There are about 3285 clinical studies being (or have been) conducted in Pakistan. The country of the clinical trial is determined by the location of where the clinical research is being studied. Most studies are often held in multiple locations & countries.
Effectiveness Comparative Effects of Dry Needling and Cross Friction Massage on Patients With Plantar Fascitis
Diastasis Rectus Abdominis is quite common during and after pregnancy. Abdominal core strengthening exercises have been proven to be very effective in reducing Inter rectus distance, however, the role of Biofeedback EMG assisted exercises in Diastasis Rectus have been poorly understood.
The term ''frozen shoulder'' is defined as a clinical condition with restricted active and passive range of motion (ROM) in all directions, including flexion, abduction, and rotation.The objective of the study is to determine the effects of Scapular proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation and conventional physical therapy among patients with adhesive capsulitis.The study will be a randomized controlled trial (single-blinded parallel study), consisting of 2 groups- interventional group A and interventional group B.Group A will be given conventional physical therapy and group B will be given conventional physical therapy alongwith scapular PNF.Scapular PNF exercises are not included in our routine PT treatment programs and there is limited literature related to the PNF techniques. These techniques help develop muscular strength and endurance, joint stability, mobility, neuromuscular control and coordination all of which are aimed at improving the overall functional ability of patients.
Headache disorder characterized by recurrent headache are among the most common disoredrs of the nervous system. Tension type headache is widely recognized kind of headache that affects 80% of the individuals. Its underlying cause has not been clearly distinguished. It is managed both pharmacology and non-pharmacology which includes dry needling, acupuncture, manual techniques and massage. Several studies conducted which showed that both the soft tissue muscle inhibition and joint mobilization techniques are effective in decreasing pain. But there is lack of evidence which shows combined effects of soft tissue muscle inhibition and sustained natural apophyseal glides(SNAGS) in chronic tension type headache. so this study will compare the effects of soft tissue muscle release and SNAGS on pain intensity and cervical range of motion.
Knee Osteoarthritis is one of the most prevalent degenerative conditions in Pakistan. Although a variety of Physical therapy treatments have been proven to be beneficial in patients with early stages of knee Osteoarthritis. However, a few secondary impairments like Kinesiophobia which is the fear of movement have been unaddressed. Usually after conventional physical therapy, patients find immediate or short-term relief and that leads to cessation of follow up sessions. In situations like these, kinesiophobia is the greatest threat to mobility and can eventually effect quality of life by decreasing functional disability.
Mechanical Neck pain is the second most commonly occurring musculoskeletal disorder worldwide, ranking 4th in overall disability. It is referred to as Nonspecific generalized neck pain with mechanical characteristics with a primary location between the supranuchal line and the first thoracic spinous process, includingpatients suffering from mechanical neck pain are reported to have several impairments, including pain, reduced cervical ROM, neck disability, and proprioceptive dysfunction. The treatment indicated involves the use of electrotherapy and thermal modalities. In addition, the use of different manual therapy techniques is advocated; however, the most effective management is still debatable. Evidence suggests that Natural Apophyseal glides have a significant positive effect on mechanical neck pain patients. So the study will identify the additional effect of cranial base release with natural apophyseal glides in alleviating pain and its effects on proprioception.
Cervicogenic headache is a common headache that causes disability and affects everyday activities. Headache related disorders are the second most common reason for years lived with disability all over the world. According to the latest International Headache Society model, cervicogenicheadache (CGH) is a secondary headache having C1-C2 dysfunction. There is marked limitation in cervical ROM specially rotation. Treatment indicated involves use of electrotherapy and thermal modalities. In addition, use of different manual therapy techniques are advocated to eliminate the root cause i.e. C1-C2 dysfunction. Maitland mobilizations for cervical spine have been found to be effective in treating CGH patients. Maitland mobilizations uses oscillatory mobilizations and has four grades. Kaltenborn, on the other hand, applies sustained stretches and has 3 grades.So, the study will be focusing on comparing the effectiveness of these two mobilizations on cervicogenic headache patients.
The aim of this study is to assess the value proposition of expanding contraceptive options available to women in Punjab, Pakistan to include subcutaneous depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA-SC). Specific objectives are: 1. To compare 12-month continuation rates for DMPA-SC and intramuscular DMPA (DMPA-IM) among married women 18- 49 years of age in two districts of Punjab, Pakistan 2. To understand how characteristics and experiences of DMPA-SC and DMPA-IM users differ. 3. To assess how well women opting for self-injection of DMPA-SC adhere to standards for commodity storage, injection timing, injection technique, and waste disposal
Aims: 1. To describe the process of developing a feasible district mental healthcare plan (MHCP) for depression, self-harm and suicide prevention, and 2. To describe its enabling intervention packages and components to be delivered at the Basic Health Units in Thatta district. The proposed study will be a pilot implementation with nested qualitative component. The study will also involve situational analysis for proposed study site and Theory of Change workshops with key stakeholders. This study is a replication of the methods used in the development of a district mental healthcare plan in Uganda (Kigozi et al., 2016).
Primary objective is to observe the effects of lead on dental enamel of rabbit by measuring; - Structural and morphological change by SEM, AFM - Elemental composition by SEM-EDX - Molecular composition and hydroxyapatite crystal changes by Raman Spectroscopy - Blood parameters by serum analysis Secondary objectives includes - To compare the protective effects of Allium sativum and Moringa oleifera on dental enamel defects due to lead - To determine the beneficial effects of AS and MO extract in remineralization of dental enamel.