There are about 13446 clinical studies being (or have been) conducted in Belgium. The country of the clinical trial is determined by the location of where the clinical research is being studied. Most studies are often held in multiple locations & countries.
Parkinson's Disease (PD) patients suffer from gait impairments responsible for falls and bad quality of life: reduced speed and stride length, randomness in the temporal organization of stride duration variability (reduced Long-Range Autocorrelations (LRA)). For years, auditory cueing has been used to modulate PD gait and its effect on LRA is known. Less is known regarding the effects of haptic cueing on PD gait and especially on LRA. This pilot study will compare the spatio-temporal gait parameters and LRA of PD patients tested under three conditions: walking without cueing, walking with auditory cueing and walking with haptic cueing by means of rhythmic vibrations on the patients' wrists.
The objective of this preliminary observational study is to evaluate, in the patient, a correlation between a food habit and nutritional status score of the parturient and a postpartum fatigue (FSS) and pain (ENA) score on day 1, 3 and 7.
Tranexamic acid has been used to reduce bleeding and transfusion for years. Randomized studies showed its efficacity in orthopedic surgery, trauma and post-partum hemorrhage. Few data were available for other types of surgery and the safety profile of tranexamic use was nor clearly established. In april 2022, the results from the POISE-3 (Perioperative Ischemic Evaluation - 3) trial was published in the New England Journal of Medicine. This stdy clearly demonstrated in 9535 patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery, that the use of tranexamic acid significantly reduced not only perioperative bleeding, but also transfusions. The safety profile of tranexamic acid was very good in this trial. This publication was rapidly followed by editorials in major anesthesia journals, calling for "safe surgery" with a systematic use of tranexamic acid in the population studied in the POISE-3 trial. A literature review was done with a formal presentation at Erasme University Hospital, again with the call for a systematic use in appropriate patients. In this study, the adherence to these recommendations will be tested. All patients operated between october 1st 2022 and december 31 st 2022 will be included. For every patient, it will be determined if this patient should have received tranexamic acid according to the results of the POISE-3 trial and wether this patient really did get tranexamic acid. Primary endpoint will be the percentage (%) of patients correctly treated according to the POISE-3 recommendations. A second primary endpoint will be the comparison with patients operated between October 1st 2021 and december 31st 2021; that means before the publication of the recommendations. The difference between both populations will be tested with a Chi-square test. Secondary outcomes wil be bleeding and transfusion in the correctly treated population compared with an eventually not correctly treated population.
The study is a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group study to evaluate the safety, tolerability and immunogenicity of three doses of GBS NN/NN2 with Alhydrogel® (Recombinant protein vaccine against Group B Streptococcus) in elderly participants aged 55 to 75.Participants will be followed up to 6 months after last vaccination.
This study aims to investigate the quality of life and the outcome after veno-venous extracoporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) support fir severe acute respiratory syndrome (ARDS) in COVID-19 patients.
This pilot study aims at styding the correlations between body mass index, waist circumference and the potential for positional adaptation of the pelvis to support overweight or obesity
Characterization of motor patterns with opioid agonists (codeine) ingestion, and their reversal by a peripherally acting mu-opioid receptor antagonist (Naloxegol).
In 2019, nearly half of all hospital contacts in Belgium took place through the emergency department, and more than a third of patients arrived after an accident or trauma. In instances of overcrowding, patients with minor orthopedic injuries face prolonged waiting times. Previous studies have shown that implementing triage protocols for medical imaging conducted by a triage nurse can reduce the Total Length of Stay (TLOS) for this patient group. This is a single-center, unblinded, randomized, controlled trial that aims to evaluate the impact of a nurse triage protocol on turnaround time (primary outcome), quality of care, and patient satisfaction. The study population consists of adults who present with minor orthopedic injuries below the elbow or knee and have an Emergency Severity Index (ESI) of 4 or 5. Participants are randomly assigned to either the 'nurse triage protocol' group (n=110) or the 'usual care' group (n=110).
Many young people are experiencing stress-related mental health problems, with some recent studies suggesting this number is increasing. Especially now, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a significant increase in depression and anxiety in adolescents. An important way to help address this challenge is not so much to focus on trying to repair what makes young people vulnerable but to focus on building resilience. Resilience refers to the ability to successfully deal with stressful experiences. Recent research shows that being able to vividly remember and imagine positive events can buffer the negative consequences of stress, and makes a convincing case that training adolescents in recalling and anticipating positive events would promote resilience and thereby improve their mental wellbeing. And this is exactly what the current project sets out to do for the very first time. Adolescents will receive a playful group-training in school to make them better at recalling and anticipating positive events, which is expected to help them to bounce back more swiftly from challenging or otherwise stressful life events. The investigators predict that youngsters who follow our Positive Event Training will experience more positive emotions, will show improved resilience and report better mental wellbeing. The investigators will also develop a free online training protocol for teachers so that schools can provide this resilience program on their own, without the need of external professional trainers.
This study evaluates the effects of short term palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) supplementation on functional responses (i.e. muscle soreness and performance parameters) to strenuous eccentric exercise, and investigateq the systemic and muscle molecular mechanisms through which PEA impacts on these functional responses.