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Clinical Trial Details — Status: Completed

Administrative data

NCT number NCT01702571
Other study ID # MO28231
Secondary ID 2012-001628-37
Status Completed
Phase Phase 3
First received
Last updated
Start date November 27, 2012
Est. completion date July 31, 2020

Study information

Verified date March 2022
Source Hoffmann-La Roche
Contact n/a
Is FDA regulated No
Health authority
Study type Interventional

Clinical Trial Summary

This two-cohort, open-label, multicenter study will assess the safety, efficacy and tolerability of trastuzumab emtansine in participants with HER2-positive locally advanced breast cancer (LABC) or metastatic breast cancer (mBC) who have received prior anti-HER2 and chemotherapy-based treatment. Participants in Cohort 1 will be drawn from the general participant population; Cohort 2 will include only Asian participants.

Recruitment information / eligibility

Status Completed
Enrollment 2185
Est. completion date July 31, 2020
Est. primary completion date July 31, 2020
Accepts healthy volunteers No
Gender All
Age group 18 Years and older
Eligibility Inclusion Criteria: - HER2-positive disease determined locally - Histologically or cytologically confirmed invasive breast cancer - Prior treatment for breast cancer in the adjuvant, unresectable, locally advanced or metastatic setting must include both chemotherapy, alone or in combination with another agent, and an anti-HER2 agent, alone or in combination with another agent - Documented progression of incurable, unresectable, LABC, or mBC, defined by the investigator: progression must occur during or after most recent treatment for LABC/mBC or within 6 months of completing adjuvant therapy - Measurable and/or non-measurable disease - Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) >/=50% by either echocardiogram (ECHO) or multiple-gated acquisition scan (MUGA) - Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status of 0,1 or 2 - Adequate organ function - Use of highly effective contraception as defined by the protocol Exclusion Criteria: - History of treatment with trastuzumab emtansine - Prior enrollment into a clinical study containing trastuzumab emtansine regardless of having received trastuzumab emtansine or not - Peripheral neuropathy of Grade >/= 3 per National Cancer Institute (NCI) common terminology criteria for adverse events (CTCAE) v 4.0 - History of other malignancy within the previous 5 years, except for appropriately treated carcinoma in situ of the cervix, non-melanoma skin carcinoma, Stage 1 uterine cancer, synchronous or previously diagnosed HER2-positive breast cancer - History of receiving any anti-cancer drug/biologic or investigational treatment within 21 days prior to first study treatment except hormone therapy, which can be given up to 7 days prior to first study treatment; recovery of treatment-related toxicity consistent with other eligibility criteria - History of exposure to cumulative doses of anthracyclines - History of radiation therapy within 14 days of first study treatment. The participant must have recovered from any resulting acute toxicity (to Grade </=1) prior to first study treatment. - Metastatic central nervous system (CNS) disease only - Brain metastases which are symptomatic - History of a decrease in LVEF to less than (<) 40% or symptomatic congestive heart failure (CHF) with previous trastuzumab treatment - History of symptomatic CHF (New York Heart Association [NYHA] Classes II-IV) or serious cardiac arrhythmia requiring treatment - History of myocardial infarction or unstable angina within 6 months of first study treatment - Current dyspnea at rest due to complications of advanced malignancy or requirement for continuous oxygen therapy - Current severe, uncontrolled systemic disease (clinically significant cardiovascular, pulmonary, or metabolic disease) - Pregnancy or lactation - Currently known active infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus, or hepatitis C virus - History of intolerance (such as Grade 3-4 infusion reaction) or hypersensitivity to trastuzumab or murine proteins or any component of the product

Study Design

Related Conditions & MeSH terms


Trastuzumab Emtansine
Participants will receive trastuzumab emtansine 3.6 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) intravenously on Day 1 of a 3-week cycle every 3 weeks until unacceptable toxicity, withdrawal of consent, or disease progression.


