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NCT ID: NCT06308835 Not yet recruiting - Clinical trials for Post Intensive Care Syndrome

Prevalence and Risk Factor of Post-intensive Care Syndrome in Neuro-ICU

Start date: May 2024
Study type: Observational

Post-intensive care syndrome (PICS) is the set of disabling symptoms that can appear or worsen following a stay in intensive care. These symptoms are physical, cognitive, or psychiatric. The onset and persistence of these symptoms have a major impact on patients' quality of life, their autonomy, and their social and professional reintegration. patients with neurological diseases are frequently excluded from studies due to difficulties for the non-specialist resuscitator to perform the neurological examination and assess whether the symptoms of RPS are secondary to brain damage or complications inherent in resuscitation.The aim of this study is to evaluate the incidence and characteristics of PICS in patients with neurological diseases, at ICU discharge and 3 months after, and to identify the risk factors for developing it.

NCT ID: NCT06308445 Not yet recruiting - Clinical trials for Familial Adenomatous Polyposis

Safety Study for the Use of Rapamycin in Children With Familial Adenomatous Polyposis

Start date: August 1, 2024
Phase: Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

The hypothesize of this research is that rapamycin is effective and well-tolerated in teenagers with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP). Rapamycin could be effective in blocking the formation of adenomas and/or their evolution by decreasing their size and number. Researchers aim to assess the safety profile of rapamycin in FAP adolescents using a 2 low dose regimen.

NCT ID: NCT06307808 Not yet recruiting - Clinical trials for Kidney Transplantation

Viral Immunity in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients: Monitoring Of The Response To Hepatitis B Booster Vaccination

Start date: March 15, 2024
Study type: Observational

Solid Organ Transplantation (SOT) is made possible by the use of a lifelong immunosuppressive treatment. This treatment limits the response of the immune system, enabling long-term survival of the transplanted organ, but also leading to weaker anti-infectious responses. In this study, we will compare the response to a booster Hepatitis B vaccination (HBV) in SOT patients, either after kidney or liver transplantation. We will also compare the immune response depending on the immunosuppressive treatment. In order to provide a detailed picture of the immune response, we will investigate the usual serological response (anti-HBs antibodies), but also the cellular memory (both T and B) using ELISpot assays and flow-cytometry, over a 6 months period following booster vaccination.

NCT ID: NCT06306625 Not yet recruiting - Clinical trials for Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest

REmote COnditioning in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest

Start date: May 1, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest remains a major public health problem, resulting in high mortality largely related to multiple organ failure and poor neurological outcomes due to brain anoxia. The pathophysiology of organ dysfunction after resuscitated out-of-hospital cardiac arrest involves ischemia-reperfusion processes. Remote ischemic conditioning is a therapeutic strategy used to protect organs against the detrimental effects of ischemia-reperfusion injury. The objective of the present trial is to determine whether remote ischemic conditioning performed early after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest can decrease mortality, or multiple organ failure and/or severe neurological failure.

NCT ID: NCT06306144 Not yet recruiting - Minor Stroke Clinical Trials

Early-phase Telecare Programs for Minor Stroke

Start date: July 1, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Minor strokes (few acute neurological symptoms ; NIHSS score <5), represent almost 65% of cerebrovascular ischemic events. The increasing incidence of stroke in people under 65, together with advances in diagnostic and revascularization techniques, mean that post-stroke life expectancy is now in the order of decades. Most patients with minor stroke are rapidly discharged from hospital, with follow-up focused on secondary prevention and they are offered little or no rehabilitation. However, up to 70% of patients with minor stroke experience difficulties resuming their social or professional activities, which can lead to social and economic disruption (delayed/compromised return to work) and an increased risk of depression. While some care recommendations exist for this population, in France there is no consensus nor identified care pathway for follow-up assessment or management of these patients. Furthermore, existing services are unevenly distributed across the country, and research into the effectiveness of rehabilitation is still scarce, leading to uncertainty as to which interventions should be prioritized to decrease difficulties related to cognitive impairment. Since there are currently no rehabilitation proposals in France for patients with mild cognitive impairment after mild stroke, in this trial the investigaror will investigate the effectiveness of two six-week telerehabilitation programs each consisting of a weekly session supervised by a therapist and a self-rehabilitation session. The aim of this multicenter randomized controlled trial is the evaluate the relevance and feasibility of early identification of patients eligible for a cognition-focused management proposal and the efficacy of two telecare programs, (a) psychoeducation and (b) computerized cognitive rehabilitation.

