resources. Research
also shows that intervening in the early phases of symptom expression is important (Horowitz
& Garber, 2006) and that the longer the duration of a depressive episode is the poorer the
outcome to even an evidence based treatment is (Curry et al., 2006). Thus, many factors
support developing brief and effective interventions for treating mild/moderate depression
in the immediate surroundings of adolescents, e.g. schools.
Interpersonal psychotherapy for adolescents (IPT-A; see Mufson, 2004a) is one of the
evidence -based treatments for adolescent depression (Zhou et al., 2015). It is a 12-session
treatment, which focuses in the interpersonal relationships of adolescents and their
significance in relation to symptoms of depression. It has been shown to be effective in
school-based mental health clinics (Mufson et al., 2004b). IPT-A is a 12-session treatment
focusing on problems on one problematic area in interpersonal relationships (grief,
interpersonal/role disputes, role transition, or interpersonal deficits/social isolation).
A short form of IPT, the one plus six-session interpersonal counseling (IPC) has been
developed to address needs of depressive individuals in contexts where a brief intervention
offers advantages (Weissmann et al., 2014). It has been shown to be effective when treating
depressive symptoms of adults in primary level of care (Kontunen et al., 2015; Menchetti ym.
2014). IPC can be provided by healthcare workers and counseling personnel without mental
health training (Weissman et al., 2014). IPC may also be suited especially well for
adolescents with milder symptoms depression. Due to its brevity it may be especially
suitable to be implemented in schools, where barriers formed by school curriculum and
multiple tasks required of the school health care workers must be taken in account.
To date, few studies have investigated the efficacy and effectiveness of IPC in adolescent
samples. Mufson et al. (2015) examined the feasibility of a brief, six-session version of
IPT-A in a group of 12-19 in an open study finding support for its utility and feasibility
in this age group. Currently, a pilot trial of IPC in an adolescent sample is ongoing in the
UK (see: More
data is needed about the feasibility of IPC among adolescents in school settings and its
effectiveness as compared with routine care offered by school nurses, school social workers
and school psychologists.
Aim: The purpose of this cluster randomized trial is to investigate whether the brief 1+6
session-long Interpersonal Counseling (IPC) is effective in the treatment of depressive
symptoms among 13 to 16-year-old adolescents in the routine care provided by school health
care professionals (consisting of school health care nurses, school psychologists and school
social workers) who have been trained in IPC. The participants are adolescents who either
seek help from these school heath care professionals or are referred to them by other school
workers or their families.
Design, and training and supervision of the trial counselors:
The personnel working in school health care and counseling services from all of the 27
public upper secondary schools in the standard education system of the City of Espoo, and
the personnel working in the only low-treshold primary level healthcare unit for adolescents
in Espoo were invited to participate in the project as project IPC counselors. Altogether,
54 of them were willing to participate, i.e., to be trained in IPC and to deliver the
treatment. The schools (and the one primary level clinic) were each represented by 1-3
After this, the schools (i.e. the workers working in each of them) were randomized to
deliver either A) 1+6 sessions of IPC, or B) 1+6 sessions of standard treatment (ST), which
consists of psychosocial intervention guided by the worker's routine professional's
principles and standard work methods. The workers who were randomized to deliver IPC got the
IPC training immediately. Those who were randomized to the ST group were instructed to
deliver treatment by their normal professional standards and routine methods. The data
collection period is one school year. After this time the participants in the RC group will
be given IPC training.
The IPC training consists of one day basic training in IPT-A main principles plus two days
of targeted IPC training by experienced experts in the field. The staff belonging to the arm
who received IPC training (the project IPC counselors) are clinically supervised by
clinicians working in secondary level psychiatry services who have both IPT-A and IPC
training, throughout the data gathering period with the frequency of once in every two
Recruitment of clients:
The clients of this trial are adolescents who either self-refer themselves, are referred by
other school personnel, or by their parents to the services offered in the school by school
nurses, school social workers or school psychologists because of emotional symptoms in the
school year 2016 -2017 in each of the participating schools. They are first screened on
their first visit with a self-report instrument, the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-21; Beck
et al., 1961) to identify symptoms of depression. If they are present above the clinical
cutoff for mild depressive symptoms, a clinical interview (K-SADS-PL adapted to DSM-5; see
Kaufman et al., 1997) by a trained research coordinator follows. In this stage, the main
inclusion criterion for the study, a diagnosis of a DSM-5 depressive disorder, severity
either mild or moderate, is ascertained. As an exclusion criterion, current harmful alcohol
use as assessed by AUDIT (Babor et al, 2001) is ruled out. Also the presence of acute
suicidal ideation or behavior, severe depression or anxiety disorder, psychotic symptoms or
very low global level of functioning are exclusion criteria, and if present these
adolescents are offered other treatment. Those fulfilling the inclusion criteria are
referred to either a project IPC counselor, or a project worker delivering ST, depending on
the status of the school in the cluster randomization.