Country Name City State
Argentina CEMIC Buenos Aires
Argentina Centro Oncologico Riojano Integral (CORI) La Rioja
Argentina Hospital Privado De Comunidad; General Practice Mar Del Plata
Australia Ashford Cancer Center Research Kurralta Park South Australia
Australia Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre; Medical Oncology Melbourne Victoria
Australia Fiona Stanley Hospital Murdoch Western Australia
Australia Mater Hospital; Patricia Ritchie Centre for Cancer Care and Research North Sydney New South Wales
Australia Haematology & Oncology Clinics of Australia Research Centre South Brisbane Queensland
Australia Sunshine Hospital; Oncology Research St Albans Victoria
Australia Calvary Mater Newcastle; Medical Oncology Waratah New South Wales
Australia Westmead Hospital; Medical Oncology and Pallative Care Westmead New South Wales
Austria Lkh Salzburg - Univ. Klinikum Salzburg; Iii. Medizinische Abt. Salzburg
Austria Medizinische Universität Wien; Univ.Klinik für Frauenheilkunde - Klinik für Gynäkologie Wien
Austria Medizinische Universität Wien; Univ.Klinik für Innere Medizin I - Abt. für Onkologie Wien
Belgium Institut Jules Bordet Anderlecht
Belgium UZ Brussel Brussel
Belgium Cliniques Universitaires St-Luc Bruxelles
Belgium GHdC Site Notre Dame Charleroi
Belgium UZ Antwerpen Edegem
Belgium UZ Gent Gent
Belgium UZ Leuven Gasthuisberg Leuven
Belgium CHU Sart-Tilman Liège
Belgium Clinique Ste-Elisabeth Namur
Belgium Sint Augustinus Wilrijk, Apotheek Wilrijk
Brazil Centro de Pesquisas Oncologicas - CEPON Florianopolis SC
Brazil Hospital Sao Lucas - PUCRS Porto Alegre RS
Brazil *X*Instituto Nacional do Cancer - INCA Rio de Janeiro RJ
Brazil Hospital Sao Jose Sao Paulo SP
Brazil Hospital Sirio Libanes; Centro de Oncologia Sao Paulo SP
Bulgaria MHAT Serdika; Department of medical oncology Sofia
Bulgaria SHATO - Sofia Sofia
Bulgaria SHATOD - Sofia Sofia
Bulgaria District Oncology Dispensary Wit Stationary Varna
Canada Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre; c/o Oncology Clinical Trials Barrie Ontario
Canada London Regional Cancer Centre London Ontario
Canada Hopital Maisonneuve- Rosemont; Oncology Montreal Quebec
Canada Mcgill University - Royal Victoria Hospital; Oncology Montreal Quebec
Canada Southlake Regional Health Center; Community Care Clinic / Oncology Newmarket Ontario
Canada Dr. H. Bliss Murphy Cancer Centre; Oncology St. John's Newfoundland and Labrador
Canada BC Cancer - Surrey Surrey British Columbia
Canada St. Michael'S Hospital Toronto Ontario
Canada British Columbia Cancer Agency (Bcca) - Vancouver Cancer Centre Vancouver British Columbia
China Beijing Cancer Hospital Beijing
China Cancer Hospital Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. Beijing
China Chinese PLA General Hospital Beijing
China Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital Guangzhou
China Sun Yet-sen University Cancer Center Guangzhou
China Harbin Medical University Cancer Hospital Harbin
China Jiangsu Cancer Hospital Nanjing City
China Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center Shanghai City
China Tianjin Cancer Hospital Tianjin
China Zhejiang Cancer Hospital Zhejiang
Croatia Clinical Hospital Centre Zagreb Zagreb
Denmark Aalborg Universitetshospital, Klinik Kirurgi-Kræft, Onkologisk afd. Aalborg
Denmark Herlev Hospital; Afdeling for Kræftbehandling Herlev
Denmark Nordsjællands Hospital, Hillerød, Onkologisk Afdeling Hillerod
Denmark Rigshospitalet; Onkologisk Klinik København Ø
Denmark Odense Universitetshospital, Onkologisk Afdeling R Odense C
Denmark Sygehus Syd Roskilde; Onkologisk/haematologisk ambulatorium Roskilde
Denmark Vejle Sygehus; Onkologisk Afdeling Vejle
Dominican Republic Hospital Metropolitano de Santiago Santiago
Ecuador Clinica Alcivar, torre 1;Private office Guayaquil
Ecuador Hospital Solca Portoviejo; Oncologia Portoviejo
Estonia North Estonia Medical Centre Foundation; Oncology Center Tallinn
Finland Helsingin yliopistollinen keskussairaala Helsinki
Finland KYS Sadesairaala; Syopatautien poliklinikka Kuopio
