There are about 340 clinical studies being (or have been) conducted in Malawi. The country of the clinical trial is determined by the location of where the clinical research is being studied. Most studies are often held in multiple locations & countries.
The purpose of the research study is to collect preliminary data to which future outcomes after implementing quality improvement projects or research will be compared. There will be observation of the labor and delivery services received and resulting outcomes of women and infants who deliver at private health facilities in urban Malawi. Data will be collected at admission, delivery, and discharge from women and providers on patient characteristics, labor and obstetric characteristics, delivery factors, and pregnancy outcomes that result during the course of the hospitalization. This will include the vital status of the mother and the infant. The overall hypothesis is that cesarean birth rates will be higher than the ecologically supported 10% cesarean birth rate, and that there may be cesareans that are performed without clear medical indication.
The purpose of this study is to learn more about the acute response to infection with and recovery from the virus called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Some people know this virus by the name "coronavirus." It can cause the disease called COVID-19. The information gained from the study can be used to help develop better tests for SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 disease and may help in developing future vaccines, other prevention strategies, and treatments.
The purpose of this study is to learn more about infection with and recovery from the virus called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Some people know this virus by the name "coronavirus." It can cause the disease called COVID-19. The information gained from the study will be used to help develop better tests for SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 disease and may help in developing future vaccines and treatments by allowing researchers to determine the difference between the body's immune response to natural SARS-CoV-2 infection and immunization with a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine.
This CDC-funded study sought to evaluate the effect of an adapted Community Score Card Approach on maternal retention in ART, maternal retention across the PMTCT service cascade, and the uptake of early infant diagnosis services in Malawi. The study also estimated the cost of the implementation of the Community Score Card Approach.
Background: More than two-thirds of people living with HIV live in Sub-Saharan Africa, where the HIV prevalence in the adult population (aged 15-49) is 3.9%. In these countries a critical issue is represented by low level of adherence to treatment particularly in HIV positive pregnant women. Among the causes, the lack of male partner involvement represents a significant criticality. This issue emerge in Malawi, one of the countries with the highest prevalence of HIV in the world: 9.2% of the adult population living with HIV in 2018. Objective: to assess three different interventions aimed at improving adherence and retention to Anti Retroviral therapy among HIV positive women through engagement with their life partner in four Malawian healthcare centres. Methods: The prospective, controlled before-and-after study is articulated in three phases (total 24 months): pre-intervention, intervention and post-intervention analyses. The number of selected clinical centres is limited to four, one for each intervention plus a centre where no intervention will be performed (control arm). The interventions are 1) opening the facility on Saturday a month, only for men, defined "special day"; 2) peer-to-peer counselling among men, "male champions"; 3) providing incentive to all women accompanied by their partners at the facility, "nudge" (note1). The primary outcome of the study is the evaluation of the variations in retention in care and women's adherence to therapeutic protocols; the intermediate outcome is the assessment of the variations in Male Involvement (MI). The level of MI in the health of female partners (intermediate outcome) will be evaluated through a questionnaire administered at baseline and in the post-intervention phase. Data will be collected at the clinical centres and will be stored in two electronic databases. Results: Analysis of data collected in the four centres during the pre-intervention phase is on-going as the enrolment is stopped 31st March 2020. Total patients enrolled are 452 (133 Namandanje: 133, Kapeni: 78, Kapire: 75, Balaka: 166). Meantime, several meetings are performed in the centres to organize the intervention phase. Conclusions: The study will identified the better intervention to involve male partners in women's health according to an approach based on a broad spectrum of behaviours. - Note1: the reason of the incentive is not reward the participation in the study but is the main activity of the intervention assessed. The intervention consist in giving an incentive. For this reason is not recommendable to eliminate this information as requested by the reviewer.
Read more »This is a Phase II, randomized, observer-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-site trial of the FDA licensed rMenB+OMV NZ vaccine, Bexsero. The targeted study population is men and women 18-50 years of age who are disproportionately vulnerable to N. gonorrhoeae infection. Approximately 2,200 participants are expected to be enrolled to achieve at least 202 evaluable participants. Data will be collected in an observer-blind manner. Study product recipients and study staff responsible for the evaluation of any study endpoint will be unaware of whether Bexsero or placebo were administered. The duration of the study for participants who are enrolled and randomized will be approximately 16 months. Study participation is expected to be completed in approximately 36 months. The primary objective of the study is to demonstrate efficacy of Bexsero in prevention of urogenital and/or anorectal gonococcal infection.
This study is composed of two parallel, pilot randomized groups that will obtain preliminary data about the the acceptability, fidelity, and clinical outcomes associated with a multi-component adherence support strategy for HIV treatment and prevention among pregnant and breastfeeding women. The study will take place in Lilongwe, Malawi.
The overall goal of this study is to assess the impact of RTS,S (malaria) vaccination and PBO nets on malaria infection and transmission, independently and how they interact when they are introduced together. The specific objectives for the study are as follows: 1. To estimate the impact of PBO nets and RTS,S vaccine on Plasmodium infection prevalence and transmission, independently and how they interact when they are introduced together in Malawi (Phase 1). 2. To assess the feasibility of evaluating the impact of RTS,S vaccine and PBO nets independently in a larger scale future study.
The purpose of this study is to compare a 3-month rifapentine (RPT)/clofazimine (CFZ)-containing regimen with CFZ loading dose versus 6-month standard of care (SOC) for drug-susceptible (DS) tuberculosis (TB).
To develop a theory-based culturally-grounded storytelling-based intervention to increase cervical cancer screening among Malawian women living with HIV infection. Secondary objectives: To conduct a pilot randomized clinical trial (RCT) to examine the acceptability, feasibility and preliminary effectiveness of narrative intervention on cervical cancer screening prevention behavior.