View clinical trials related to Anesthesia.
Filter by:In this clinical proof-of-concept study, the aim is to investigate the efficacy of a hypotension avoidance strategy to prevent post-induction hypotension. Specifically, it will be investigate how much postinduction hypotension occurs when using a hypotension avoidance strategy - combining continuous intraarterial blood pressure monitoring, careful administration of anesthetic drugs, and continuous administration of norepinephrine to treat hypotension - in high-risk patients having elective non-cardiac surgery.
The goal of this randomised cross-over study is to compare pre-oxygenation using a standard nasal cannula to pre-oxygenation using humidified high-flow nasal oxygen and a tight-fitting facemask in adult volunteers with a BMI below 30 not suffering from pulmonary or cardiac comorbidity. The main question it aims to answer is: - Are there any differences in the effectiveness of pre-oxygenation using a standard nasal cannula compared to using a traditional facemask and pre-oxygenation using humidified high-flow nasal oxygen? Participants will be pre-oxygenated with 100% oxygen during four minutes intervals. All participants will be pre-oxygenated with various flow rates using a standard nasal cannula, a facemask and humidified high-flow nasal oxygen. End-tidal oxygen concentrations will be measured continuously in order to evaluate the effectiveness of pre-oxygenation. Each volunteer will be pre-oxygenated repeatedly, with different flow rates, with all three methods of pre-oxygenation and act as its own control. During facemask pre-oxygenation volunteers will be pre-oxygenated using both tidal volume breathing for four minutes and with eight vital capacity breaths. During pre-oxygenation using the standard nasal cannula flow rates will vary between 15 and 50 l/min. Pre-oxygenation using humidified high-flow nasal oxygen will be performed with flow rates varying between 30 and 50 l/min. Series will be conducted with volunteers breathing with both opened and closed mouth as well as with four minutes of tidal volume breathing and eight vital capacity breaths. All volunteers will start with facemask pre-oxygenation. They will thereafter be randomised to pre-oxygenation with either a standard nasal cannula or humidified high-flow nasal oxygen. Lastly, they will be pre-oxygenated with the remaining method according to the randomisation.
Regional anesthesia is defined as the temporary removal of nerve conduction and pain in certain areas of the body with local anesthetic drugs without causing loss of consciousness. Spinal anesthesia can provide better analgesia and shorter recovery time in urological procedures resulted in shorter operating times, lower postoperative pain, lower analgesic requirements, and shorter length of stay (LOS) compared to the general anesthesia. Lidocaine is an attractive regional anesthesia drug for ambulatory surgery since it has a rapid onset and rapid recovery from motor and sensory block. However, when it is compared with other local anesthetic agents, the use of lidocaine in spinal anesthesia is associated with an increased risk of transient neurologic symptoms, thus impeding its application to outpatient spinal anesthesia. Lidocaine is more neurotoxic than other local anesthetic agents, especially when high concentrations are applied directly to nervous tissue. Another local anesthetic agent can be used is prilocaine. It has medium potency, rapid duration, and rapid onset of action. Compared with lidocaine, prilocaine has a lower incidence of neurological symptoms in spinal anesthesia for outpatient surgery, and suitable as an alternative to long-acting low-dose local anesthetics. Therefore, the investigators intend to observe the efficacy and safety of these two agents in adult patients who will undergo cystoscopy procedure using spinal anesthesia. In this study the investigators used high-sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP) and high-sensitive Troponin (hs-Troponin). CRP is a systemic inflammation marker associated with conditions such as pain. Troponin can represent patient's kidney function since its metabolism and excretion are affected by changes of estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). Previous study also showed that the use of spinal anesthesia can reduce the incidence of acute kidney injury. Therefore, the investigators aim to carry out further examination of the following two markers regarding to spinal anesthesia using lidocaine and prilocaine.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of obesity on changes in microvascular reactivity and tissue oxygen saturation (StO2) during general anesthesia using near-infrared spectroscopy in conjunction with vascular occlusion tests (VOT). For this prospective observation investigation, a total of 128 patients who underwent elective surgery under general anesthesia at Pusan National University Hospital between June 2018 and February 2021 were participated in this study. Baseline StO2 on thenar eminence, hemodynamics, and laboratory profile were monitored before (Tpre) and 30 min after general anesthesia (Tpost). During vascular occlusion tests (VOT), the occlusion slope representing oxygen consumption of muscle and recovery slope representing microvascular reactivity were also collected at Tpre and Tpost. For analysis, the patients were divided into two groups: overweight (body mass index [BMI] ≥ 25 kg/m2) and normal weight (BMI < 25).
Effective postoperative pain management is essential for patient satisfaction and therefore intraoperative regional nerve blocks have become more and more popular in abdominoplasties. However, the key disadvantage of these blocks are their limited duration of action. This observational study evaluates the effects of a longer- lasting, individualized epidural analgesia using a pain pump to better classify the clinical value of this procedure.
In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the effects of anterior quadratus lumborum block (QLB3) and Erector Spina Plane Block (ESPB) on postoperative acute pain scores and opioid consumption in the first 24 hours in Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Surgery
In obese patients, adequate pain relief in the postoperative period is an important parameter that affects patient comfort and hospital stay. Increasing patient comfort and recovery quality can be achieved by avoiding undesirable effects such as nausea, vomiting, and analgesia. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of the external oblique intercostal block postoperative acute pain scores and opioid consumption in the first 24 hours after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy surgery.
Using data from electroencephalogram (EEG) obtained through intraoperative depth of anesthesia monitoring devices, combined with clinical symptoms such as postoperative pain and delirium, investigate their correlation and verify whether intraoperative EEG spectral analysis can predict the occurrence of postoperative pain, nausea and vomiting, restlessness, or delirium in patients undergoing surgery.
The goal of this survey will be to assess the opinions and reticence of patients who have undergone surgical procedures that required the usage of general anesthesia both before they underwent the procedure and afterwards.
Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have a significantly increased risk of postoperative pulmonary complications (PPC). Protective ventilation of the lungs could reduce the rate of PPC in patients with COPD. It has been suggested that flow controlled ventilation (FCV) may be less invasive and more protective to the lungs than conventional ventilation in patients with COPD. The primary aim of this study is to determine a optimal individual ventilation setting for FCV in ten participants with COPD.