Finland Tampere University Hospital; Dept of Oncology Tampere
Finland Turku Uni Central Hospital; Oncology Clinics Turku
France Clinique De L Europe; Radiotherapie Chimiotherapie Amiens
France ICO Paul Papin; Oncologie Medicale. Angers
France Institut Sainte Catherine Avignon
France Hopital Jean Minjoz - CHU de Besançon Besançon
France Clinique Tivoli; Chimiotherapie Radiotherapie Bordeaux
France Institut Bergonie; Oncologie Bordeaux
France Polyclinique Bordeaux Nord Aquitaine; Chimiotherapie Radiotherapie Bordeaux
France Cli De La Porte De Saint Cloud; Hop De Jour De Chimiotherapie Boulogne-billancourt
France Hopital Morvan; Oncologie - Radiotherapie Brest
France Centre Francois Baclesse; Radiotherapie Caen
France Centre Jean Perrin; Oncologie Clermont Ferrand
France Centre Georges Francois Leclerc; Oncologie 3 Dijon
France Chu Grenoble - Hopital Albert Michallon; Departement de Cancero-Hematologie Grenoble
France Centre Hartmann Levallois Perret
France Centre Oscar Lambret; Senologie Lille
France Clinique Chenieux; Oncology Limoges
France Ch Bretagne Sud Site Scorff; Oncologie Medicale Lorient
France Centre Leon Berard Lyon
France Institut Paoli Calmettes; Oncologie Medicale Marseille
France Hopital Layne; Medecine Ambulatoire Mont-de-marsan
France Centre Val Aurelle Paul Lamarque; Recherche Clinique Montpellier
France Centre Antoine Lacassagne; Hopital De Jour A2 Nice
France HOPITAL TENON; Cancerologie Medicale Paris
France Institut Curie; Oncologie Medicale Paris
France Polyclinique Francheville; Med Chimiotherapie Radiotherapie Perigueux
France Centre Catalan D' Oncologie Perpignan
France Clinique Armoricaine Radiologie; Hopital de Jour Plerin
France Pole Regional De Cancerologie Poitiers
France Polyclinique De Courlancy; Centre Radiotherapie Oncologie Reims
France Institut Jean Godinot; Oncologie Medicale Reims CEDEX
France Centre Eugene Marquis; Unite Huguenin Rennes
France Centre Henri Becquerel; Oncologie Medicale Rouen
France Ico Rene Gauducheau; Oncologie Saint Herblain
France Centre Rene Huguenin; CONSULT SPECIALISEES St Cloud
France Centre Paul Strauss; Oncologie Medicale Strasbourg
France Clinique Pasteur; Oncologie Medicale Toulouse
France Institut Claudius Regaud; Departement Oncologie Medicale Toulouse
France Centre Henry S Kaplan - CHU Bretonneau ; service oncologie Tours
France Centre Alexis Vautrin; Oncologie Medicale Vandoeuvre-les-nancy
France Institut Gustave Roussy; Pathologie Mammaire Villejuif
Germany Hämatologisch-onkologische Praxis Dr. med. - Heinrich, - Bangerter Augsburg
Germany Praxis Dres. Schilling & Till Berlin
Germany Schwerpunktpraxis Onkologie/Hämatologie Dr. Dirk Pott, Dr. Christian Tirier und Carla Verena u.w. Bottrop
Germany Onkozentrum Dres. Göhler Dresden
Germany Dres. Joerg Weniger, Annette Bittrich und Berit Schuetze Erfurt
Germany Universitätsklinikum Erlangen; Frauenklinik Erlangen
Germany HOPA MVZ GmbH Hamburg
Germany OncoResearch Lerchenfeld GmbH Hamburg
Germany Medizinische Hochschule Zentrum Frauenheilkunde Abt.Gynäkologische Onkologie Hannover
Germany Institut für Versorgungsforschung in der Onkologie GbR Koblenz Koblenz
Germany Klinikum Leverkusen; Med. Klinik III / Onkologie Leverkusen
Germany Klinikum der Universität München; Campus Großhadern; Klinik und Poliklinik für Frauenheilkunde Muenchen
Germany Universitätsklinikum Münster; Klinik für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe Münster
Germany Sana Klinikum Offenbach GmbH; Klinik für Gynäkologie & Geburtshilfe Offenbach
Germany Praxis für Hämatologie und Onkologie Porta Westfalica
Germany Universitaetsfrauenklinik; Und Poliklinik Am Klinikum Rostock
Germany Universitätsklinik Tübingen; Frauenklinik Tübingen
Germany HELIOS Dr. Horst Schmidt Kliniken Wiesbaden; Klinik für Gynäkologie und gynäkologische Onkologie Wiesbaden
Germany Hämatologisch-Onkologische Schwerpunktpraxis Dres. Schlag & Schöttker Würzburg
Greece University General Hospital of Heraklion Crete
Greece Uni Hospital of Ioannina; Oncology Dept. Ioannina
Greece University Hospital of Patras Medical Oncology Patras
