View clinical trials related to Cognitive Decline.
Filter by:Due to demographic changes that have resulted in an aging population, the role of caregiver of an older adult has become very important in recent years. While numerous programs have been designed to lighten the caregiver's physical and emotional burden, fewer programs train caregivers to improve skills and level of independence in the person they care for. The objectives of this research study were to assess the benefits of a caregiver training program on the cognitive and functional status of older adults, as well as to compare the effects of this program according to type of caregiver (professional caregiver vs. family caregiver). Methods: The sample was composed of 160 older adults: a) 100 received care from caregivers who had taken the training program (treatment group), of which 60 were professional caregivers and 40 were family caregivers; and b) 60 received care from caregivers who had not taken the program (control group). In order to evaluate program effects on cognitive and functional status, we used both direct measures (MMSE, CAPE and EuroQol) and caregiver reports (Barthel and RMPBC).
Aging-related cognitive decline may be affected by brain cholesterol and the health of cell membranes. Certain nutritional supplements have been proposed to support membrane health, and there is increasing interest in plasmalogens and Omega-3 derived oil supplements to support brain health among older adults. The product being investigated in this study is the ProdromeNeuro Omega 3 oil nutritional supplement. This product contains naturally occurring fatty acids in higher concentrations than similar products that are commercially available. The purpose of this research study is to better understand the effects of ProdromeNeuro Omega-3 nutritional supplementation among subjects with age-related cognitive decline.
Late-Life Depression (LLD), or depression in older adults, often presents with motivational deficits, deficits in performance in cognitive domains including processing speed and executive dysfunction, and mobility impairments. This triad of findings implicate dopaminergic dysfunction as a core pathophysiologic feature in depression, and may contribute to cognitive decline and motor disability. Normal aging results in brain-wide dopamine declines, decreased D1/D2 receptor density, and loss of dopamine transporters. Although brain changes associated with depression and aging converge on dopamine circuits, the specific disturbances in LLD and how responsive the system is to modulation remain unclear. In this study, investigators are testing integrative model that aging, in concert with pro-inflammatory shifts, decreases dopamine signaling. These signally changes affects behaviors supported by these circuits, in the context of age-associated cortical atrophy and ischemic microvascular changes, resulting in variable LLD phenotypes. Investigators propose a primary pathway where dopaminergic dysfunction in depressed elders contributes to slowed processing speed and mobility impairments that increase the effort cost associated with voluntary behavior. The central hypothesis of this study is that late-life depression is characterized by dysfunction in the dopamine system and, by enhancing dopamine functioning in the brain. By improving cognitive and motor slowing, administration of carbidopa/levodopa (L-DOPA) will improve depressive symptoms.
Today in elderly tooth loss and loss of oral function is widespread, but it is an underexplored modifiable risk factor potentially contributing to the development of dementia. In this interventional study a "cause-effect" relationship between mastication and cognition in humans will be investigated. A total of eighty (80) participants, 65-80 years of age, indicated for prosthodontic rehabilitation will be randomly assigned to either the experimental or the control group. Participants will be randomized into two different groups, measurements are going to be conducted before and after prosthetic rehabilitation. The difference between the two groups is that the control group are going to do two measurements before undergoing the rehabilitation, this to control for the test-re-test effect. The aim with this study is to determine if the rehabilitation of chewing function will cause changes in the neurocognitive assessments of episodic memory and learning.
The multi-domain programme was adapted from a larger international multi-domain interventional study for the Singapore community of older adults at risk of cognitive impairment. This programme comprises nutritional, physical and cognitive components delivered by implementation partners in the community. A dementia risk screening tool developed from the Singapore Longitudinal Ageing Study (SLAS) data was used to screen potential participants. The nutritional component includes nutrition guidance via a nutritional app, while cognition component involves computerised training on a touch screen device and physical aspects involves dual-task exercises.
The aim of the intervention proposed in the present study is to assess the effect of a cognitive stimulation (CS) intervention program in an individual and long-term format, for non-institutionalized elderly people with neurocognitive disorders and in a situation of social vulnerability. Specifically, to test the effectiveness of CS on the global cognitive state, on mood state, on quality of life and on functional state. The program will be composed by 50 sessions, including three of assessment sessions (pre, intra and post-intervention). Each session will have a duration of 45 minutes with a weekly frequency. Control group participants will maintain their treatment as usual.
