There are more than 498,563 clinical trials published worldwide with over 60,000 trials that are currently either recruiting or not yet recruiting. Use our filters on this page to find more information on current clinical trials or past clinical trials (free or paid) for study purposes and read about their results.
The Heart-Brain project is a randomized controlled trial designed to examine the effects of two different exercise programs of 12-week duration: 1) aerobic high intensity interval training (HIIT), and 2) aerobic HIIT plus resistance training, on brain health and other outcomes in coronary heart disease patients.
Despite steady increases in obesity prevalence, the more than 12 million obese U.S. adults with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and severe obesity encounter a number of barriers to adopting effective surgical and pharmaceutical treatments, including: (a) both patients and primary care clinicians frequently underestimate the effectiveness and potential benefits of obesity treatments; and (b) both patients and clinicians typically lack access to evidence-based estimates of the patient-specific potential benefits and risks of appropriate obesity treatment options. This project addresses these important obstacles to evidence-based obesity care by providing accurate, patient-specific estimates of benefits and risks of various obesity treatment options to inform shared decision making about obesity treatment. In this project the study team will implement a scalable, web-based point-of-care decision-support intervention in primary care that provides patient-specific estimates of obesity treatment benefits and risks in a randomized trial in 40 primary care clinics with 15,810 eligible patients, and assess intervention impact on (i) appropriate active management of obesity in eligible patients, (ii) weight trajectories, and (iii) patient and clinician satisfaction with the decision support intervention.
The goal of this clinical trial is to evaluate a new way of helping adolescents with type 1 diabetes consistently use continuous glucose monitoring systems (CGM). Families who participate will be assigned by chance to one of two groups. One group will continue to see their Endocrinology provider who can give recommendations on ways to use CGM. The other group will be in our Type 1 Together program for 6 months. This will include: 1. Monthly meetings with a community health worker with expertise in type 1 diabetes self-management, 2. Access to CGM-specific educational resources hosted on a mobile app, and 3. Meeting at least monthly with a mentor family who will provide mentorship on using CGM consistently. The main questions the study aims to answer are: 1. Do families like the Type 1 Together program? 2. Do more families in the Type 1 Together program have better attitudes towards CGM, use CGM more consistently, and have lower HbA1c? 3. Does the Type 1 Together program reduce racial and ethnic differences in attitudes towards CGM, consistent use of CGM, and HbA1c?
Short bowel syndrome (SBS) is a rare but challenging condition in which patients have insufficient bowel length to meet fluid, electrolyte, and nutrient requirements without parenteral support. The purpose of this study is to determine how well dietary fiber is tolerated in patients with short bowel syndrome compared to patients without short bowel syndrome based on assessment of gastrointestinal symptoms, and corresponding changes in microbiome composition and metabolomics.
In this prospective, observational, long term registry patients of all ages with a diagnosis of hypophosphatasia (HPP) are followed at participating sites in multiple countries.
To compare the efficacy of intramuscular injection of two anti-inflammatory drugs, Traumeel and Dexamethasone, used in the control of postoperative complications pain, edema and trismus after third molar extraction mandibular
The aim of this cross-sectional study is to investigate the level of stress and quality of life in parents of children with developmental disabilities (Down syndrome, autism spectrum disorder, pervasive developmental disorder, cerebral palsy) and parents of children chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus type 1, epilepsy, asthma) compared to parents of healthy children. The investigators will analyze the level of stress, quality of life, self-esteem, optimism, resilience, happiness, stigmatization, depression, anxiety, sleep quality, parenting challenges and some physiological indicators of the stress such as level of cortisol and heart rate variability. Also, the investigators will measure Advanced Glycation End products (AGEs) in the skin. The investigators assume that parents of children with developmental disabilities and chronic diseases have higher level of stress and lower quality of life compared to the parents of healthy children.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of use of Soberlink on treatment experience for individuals with alcohol use disorder while enrolled in an In-Home Addiction Treatment program. Treatment engagement, feelings related to autonomy and empowerment, and overall quality of life will be evaluated. Although not the primary focus, recidivism and relapse will be measured.
The purpose of the study: To develop a differentiated management strategy for obese children based on the analysis of the relationship between their clinical, metabolic, immunological and microbiological status Research objectives: 1. To give a clinical and metabolic characteristic of a group of obese children (age, gender, degree of obesity, body mass index SDS, the presence of complications of obesity, clinical signs of metabolic syndrome, laboratory markers: AlT, AsT, cholesterol, high and low density lipoproteins, uric acid, insulin, leptin). 2. To study the immunological indicators of inflammation in obese children (the level of highly sensitive CRP, proinflammatory cytokines - IL-1b, IL-6, IL-10, IL-18, TNF-α). 3. To assess the state of the intestinal microbiota in obese children by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. 4. To analyze the relationship of clinical-metabolic, immunological and microbiological status in obese children and identify markers associated with metabolic syndrome and the formation of complications. Materials and methods: At stage 1, it is planned to conduct a cohort study in a group of school-age children with obesity (n=120) with the study of their clinical, metabolic, immunological and microbiological status. The control group will consist of healthy children of the appropriate age who are not overweight (n= 20). Stage 2 of the study consists in prospective observation of children of the examined group who do not have complications and clinical manifestations of metabolic syndrome for 6 months against the background of standard therapeutic measures (diet, lifestyle correction, physical activity) and repeated clinical and laboratory examination.
Retrospective, single center, single arm PMCF study on the performance and safety of Lyoplant® used for the replacement and extension of connective tissue structures in neurosurgery.