Greece Papageorgiou General Hospital; Medical Oncology Thessaloniki
Guatemala Centro Oncológico Sixtino / Centro Oncológico SA Guatemala
Hong Kong Princess Margaret Hospital; Oncology Hong Kong
Hong Kong Prince of Wales Hosp; Dept. Of Clinical Onc Shatin
Hungary Magyar Honvedseg Egeszsegugyi Kozpont; Fázis I-es Klinikai Farmakológiai Vizsgálóhely Budapest
Hungary Ogyi, Orszagos Gyogyszereszeti Intezet Budapest
Hungary Orszagos Onkologiai Intezet; B Belgyogyaszati Osztaly Budapest
Hungary Szent Imre Hospital; Dept. of Oncology Budapest
Hungary Kaposi Mor County Hospital; Dept. of Oncology Kaposvar
Iceland Landspitali University Hospital, Department of Medical Oncology Reykjavik
Indonesia Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital; Hematology & Oncology Jakarta
Indonesia Dharmais National Cancer Center Jakarta
Indonesia MRCCC Siloam Semanggi Hospital Jakarta
Ireland Cork Uni Hospital; Oncology Dept Cork
Ireland Mater Misericordiae Uni Hospital; Oncology Dublin
Ireland St Vincent'S Uni Hospital; Medical Oncology Dublin
Ireland University Hospital Limerick - Oncology Limerick
Italy Azienda Ospedaliera San Giuseppe Moscati Avellino Campania
Italy RCCS - Centro di Riferimento; Oncologia Medica B Aviano (PN) Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Italy Ospedale Bellaria; U.O. Oncologia Medica Bologna Emilia-Romagna
Italy Ospedale Antonio Perrino; Oncologia Medica Brindisi Puglia
Italy Ospedale Civile; Oncologia Medica Camposampiero Veneto
Italy Fondazione Del Piemonte Per L'oncologia Ircc Di Candiolo; Dipartimento Oncologico Candiolo Piemonte
Italy Az Ospedaliera Nuovo Garibaldi Quartiere Nesima; Oncologia Medica Catania Sicilia
Italy ASST DI CREMONA; Unità di Patologia Mammaria Senologia e Breast Unit Cremona Lombardia
Italy A.O.U Careggi Florence Toscana
Italy IRCCS Istituto Nazionale Per La Ricerca Sul Cancro (IST); Oncologia Medica A Genova Liguria
Italy Ospedale Vito Fazzi; Div. Oncoematologia Lecce Puglia
Italy ASST DI LECCO; Oncologia Medica Lecco Lombardia
Italy Irccs Istituto Nazionale Dei Tumori (Int);S.C. Medicina Oncologica 1 Milano Lombardia
Italy Istituto Europeo Di Oncologia Milano Lombardia
Italy Ospedale San Raffaele; Medical Oncology Milano Lombardia
Italy A.O.U. Policlinico di Modena Modena Emilia-Romagna
Italy Istituto Nazionale Tumori Fondazione G. Pascale Napoli Campania
Italy Università degli Studi Federico II; Clinica di Oncologia Medica Napoli Campania
Italy Ospedale Maggiore Della Carita; Oncologia Medica Novara Piemonte
Italy Ospedale Busonera; Oncologia Medica Padova Veneto
Italy Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri; Divisione Di Oncologia Medica Pavia Lombardia
Italy Azienda Ospedaliera Di Perugia Ospedale s. Maria Della Misericordia; Oncologia Medica Perugia Umbria
Italy Az. Osp. Ospedale Civile; U.O. Di Oncologia Medica Ed Ematologia Piacenza Emilia-Romagna
Italy Azienda usl 5 Di Pisa-Ospedale Di Pontedera;U.O. Oncologia Pontedera Toscana
Italy Ospedale Misericordia E Dolce; Oncologia Medica Prato Toscana
Italy Policlinico Umberto i di Roma; dip. Scienze Radiologiche, Oncologiche, Anatomopatologiche Roma Lazio
Italy Casa di Cura Multimedica S.p.A.; Dipartimento Oncologico Sesto San Giovanni (MI) Lombardia
Italy Ospedale S.S. Trinità Nuovo; Divisione Oncologia Sora Lazio
Italy A.O. Città della Salute e della Scienza - Presidio Molinette; divisione oncologia medica Torino Piemonte
Italy Divisione Onc Med dell'Azienda Udine Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Korea, Republic of Kyungpook National University Medical Center Daegu
Korea, Republic of Gachon Medical School Gil Medical Center; Medical Oncology Incheon
Korea, Republic of Korea University Anam Hospital; Oncology Haemotology Seoul
Korea, Republic of Seoul National Uni Hospital; Dept. of Internal Medicine/Hematology/Oncology Seoul
Korea, Republic of Yonsei University Severance Hospital; Medical Oncology Seoul
Luxembourg CHL Hopital Municipal; Oncology Luxembourg
Mexico Medica Sur Centro Oncologico Integral D.f.
Mexico Hospital Hmg Coyoacan DF