NCT ID: NCT06305468 Not yet recruiting - Toxoplasmosis Clinical Trials

Prognosis of Disseminated and Cerebral Toxoplasmosis Hospitalized in Intensive Care in the Era of PCR Diagnosis

Start date: April 1, 2024
Study type: Observational

Toxoplasmosis is a common infection whose clinical severity can sometimes justify admission to intensive care, especially in immunocompromised patients. This study should make it possible to evaluate the impact of different anti-infective treatment regimens and to highlight clinical-biological and prognostic differences depending on the type of underlying immunosuppression.

NCT ID: NCT06305117 Not yet recruiting - Breast Cancer Clinical Trials

Virtual RealiTy and mUsic in the Oncology SEtting - Phase 1

Start date: October 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The VRtuose (Virtual RealiTy and mUsic in the Oncology Setting) project aims to evaluate the feasibility of implementing in day patient chemotherapy units a distraction strategy combining virtual reality (VR) and music which fits the needs of both breast cancer patients and healthcare providers (i.e., strategy administrators), and to evaluate its impact on patients' (i) perceived anxiety and pain during chemotherapy sessions, (ii) nausea/vomiting and mood disturbances in between chemotherapy sessions, and (iii) quality of life. The present project is a non-randomized non-controlled prospective monocentric feasibility study which will focus on evaluating the feasibility of implementing the strategy in the target population and setting. In the case that implementation of a distraction strategy combining virtual reality and music to improve quality of life of breast cancer patients during chemotherapy is deemed feasible, the efficacy of using this strategy to improve patients' experience of chemotherapy and long-term quality of life will be evaluated in a future randomized controlled trial informed and optimized by the results of the present work.

NCT ID: NCT06304129 Not yet recruiting - Clinical trials for Alzheimer Blood Biomarkers

Diagnostic Performance of Plasma Biomarkers of Alzheimer's Disease Compared With CSF Markers

Start date: April 2, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

.The goal of this interventional study is to estimate the diagnostic performance of plasma biomarkers of interest (Aβ40 and Aβ42, P-Tau and NFL), enabling discrimination between patients with and without a pathophysiological AD process. The main questions it aims to answer are: - to define a threshold value for each of the plasma, - to describe the correlations between the plasma biomarkers of interest and the other biological analyses performed as part of care, in particular triglyceridemia, cholesterolemia, glycemia and proteinemia, - to describe biomarker results in relation to comorbidities, in particular dyslipidemia and diabetes - to describe the final diagnosis and results obtained for plasma biomarkers, for patients with intermediate results according to the A/T/N classification (A-/T+ or A+/T-) Participants will be selected among patients undergoing lumbar puncture for the differential diagnosis of AD at Nancy University Hospital.

NCT ID: NCT06301841 Not yet recruiting - Clinical trials for To Reduce Duration of Antibiotics Exposure in Patients With COPD Hospitalized in Intensive Care Unit With Pneumonia

An Antibiotic Protocol Guided by a Multimodal Approach in AECOPD With Pneumonia in Intensive Care

Start date: March 15, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Investigators propose to conduct a multicenter, prospective, randomized, controlled, assessing the interests of an antibiotic protocol guided by the combined use of serum procalcitonin (PCT) and a broad-panel respiratory multiplex PCR (mPCR) to reduce duration of antibiotics exposure in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) hospitalized in intensive care unit (ICU) with pneumonia. The primary endpoint is the number of antibiotic-days for the treatment of pneumonia.

NCT ID: NCT06300788 Not yet recruiting - Clinical trials for Pyrophosphate, Fetuin A, IL1, IL6, TNFalpha, Control

Inorganic Pyrophosphate Homeostasis (PPi) in Pediatric Chronic Kidney Disease

Start date: April 1, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The investigator aim to identify the role of inorganic pyrophosphate and other anti-calcifying molecules in vascular disease in children with chronic kidney disease, with a view to developing therapeutic approaches aimed at limiting the onset of vasculopathy.