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Cognitive Change clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT05026541 Recruiting - Sleep Clinical Trials

Resilience to Sleep Deprivation and Changes in Sleep Architecture in Shoonya Meditators

Start date: September 12, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This study aims to investigate the effect of a 15-minute meditation practice on sleep architecture and high-frequency Heart Rate Variability (HF-HRV), as well as cognitive performance after both a well-rested and sleep-deprived night.

NCT ID: NCT05014399 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Cognitive Impairment

Cognitive Impairment in Colorectal Cancer Patients Receiving Cytotoxic Chemotherapy

Chemo Brain
Start date: September 20, 2021
Study type: Observational

The purpose of this research study is to see how the brain changes in patients receiving chemotherapy (cytotoxic drug) treatment for colon or rectal cancer at Parkview Cancer Institute. This information will be used to identify helpful tests to diagnose individuals at risk for developing difficulties with thinking and memory due to their cancer treatments.

NCT ID: NCT04989712 Recruiting - Cognitive Change Clinical Trials

MOReS Freestyle Libre Validation Study

Start date: October 28, 2021
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

To measure the effects of interrupting prolonged sitting with brief standing physical activity interventions on physical and cognitive performance, health and wellbeing in young people.

NCT ID: NCT04911179 Recruiting - Exercise Clinical Trials

Combined Exercise and Cognitive Stimulation for Falls Prevention

Start date: March 1, 2021
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Randomized clinical trial of 310 older adults over 75 years old recruited from the Falls Units of Geriatric Departments in 4 three University Hospitals in Spain (Pamplona, San Sebastián, Albacete and Barcelona). Participants who met inclusion criteria will be randomized to the usual care group (Otago exercise program) or the Vivifrail-Cog Intervention (a combination of physical exercise Vivifrail program and cognitive training). The main objective of the present randomized clinical trial is to investigate the effect of the combined intervention (exercise and cognitive intervention) in frail older participants living in the community and at risk of falling. The main endpoint will be the rate of falling in the following year. Secondary endpoints include physical performance, muscle strength, cognitive performance, hospitalizations, institutionalization, depression and quality of life.

NCT ID: NCT04861818 Recruiting - Cognitive Change Clinical Trials

The Role of the Time of Day in the Effects of Exercise on Memory in Heathy Young Adults

Start date: June 21, 2021
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Cumulative evidence indicates that a single bout of exercise has beneficial impacts on memory in young adults. From a physiological perspective, acute exercise leads to changes of heart rate variability (HRV), which is associated with memory retrieval process. From a psychological perspective, acute exercise increases the arousal level and thus facilitates cognitive processing including memory storage and retrieval. Such HRV- and/or arousal-based effects of exercise on memory could be differed by the time of day in young adults based on their circadian rhythms of HRV. Moreover, young adults prefer afternoon or evening to morning in their circadian rhythms, demonstrating less wakefulness and lower memory performance in the morning relative to afternoon. Based on the potential psychophysiological mechanisms, exercise could impact young adults' memory differently by the time of day. The investigators aim to 1) determine the extent to which the time of day modulates how moderate-intensity cardiovascular exercise impacts verbal-auditory and visuospatial short- and long-term memory in young adults, and 2) consider potential psychological and physiological markers that may mediate exercise's effects on cognitive performance. As cognitive benefits of exercise might differ by the time of day, it is important to investigate such interaction and make the right recommendations of the timing of exercise for young adults in academic settings.

NCT ID: NCT04802291 Recruiting - Parenting Clinical Trials

HomeStyles-2: Shaping HOME Environments and LifeSTYLES to Prevent Childhood Obesity

Start date: May 15, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Parents are children's primary role models, are food and physical activity gatekeepers, and create the structure/lifestyle environment within the home. Thus, parents strongly influence children's weight-related behaviors and have the opportunity to cultivate a "culture of health" within the home. Yet, there continues to be a dearth of evidence-based obesity prevention intervention programs, especially for families with children aged 6 to 11 years, commonly called the middle childhood years. The aim of the HomeStyles-2 online learning mode RCT is to determine whether this novel, age-appropriate, family intervention enables and motivates parents to shape their home environments and weight-related lifestyle practices (i.e., diet, exercise, sleep) to be more supportive of optimal health and reduced risk of obesity in their middle childhood youth more than those in the control condition. The RCT will include the experimental group and an attention control group who will engage in a bona fide concurrent treatment different in subject matter but equal in nonspecific treatment effects. The participants will be families with school-age children who are systematically randomly assigned by computer to study condition. The HomeStyles intervention is predicated on the social cognitive theory and a social ecological framework. The RCT will collect sociodemographic characteristics of the participant, child, and partner/spouse; child and parent health status; parent weight-related cognitions; weight-related behaviors of the parent and child; and weight-related characteristics of the home environment. Enrollment for this study will begin mid-2021.This paper describes these aspects of the HomeStyles-2 intervention: rationale; sample eligibility criteria and recruitment; study design; experimental group intervention theoretical and philosophical underpinnings, structure, content, and development process; attention control intervention; survey instrument development and components; outcome measures; and planned analyses.

NCT ID: NCT04724499 Recruiting - Breast Cancer Clinical Trials

Improving Cognitive Function Through High-intensity Interval Training in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy

Start date: July 14, 2021
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this research is to determine whether a 16-week high intensity interval training (HIIT) exercise program will improve brain health among women undergoing chemotherapy and also improve cardiovascular (heart) function. The names of the study interventions involved in this study are/is: - High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

NCT ID: NCT04427852 Recruiting - Cognitive Change Clinical Trials

Nutrition, Vision, and Cognition in Sport Study: Beef

Start date: January 20, 2020
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this study is to determine whether a 30 day beef intervention can improve peak cognitive performance in young, normally menstruating adult women. The control group will consume a daily portion of macronutrient equivalent vegetable source of protein.

NCT ID: NCT04410055 Recruiting - Aging Clinical Trials

Non-exercise Physical Activity Intervention

Start date: January 8, 2012
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Physical inactivity is prevalent in older adults and poses a risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes. The aim of this pilot study was to examine the effect of non-exercise physical activity using a standing desk on clinical variables in older adults with type 2 diabetes.

NCT ID: NCT04207502 Recruiting - Aging Clinical Trials

Integrating Systematic Data of Geriatric Medicine to Explore the Solution for Health Aging

Start date: September 1, 2019
Study type: Observational

This project aims to build up the comprehensive database of geriatric medicine for local Taiwanese.