Mexico CENTRO MÉDICO NACIONAL SIGLO XXI; Hospital de Especialidades Oncología Mexico City
Mexico Hospital General de México Mexico City Mexico CITY (federal District)
Mexico Inst. Nacional de Cancerologia; Investigacion Clinica Mexico City
Mexico Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas Y de La Nutricion Zubirán Mexico City
Netherlands Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek Ziekenhuis; Inwendige Geneeskunde Amsterdam
Netherlands Amphia Ziekenhuis Breda
Netherlands MC Haaglanden; Oncologie Den Haag
Netherlands Deventer Ziekenhuis; Interne Geneeskunde Deventer
Netherlands Ziekenhuisgroep Twente, Hengelo Hengelo
Netherlands Spaarne Ziekenhuis; Inwendige Geneeskunde Hoofddorp
Netherlands Medisch Centrum Leeuwarden; Interne Leeuwarden
Netherlands Orbis Medisch Centrum; Inwendige Geneeskunde Sittard-Geleen
Netherlands Twee Steden Ziekenhuis - Locatie Tilburg; Interne Geneesekunde Tilburg
Norway Oslo Universitetssykehus HF; Ullevål sykehus Oslo
Panama Centro Hemato Oncologico Panama Panama
Panama Centro Oncologico America Panama
Peru Clinica de Especialidades Medicas Lima
Peru Instituto;Oncologico Miraflores Lima
Poland Bialostockie Centrum Onkologii; Oddzial Onkologii Klinicznej Bialystok
Poland Szpital Specjalistyczny POO im. ks. B.Markiewicza; Dzienny Oddz Chemioter i Hematologii Onkol Brzozów
Poland Swietokrzyskie Centrum Onkologii; Dzial Chemioterapii Kielce
Poland Szpital Uniwersytecki w Krakowie, Oddzial Kliniczny Kliniki Onkologii Kraków
Poland Europejskie Centrum Zdrowia Otwock Szpital im. Fryderyka Chopina, Klinika Onkologii Otwock
Poland Wojewódzki Szpital Specjalistyczny Nr 3 Rybnik
Portugal Hospital da Luz; Departamento de Oncologia Medica Lisboa
Portugal IPO de Lisboa; Servico de Oncologia Medica Lisboa
Portugal IPO do Porto; Servico de Oncologia Medica Porto
Slovakia Narodny Onkologicky Ustav; Oddelenie klinickej onkologie A Bratislava
Slovakia Fakultna nemocnica Trencín; Onkologicke odd. Trencin
Slovenia Institute of Oncology Ljubljana Ljubljana
Spain Hospital General Univ. de Alicante; Servicio de Oncologia Alicante
Spain Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol; Servicio de Oncologia Badalona Barcelona
Spain Hospital del Mar; Servicio de Oncologia Barcelona
Spain Hospital Quiron Barcelona; Servicio de Oncologia Barcelona
Spain Hospital de Cruces; Servicio de Oncologia Bilbao Vizcaya
Spain Hospital San Pedro De Alcantara; Servicio de Oncologia Caceres
Spain Hospital Universitario Reina Sofia; Servicio de Oncologia Córdoba Cordoba
Spain Hospital General Universitario de Elche; Servicio de Oncologia Elche Alicante
Spain Hospital General de Elda; Servicio de Oncologia Elda Alicante
Spain Hospital Universitari de Girona Dr. Josep Trueta; Servicio de Oncologia Girona
Spain Hospital Universitario San Cecilio; Servicio de Oncologia Granada
Spain Complejo Hospitalario de Jaen-Hospital Universitario Medico Quirurgico; Servicio de Oncologia Jaen
Spain Hospital de Jerez de la Frontera; Servicio de Oncologia Jerez de La Frontera Cadiz
Spain Complejo Hospitalario Universitario A Coruña (CHUAC, Materno Infantil), Oncología La Coruña
Spain Hospital de Gran Canaria Dr. Negrin; Servicio de Oncologia Las Palmas de Gran Canaria LAS Palmas
Spain Hospital Universitario Materno Infantil de Gran Canaria; Servicio de Oncologia Las Palmas de Gran Canaria LAS Palmas
Spain Hospital Severo Ochoa; Servicio de Oncologia Leganes Madrid
Spain Hospital Universitari Arnau de Vilanova de Lleida; Servicio de Oncologia Lerida
Spain Hospital Ramon y Cajal; Servicio de Oncologia Madrid
Spain Hospital Clinico Universitario Virgen de la Victoria; Servicio de Oncologia Malaga
Spain Hospital Univ. Central de Asturias; Servicio de Oncologia Oviedo Asturias
Spain Hospital Universitario Son Espases Palma De Mallorca Islas Baleares
Spain Complejo Hospitalario de Pontevedra; Servicio de Oncologia Pontevedra
Spain Hospital Quiron de Madrid; Servicio de Oncologia Pozuelo de Alarcon Madrid
Spain Hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus; Servicio de Oncologia Reus Tarragona
