Clinical Trials Logo

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NCT ID: NCT05919459 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis

Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Versus Active Controls in Improving Psychological Functions of Parents and Children With Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Start date: September 1, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Systematic reviews revealed that Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for parents had medium-to-large effect sizes in improving parental depression/anxiety (d > 0.50), dysfunctional parenting styles (ds = 0.61-0.77), and small-to-large effect sizes in improving children's behavioral and emotional problems (ds = 0.25-0.84) in children/teenagers with various chronic diseases. A recent randomized controlled trial (RCT) showed that a web-based ACT program involving a coach providing semi-structured written feedback was significantly better than waitlist controls in improving the self-reported depression, anxiety, burnout, and psychological flexibility skills in parents of children/teenagers with chronic conditions (e.g., type 1 diabetes) up to 4 months post-treatment. The investigator's RCT also found that 4 weekly sessions of group-based ACT plus asthma education was significantly better than asthma education alone in improving parental psychological function (i.e., stress, anxiety, guilt, worries, sorrow, anger, and psychological flexibility), and participants' children's asthma symptoms at 6-month follow-up. The investigator's path analysis showed that ACT improved parental psychological flexibility, which mediated the decrease in parental distress and childhood asthma symptoms. These findings support that ACT for parents not only improves parental psychological flexibility and psychological controls, but also enhances social/emotional functioning of children/teenagers with different problems (e.g., chronic pain). Given the busy schedule of schoolchildren in Hong Kong and the promising results of ACT in improving the psychosocial well-being of both parents and teenagers, providing ACT to parents of teenagers with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) may be a "killing two birds with one stone" solution to benefit both parents and teenagers. The current study will investigate this possibility.

NCT ID: NCT05919446 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Chronic Low-back Pain

The Feasibility, Potential Efficacy, and Experiences of Using a Group-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Among Older People With Chronic Low Back Pain

Start date: August 1, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

No study has investigated the effects of ACT on community-dwelling Chinese older adults. Given that clinical practice guidelines have recommended exercise therapy for treating people with CLBP, a combination of ACT and exercise therapy may yield better clinical outcomes than exercise alone among community-dwelling older adults with CLBP. A double-blinded (participants and statistician) pilot randomized controlled trial (RCT) will be conducted to evaluate the feasibility and the relative effects of ACT plus back exercise training as compared to exercise alone in improving psychological flexibility, physical wellbeing, and quality of life of community-dwelling older people with CLBP. Further, a qualitative research study will be conducted to understand the experiences of participating in ACT and back exercise training in older people with CLBP (including identifying facilitators and barriers to participation).

NCT ID: NCT05918601 Recruiting - Drug Abuse Clinical Trials

Peer-led Personalized Support Program

Start date: June 30, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Aim: To test the effectiveness of a peer-led personalized support program using instant messaging applications and a self- determination theory-based intervention to help young drug abusers quit drugs. Hypothesis to be tested: The investigators hypothesize that compared with those in the control group, the participants in the intervention group will experience greater success in reducing and quitting drugs and will have a better health-related quality of life at 12 months follow-up.

NCT ID: NCT05917977 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Internet Gaming Disorder

Collective Motivational Interviewing (CMI) for Adolescents With Internet Gaming Disorder

Start date: June 1, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The present study examines the efficacy of CMI in reducing adolescent IGD symptoms and enhancing social support given by CSOs among adolescents with high risk of IGD (probable IGD cases screened positive by validated tools). It is hypothesized that the intervention group (with CMI plus IGD education materials for both the clients and his/her selected CSO) would show more improvements in reduction in the severity of IGD, motivation to change maladaptive gaming behaviour, craving on gaming, and social support obtained from CSOs than to the control group (only educational materials for both the client and the CSOs).

NCT ID: NCT05913284 Recruiting - Anesthesia Clinical Trials

Intravenous Methadone in Perioperative Acute and Chronic Management in Chinese Adult Cardiac Surgical Patients

Start date: January 15, 2024
Phase: Phase 3
Study type: Interventional

Despite modern day improvements in pain treatment and availability of different analgesic modalities, suboptimal postoperative pain control remains an issue in cardiac surgical patients. Poorly controlled acute postoperative pain is associated with adverse physiological outcomes that impair the recovery of cardiac surgical patients. It is associated with decreased patient satisfaction, delayed postoperative ambulation, and the development of chronic postsurgical pain (CPSP). Intravenous opioids such as fentanyl and morphine have been the mainstay of perioperative analgesia for cardiac surgery, either by intermittent boluses by healthcare staff or through a patient-controlled device (PCA). The primary problem with this mechanism of delivery is that significant fluctuations in serum opioid concentrations can occur, resulting in effects which range from inadequate analgesia to overdose and respiratory depression. In contrast to intermittent administration of short-acting opioids such as morphine and fentanyl, a single dose administration of methadone can be considered.

