There are about 3576 clinical studies being (or have been) conducted in South Africa. The country of the clinical trial is determined by the location of where the clinical research is being studied. Most studies are often held in multiple locations & countries.
The reason for this long term study is to see how safe and effective the study drug known as baricitinib is in participants with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) who have completed the final treatment visit of study I4V-MC-JAHZ (NCT03616912) or study I4V-MC-JAIA (NCT03616964).
This open-label study is to assess the safety of continued treatment with relamorelin for participants who previously completed the RLM-MD-03 [NCT03420781] or RLM-MD-04 [NCT03383146] study and to provide treatment for these participants until relamorelin becomes commercially available or the Sponsor terminates development.
This study seeks to evaluate the safety and efficacy of brazikumab versus placebo (Stage I) and versus an active comparator (Stage 2) in participants with moderately to severely active CD and will include assessments of clinical response as demonstrated by improvement of symptoms and colonic mucosal appearance as observed on endoscopy
A Phase 2b/3 set of studies to evaluate the efficacy and safety of induction and maintenance therapy with TD-1473 in subjects with moderately-to-severely active ulcerative colitis with up to 60 weeks of treatment.
The main purpose of this study was to see how GLPG1690 works together with the current standard treatment on your lung function and IPF disease in general. The study also investigated how well GLPG1690 is tolerated (for example if you get any side effects while on study drug).
The primary objective of the study was to evaluate the long term safety of PRALUENT in participants with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (heFH) or non-familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) participants at high or very high cardiovascular risk who completed the neurocognitive function study R727-CL-1532 (NCT02957682). The secondary objectives of the study were: - To evaluate the effect of PRALUENT on low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) - To evaluate the effect of PRALUENT on other lipid parameters - To evaluate the effect of PRALUENT on gonadal steroid hormones
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the antiviral activity, clinical outcomes, safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic relationships of different oral dose levels of JNJ-53718678 in children greater than or equal to 28 days and less than or equal to 3 years of age with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) disease (hospitalized participants [Cohort 1] or outpatients [Cohort 2]).
A Phase 2 study to evaluate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of TD-1473 in subjects with moderately-to-severely active Crohn's Disease with up to 48 weeks of treatment.
The overall purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of fevipiprant (150 mg and 450 mg once daily), compared with placebo, as add-on to standard-of-care asthma therapy, in terms of avoidance of corticosteroid use over 52 weeks.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of ontamalimab as maintenance treatment in participants with moderate to severe Crohn's disease (CD).