Spain Corporacio Sanitaria Parc Tauli; Servicio de Oncologia Sabadell Barcelona
Spain Hospital de Donostia; Servicio de Oncologia Medica San Sebastian Guipuzcoa
Spain Hospital Clinico Universitario de Valencia; Servicio de Onco-hematologia Valencia
Spain Hospital General Universitario de Valencia; Servicio de oncologia Valencia
Spain Instituto Valenciano Oncologia; Oncologia Medica Valencia
Spain Hospital Xeral Cíes; Servicio de Oncologia Vigo Pontevedra
Spain Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet; Servicio Oncologia Zaragoza
Sweden Karolinska Hospital; Oncology - Radiumhemmet Stockholm
Sweden Norrlands universitetssjukhus; Onkologkliniken Umeå
Taiwan Chi-Mei Medical Centre; Hematology & Oncology Tainan
Taiwan National Cheng Kung Uni Hospital; Surgery Tainan
Taiwan VETERANS GENERAL HOSPITAL; Department of General Surgery Taipei
Thailand Department of Surgery, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital Bangkok
Thailand Pramongkutklao Hospital; Medicine - Medical Oncology Unit Bangkok
Thailand Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital; Department of Surgery/Head Neck and Breast Unit; Clinical Trial Chiang Mai
Turkey Gazi Uni Medical Faculty Hospital; Oncology Dept Ankara
Turkey Gaziantep University Medical Faculty, Medical Oncology Department Gaziantep
Turkey Bezmialem Vakif Univ Medical; Bezmialem Vakif Univ T Istanbul
Turkey Istanbul Uni Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty Hospital; Medical Oncology Istanbul
Turkey Istanbul Uni of Medicine Faculty; Oncology Dept Istanbul
Turkey Kartal Dr Lutfi Kirdar Sehir Hastanesi; Medical Oncology Department Istanbul
Turkey Marmara Uni Faculty of Medicine; Medical Oncology Istanbul
Turkey Dokuz Eylul Uni ; Medical Oncology Izmir
Turkey Ege Uni Medical Faculty Hospital; Oncology Dept Izmir
Turkey Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine; Medical oncology Izmit
United Arab Emirates Tawam Hospital Al Ain
United Kingdom Aberdeen Royal Infirmary Aberdeen
United Kingdom University Hospital Birmingham Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham
United Kingdom Kent & Canterbury Hospital Canterbury
United Kingdom University Hospital coventry; Oncology Department Coventry
United Kingdom Eastborne District General Hospital Eastbourne
United Kingdom Western General Hospital; Clinical Oncology Edinburgh
United Kingdom St Margaret'S Hospital; Breast Unit Epping
United Kingdom Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital; Oncology Centre Exeter
United Kingdom Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre Glasgow
United Kingdom Diana Princess of Wales Hosp. Grimsby
United Kingdom Huddersfield Royal Infirmary Huddersfield
United Kingdom Castle Hill Hospital; The Queen's Centre for Oncology & Haematology Hull
United Kingdom Ipswich Hospital; Oncology Pharmacy Ipswich
United Kingdom Royal Lancaster Infirmary, Morecambe Bay Hospitals Nhs Trust Lancaster
United Kingdom Guys & St Thomas Hospital; Department of Oncology London
United Kingdom Royal Free Hospital; Dept of Oncology London
United Kingdom Sarah Cannon Research Institute London
United Kingdom St George'S Hospital; Oncology Research Office /Oncology Opd London
United Kingdom Maidstone & Tonbridge Wells Hospital; Kent Oncology Center Maidstone
United Kingdom Christie Hospital; Breast Cancer Research Office Manchester
United Kingdom Mount Vernon Hospital Middlesex
United Kingdom Plymouth Oncology Centre; Clinical Trials Unit Plymouth
United Kingdom Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth Portsmouth
United Kingdom Queen's Hospital; Oncology Romford
United Kingdom Weston Park Hospital; Cancer Clinical Trials Centre Sheffield
United Kingdom Royal Shrewsbury Hospital Shrewsbury
United Kingdom Singleton Hospital; Pharmacy Swansea
United Kingdom Yeovil District Hospital; Macmillan Cancer Unit Yeovil
United Kingdom York District Hospital York
Venezuela Unidad de Mastologia y Atencion a la Mujer Barcelona
Venezuela Instituto de Oncologia y Hematologia UCV Caracas
Venezuela Instituto Oncológico Luis Razetti Caracas