NCT ID: NCT05913063 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Direct Discrimination of Quantum States by the Human Eye

Start date: June 26, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), is a debilitating eye disease that causes a loss of central vision. The prevalence of AMD increases exponentially with age and causes a significant impact through both medical expenses and the social and economic costs associated with vision loss. AMD is the global leading cause of blindness among people over the age of 60. Detection of this eye disease at early stages coupled with prompt treatment can prevent vision loss; however, modern diagnosis methods are ineffective at diagnosis of AMD before vision loss occurs. While a range of available treatment options has been effective at slowing vision loss due to AMD, no treatment exists which can recover lost vision. The investigators propose to apply tools developed in quantum information science to diagnose AMD before vision has been affected, drastically improving health outcomes for patients with AMD.

NCT ID: NCT05908539 Recruiting - Aging Well Clinical Trials

A Multi-level and Mixed-method Impact Evaluation for the Jockey Club Elders Get Active Fitness Campaign

Start date: January 2, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The goal of this clinical trial is provide a scientific evaluation on the impact of the Jockey Club Get Fitness Campaign to improve the physical capacity and health condition of the community-dwelling older adults after the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants will take part in any of the four care models: - a box of exercise equipment - a box of exercise equipment with verbal briefing - a box of exercise equipment and engage in the 8-week group-based exercise training - receive the wonderful box of exercise equipment and engage in the 8-week group-based exercise training together with the 6-week behavioral modification Participants with greater physical dependency, greater chronic disease burden or lower motivation for social engagement will take part in any of the three care models: - a box of exercise equipment only - a box of exercise equipment with verbal briefing - a box of exercise equipment and engage in the 4-session home-based exercise training, together with the 6-week behavioral modification

NCT ID: NCT05907252 Recruiting - Physical Inactivity Clinical Trials

The Effectiveness of Supervised Group-based Walking Program Among Older Adults

Start date: June 22, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Aim and Objectives: The overall aim is to examine the effectiveness of supervised group-based walking intervention by comparing with non-supervised group-based walking and non-supervised individual-based walking interventions on improving physical, psychological and social outcomes among the older adults in Hong Kong. The outcomes of the research will be used as references for designing an effective walking operation manual for promoting healthy ageing among older adults in the community. Objectives (Phase 1-Intervention): 1. To compare the differences of effects among supervised group-based, 5 non-supervised group-based, and non-supervised individual-based walking intervention programs, and the control group on the primary outcomes, including physical health, walking performance, loneliness, perceived social support and physical activity enjoyment among the older adults in Hong Kong. 2. To compare the differences of effects among supervised group-based, non-supervised group-based, and non-supervised individual-based walking intervention programs, and the control group on the secondary outcomes, including health-related quality of life and functional fitness among the older adults in Hong Kong. (Please refer to Appendix D for the outcome measurements of the intervention) Objectives (Phase 2-Promotion) 1. To formulate and develop a walking operation manual for the use of implementing an effective walking program for the older adults in Hong Kong. 2. To promote and organize mass walking programs with the format as informed by the Phase 1 study among the older adults in the community (n=900-1080). 3. To raise the government's awareness towards the promotion of an effective walking program as informed by Phase 1 study for achieving the government's goal in promoting active aging.

NCT ID: NCT05907226 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Health Risk Behaviors

Compare Smokers' Appraisal of Proposed Plain Packs and Existing Cigarette Packs

Start date: June 4, 2023
Study type: Observational

2 Objectives 1. To explore the noticeability of pictorial health warnings and perceptions of attractiveness and harmfulness towards plain cigarette packets and existing cigarette packets with 85% pictorial warnings in current smokers; 2. to compare the differences in perceptions of packaging in current smokers with different characteristics (i.e. by sex, age, the consumption level of cigarettes, nicotine dependence levels, and types of tobacco used for polytobacco product users); 3. to evaluate the effectiveness in reducing smoking consumption and promoting quit attempts; and 4. to assess the support for the legislation of plain packaging.

NCT ID: NCT05906485 Recruiting - ADHD Clinical Trials

fNIRS Neurofeedback Training Using Virtual Reality in Children With ADHD

Start date: June 1, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The study aims to explore the effectiveness of neurofeedback training on improving attention and inhibitory control of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in Hong Kong. This study will contribute to the current understanding of the alternative treatments for ADHD, and hopefully help to mobilize more resources to support children with ADHD. The programme includes the following components: Participants will be randomly assigned to the neurofeedback training group (with virtual reality [VR] technology applied), the computerized cognitive training group, or the waitlist control group. All participants will complete a total of 16 training sessions in 8 weeks (twice a week), and each session will last around 35 to 60 mins. To investigate the intervention effectiveness, children will be asked to complete a set of cognitive tests covering inhibitory control, attention, and working memory prior to the intervention (i.e., Time 1), immediately after the 8-week training (i.e., Time 2), and 2 months after the training (i.e., Time 3, a 2-month follow up). The assessment will take around 1 hour and it will be conducted at the laboratory at the University of Hong Kong. Also, parents and teachers will be asked to complete a questionnaire assessing children's behaviours at home and schools at 3 timepoints.