Interventions and measures:
IPC consists of one evaluation session, where symptoms of depression are reviewed and
evaluated, and treatment is being offered, and six treatment sessions following the IPC
protocol specified by Wilkinson et al. (personal notification). This manual is also used in
a UK pilot trial of IPC for adolescents (see: It is
compatible with Weissman's IPC manual (2014), and is developmentally tailored to reflect
themes relevant to adolescents. Quite similarly, ST consists of one evaluative session,
followed by six treatment sessions, which are guided by standard professional principles of
the treating project worker and methods routinely used and available to her/him.
As primary outcome measures, the clients complete the BDI-21 (Beck et al., 1961) as a
measure of the severity of depressive symptoms after first, fourth and sixth treatment
session and the Young Person's Clinical Outcomes for Routine Evaluation (YP-CORE; Twigg et
al., 2010) as a measure of global symptomatology after each session. As primary
observer-rated outcome measures the project IPC counselor / project worker providing ST
assess the severity of adolescent's depressive symptoms with the Adolescent Depression
Rating Scale (ADRS, Revah-Levy ym. 2007) and the level of adolescent's global psychosocial
functioning with the Child Global Assessment Scale (C-GAS; Shaffer et al., 1983) after
first, fourth and sixth treatment session.
A follow-up interview after 3 months and 6 months after treatment termination is arranged. A
research coordinator administers the K-SADS-PL (adapted for DSM-5, see Kaufman et al., 1997)
the ADRS (Revah-Levy ym. 2007), the C-GAS (Shaffer et al., 1983) and the adolescent
completes both the YP-CORE (Twigg et al., 2010) and the BDI-21 (Beck et al., 1961)
Statistical analysis:
We will use standard statistical methods for comparing IPC and RC groups. We will perform
estimation of between-groups effect sizes between adolescent groups receiving IPC and ST on
the primary outcome measures. A clinically significant change in the main outcome measure
scores will be defined according to standard procedures. Given we also perform diagnostic
evaluation at the onset of the treatment and at 3 months and 6 months follow-up, we estimate
recovery and possible relapse in both groups.
Ethical considerations:
The Ethics Committee of Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa has approved the study.
References Beck, A. T., Ward, C., & Mendelson, M. (1961). Beck depression inventory (BDI).
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Allocation: Randomized, Endpoint Classification: Efficacy Study, Intervention Model: Parallel Assignment, Masking: Open Label, Primary Purpose: Treatment
Status | Clinical Trial | Phase | |
Completed |
NCT01316926 -
Paxil CR Bioequivalence Study Brazil
Phase 1 | |
Recruiting |
NCT06187454 -
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation for Depression
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT04469322 -
Pharmacogenetic Implementation Trial in Veterans With Treatment Refractory Depression
N/A | |
Recruiting |
NCT05768126 -
Prediction of ECT Treatment Response and Reduction of Cognitive Side-effects Using EEG and Rivastigmine
Phase 4 | |
Completed |
NCT03219879 -
Telephone-administered Relapse Prevention for Depression
N/A | |
Recruiting |
NCT06038721 -
Unified Protocol: Community Connections
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT03043560 -
Study to Treat Major Depressive Disorder With a New Medication
Phase 2 | |
Completed |
NCT04091139 -
Research of Unified Protocol for the Treatment of Common Mental Disorders in Adolescents in Hong Kong
Phase 2/Phase 3 | |
Completed |
NCT00069459 -
Seasonal Affective Depression (SAD) Study
Phase 1 | |
Recruiting |
NCT05503966 -
Combining Antidepressants and Attention Bias Modification in Depression
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT02939560 -
TMS for Adults With Autism and Depression
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT02542891 -
European Comparative Effectiveness Research on Internet-based Depression Treatment
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT02452892 -
Low Field Magnetic Stimulation (LFMS) in Subjects With Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD)
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT02224508 -
Evaluation of a Health Plan Initiative to Mitigate Chronic Opioid Therapy Risks
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT02306551 -
Well Being And Resilience: Mechanisms of Transmission of Health and Risk
Withdrawn |
NCT02238730 -
Ultrabrief Right Unilateral and Brief Pulse Bitemporal Electroconvulsive Therapy
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT01597661 -
Bupropion & Cardio Birth Defect (Slone)
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT01407575 -
Buprenorphine for Treatment Resistant Depression
Phase 3 | |
Completed |
NCT01093053 -
Mind-Body Skills Groups for the Treatment of War Zone Stress in Military and Veteran Populations
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT01829100 -
Transdiagnostic Behavioral Activation Therapy for Youth Anxiety and Depression
N/A |