Down syndrome (DS) is the most common chromosomal disorder; with the increasing life expectancy, about 80% of DS adults reach age 65 years old. Early Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common cause of death within this population. DS individuals already show AD neuropathology by the age of 30, while it becomes clinically recognized in their late forties. DS subjects also exhibit olfaction defects in adulthood. To date, there is no treatment available for the cognitive or olfactory defects in DS. The development of an effective treatment targeting cognitive dysfunction in DS adolescents/adults would be warranted. GnRH, a decapeptide secreted by hypothalamic neurons is the pilot light of reproduction in all mammals. Pulsatile GnRH acts on the gonadotrophs via the GnRH receptor (GNRHR) in the pituitary gland to stimulate LH and FSH, which themselves will act on the gonads to produce gametes and steroids. However, GNRHR are also expressed in cerebral cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, habenula, olfactory structures, and adrenal gland, suggesting that GnRH may have a role beyond reproduction. Recently, GnRH has been shown to be involved in the process of ageing and lifespan control. Notably, in murine models, GnRH acts as an anti-ageing factor, independent of sex hormones. While ageing is characterized by hypothalamic inflammation and diminished neurogenesis, particularly in the hypothalamus and the hippocampus, GnRH was able to promote adult neurogenesis. The regulation of GnRH secretion is complex and involves hormonal, neuronal input, and environmental factors. Prévot et al. recently explored cognition within the Ts65Dn model and showed an age-dependent loss of the ability to recognize new objects. Also, these mice exhibit defects in olfaction. Given the role of GnRH in anti-aging mice model, pulsatile GnRH or continuous GnRH infusion (leading to desensitization of the GNRHR) were given to the Ts65Dn mice for two weeks. Amazingly, pulsatile but not continuous GnRH therapy was able to recover cognitive and olfaction defects.
This is an observational study. Patients who fulfill all inclusion criteria and none of the exclusion criteria will be enrolled in the study, be neurologically evaluated and will go through EEG recordings while listening to an auditory cognitive assessment tool and preforming tasks. EEG recordings will be analyzed using proprietary computational analyses.
High blood pressure and poor cognitive function are two common health problems among older adults in the United States. They are also closely related because high blood pressure may lead to negative changes in brain structure and function such as poor brain blood flow that can cause poor cognitive function. Executive function is one type of cognitive function that let people plan and perform difficult tasks. It is commonly damaged by high blood pressure. It is also very important for older adults because they need good executive function to live on their own. Tai Chi is a good exercise option for older adults because it is safe, fun, and social. Research studies show that Tai Chi can reduce blood pressure and improve cognitive function, especially executive function. However, researchers do know if these heart and brain health benefits of Tai Chi are connected. In the ACTION study, researchers will first measure how a single session of Tai Chi followed by a 12-week online Tai Chi program with easy movements changes blood pressure and cognitive function, focusing on executive function. Then, researchers will test if these changes in heart and brain health are connected, and if they are connected through the changes in brain structure and function. Both the single session and 12-week online Tai Chi program will be practiced by a group of older adults with high blood pressure and normal cognitive function. They will be new to Tai Chi and not exercising regularly. The hypotheses of the ACTION study are that practicing Tai Chi is good for the heart and brain of older adults with high blood pressure. Specifically, relaxing Tai Chi with gentle movements will reduce blood pressure, and thereby improve cognitive function, particularly executive function.
The purpose of this study is to investigate how RA affect the brain structures in RA-patients and if anti-inflammatory treatment that target TNF-α or JAK OR physical training of hands has positive impact on neuropsychiatric symptoms and morphological changes in the brain caused by the disease. The goal of this research project is to improve the knowledge of morphological changes in brain developed in connection to RA and to identify clinical and serological markers to predict development of those changes and finally, to investigate if anti-rheumatic interventions counteract destructive processes in the central nervous system (CNS) and improve the patient's health with respect to functionality, pain experience and psychological well-being.