Sponsors (1)

Lead Sponsor Collaborator
Hoffmann-La Roche

Countries where clinical trial is conducted

Argentina,  Australia,  Austria,  Belgium,  Brazil,  Bulgaria,  Canada,  China,  Croatia,  Denmark,  Dominican Republic,  Ecuador,  Estonia,  Finland,  France,  Germany,  Greece,  Guatemala,  Hong Kong,  Hungary,  Iceland,  Indonesia,  Ireland,  Italy,  Korea, Republic of,  Luxembourg,  Mexico,  Netherlands,  Norway,  Panama,  Peru,  Poland,  Portugal,  Slovakia,  Slovenia,  Spain,  Sweden,  Taiwan,  Thailand,  Turkey,  United Arab Emirates,  United Kingdom,  Venezuela, 


Type Measure Description Time frame Safety issue
Primary Percentage of Participants With Adverse Events of Primary Interest (AEPIs) The AEPIs in this study were defined as the following: adverse events (AEs) Grade >/= 3, specifically, hepatic events, allergic reactions, thrombocytopenia and hemorrhage events, all Grade >/= 3 AEs related to trastuzumab emtansine and pneumonitis events of all grades. Baseline up to approximately 7 years
Secondary Percentage of Participants With Specific AEPIs The AEPIs in this study were defined as the following: adverse events (AEs) Grade >/= 3, specifically, hepatic events, allergic reactions, thrombocytopenia and hemorrhage events, all Grade >/= 3 AEs related to trastuzumab emtansine and pneumonitis events of all grades. Baseline up to approximately 7 years
Secondary Percentage of Participants With Adverse Events of Special Interest (AESIs) AESIs included: 1) Potential drug-induced liver injury, which included any potential case of drug-induced liver injury as, assessed by laboratory criteria for Hy's law (AST and/or ALT elevations that were >3 × ULN, Concurrent elevation of total bilirubin >2 × ULN (or clinical jaundice if total bilirubin measures were not available), except in participants with documented Gilbert's syndrome. Those with Gilbert's syndrome, elevation of direct bilirubin >2 × ULN was used instead. 2) Suspected transmission of an infectious agent by study drug was defined as any organism, virus, or infectious particle (e.g., prion protein transmitting transmissible spongiform encephalopathy), pathogenic or non-pathogenic. A transmission of an infectious agent suspected from clinical symptoms or laboratory findings indicating an infection in a participant exposed to a medicinal product. Baseline up to approximately 7 years
Secondary Progression-Free Survival According to Response Evaluation for Solid Tumors (RECIST) Version (v) 1.1 As Per Investigator Assessment Progression free survival is defined as the time (in months) between the date of first dose and the date of disease progression or death from any cause. Progressive disease (PD) is defined as at least a 20% increase in the sum of diameters of target lesions, taking as reference the smallest sum of diameters on study (including baseline). In addition to the relative increase of 20%, the sum of diameters must also demonstrate an absolute increase of >/= 5 millimeters (mm). Baseline up to disease progression or death due to any cause, whichever occurs first (assessed every 12 weeks during treatment period thereafter 28-42 days after the last dose or every 3-6 months up to approximately 7 years)
Secondary Overall Survival Overall survival is defined as time to death, which is the time from the date of dosing until the date of death, regardless of the cause of death. Baseline until death (up to approximately 7 years)
Secondary Percentage of Participants With Best Overall Response (Complete Response [CR] or Partial Response [PR]) According to RECIST v 1.1 As Per Investigator Assessment Best Overall Response reported here is the Best confirmed Overall Response. To be assigned a status of PR or CR, i.e., to be a responder, changes in tumor measurements had to be confirmed by repeat assessments that had to be performed no less than 4 weeks after the criteria for response were first met, i.e., participants needed to have two consecutive assessments of PR or CR. CR: disappearance of all target lesions. PR: At least a 30% decrease in the sum of diameters of all target lesions, taking as reference the baseline sum of diameters, in the absence of CR. Baseline up to disease progression or death due to any cause, whichever occurs first (assessed every 12 weeks during treatment period thereafter 28-42 days after the last dose or every 3-6 months up to approximately 7 years)
Secondary Percentage of Participants With Clinical Benefit (CR or PR or Stable Disease [SD]) According to RECIST v 1.1 Clinical Benefit was defined as CR plus PR plus SD. CR: disappearance of all target lesions. PR: At least a 30% decrease in the sum of diameters of all target lesions, taking as reference the baseline sum of diameters, in the absence of CR. SD: neither sufficient shrinkage to qualify for CR or PR nor sufficient increase to qualify for PD. Baseline up to disease progression or death due to any cause, whichever occurs first (assessed every 12 weeks during treatment period thereafter 28-42 days after the last dose or every 3-6 months up to approximately 7 years)
Secondary Duration of Response (DOR) According to RECIST v 1.1 DOR is defined as the period from the date of initial confirmed PR or CR (whichever occurs first) until the date of PD or death from any cause. CR: disappearance of all target lesions. PR: At least a 30% decrease in the sum of diameters of all target lesions, taking as reference the baseline sum of diameters, in the absence of CR. PD: at least a 20% increase in the sum of diameters of target lesions, taking as reference the smallest sum of diameters on study (including baseline). In addition to the relative increase of 20%, the sum of diameters must also demonstrate an absolute increase of >/= 5 millimeters (mm). Baseline up to disease progression or death due to any cause, whichever occurs first (assessed every 12 weeks during treatment period thereafter 28-42 days after the last dose or every 3-6 months up to approximately 7 years)
Secondary Time to Response According to RECIST v 1.1 Time to Response is defined as the time from first dose to first documentation of confirmed PR or CR (whichever occurs first). CR: disappearance of all target lesions. PR: At least a 30% decrease in the sum of diameters of all target lesions, taking as reference the baseline sum of diameters, in the absence of CR. Baseline up to disease progression or death due to any cause, whichever occurs first (assessed every 12 weeks during treatment period thereafter 28-42 days after the last dose or every 3-6 months up to approximately 7 years)
Secondary Number of Hospital Visits The number of hospital visits were recorded to evaluate the resoruce expenditures while participants were on study treatment. Baseline up to approximately 7 years
Secondary Type of Hospital Visits The type of hospital visits (intensive care unit (ICU) versus other) were recorded to evaluate the resoruce expenditures while participants were on study treatment. The number of participants with at least one ICU visit are based on the number of participants with at least one hospital visit, in each group. Baseline up to approximately 7 years
See also
  Status Clinical Trial Phase
Recruiting NCT04681911 - Inetetamab Combined With Pyrotinib and Chemotherapy in the Treatment of HER2 Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer Phase 2
Completed NCT04890327 - Web-based Family History Tool N/A
Terminated NCT04066790 - Pyrotinib or Trastuzumab Plus Nab-paclitaxel as Neoadjuvant Therapy in HER2-positive Breast Cancer Phase 2
Completed NCT03591848 - Pilot Study of a Web-based Decision Aid for Young Women With Breast Cancer, During the Proposal for Preservation of Fertility N/A
Recruiting NCT03954197 - Evaluation of Priming Before in Vitro Maturation for Fertility Preservation in Breast Cancer Patients N/A
Terminated NCT02202746 - A Study to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of the VEGFR-FGFR-PDGFR Inhibitor, Lucitanib, Given to Patients With Metastatic Breast Cancer Phase 2
Active, not recruiting NCT01472094 - The Hurria Older PatiEnts (HOPE) With Breast Cancer Study
Withdrawn NCT06057636 - Hypnosis for Pain in Black Women With Advanced Breast Cancer: A Feasibility Study N/A
Completed NCT06049446 - Combining CEM and Magnetic Seed Localization of Non-Palpable Breast Tumors
Recruiting NCT05560334 - A Single-Arm, Open, Exploratory Clinical Study of Pemigatinib in the Treatment of HER2-negative Advanced Breast Cancer Patients With FGFR Alterations Phase 2
Active, not recruiting NCT05501769 - ARV-471 in Combination With Everolimus for the Treatment of Advanced or Metastatic ER+, HER2- Breast Cancer Phase 1
Recruiting NCT04631835 - Phase I Study of the HS-10352 in Patients With Advanced Breast Cancer Phase 1
Completed NCT04307407 - Exercise in Breast Cancer Survivors N/A
Recruiting NCT03544762 - Correlation of 16α-[18F]Fluoro-17β-estradiol PET Imaging With ESR1 Mutation Phase 3
Terminated NCT02482389 - Study of Preoperative Boost Radiotherapy N/A
Enrolling by invitation NCT00068003 - Harvesting Cells for Experimental Cancer Treatments
Completed NCT00226967 - Stress, Diurnal Cortisol, and Breast Cancer Survival
Recruiting NCT06006390 - CEA Targeting Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Lymphocytes (CAR-T) in the Treatment of CEA Positive Advanced Solid Tumors Phase 1/Phase 2
Recruiting NCT06037954 - A Study of Mental Health Care in People With Cancer N/A
Recruiting NCT06019325 - Rhomboid Intercostal Plane Block on Chronic Pain Incidence and Acute Pain Scores After Mastectomy N/A