View clinical trials related to Anesthesia.
Filter by:The arteriovenous fistula creation (AVF creation) surgery is essential among patients with end stage renal disease who require hemodialysis. The fistula usually locates at forearm, and is created by connecting artery and vein through surgery. Patients undergone hemodialysis through the fistula six weeks later if fistula becoming mature, which means patent vessel diameter and enough flow for hemodialysis. The primary failure rate of arteriovenous fistula creation is about 20% to 40% according to previous research data. Thrombosis is the most common cause of fistula failure, which require surgical intervention after arteriovenous fistula surgery. Anesthetic technique influences surgical outcome of arteriovenous fistula. General anesthesia, regional anesthesia, and local anesthesia are both wide-used methods. Regional anesthesia with nerve block remains the most popular method for arteriovenous fistula creation. The vessel dilation effect of regional anesthesia helps not only dilatation of artery and vein, but also the fistula itself, and promotes the successful functional dialysis. Various type of nerve block are used as anesthetic method for AVF creation surgery. People requiring hemodialysis usually have multiple underlying disease involving other major organ such as heart, lung, liver, and the endocrine system. They are more vulnerable to systemic intravenous anesthetic medication. The metabolic rate and pharmacodynamics of local anesthetic may also alter due to multiple systemic disease when compared with healthy adults. The optimal concentration of lidocaine for AVF creation when using axillary block has not yet been studied. This research is conducted for dosing response of different concentration of lidocaine when using axillary block for AVF creation surgery. We aim to investigate the optimal low effective concentration, the MEC90, which defined as 90% of patients can tolerate the operation at this concentration.
Remimazolam has shown promising results for sedation in colonoscopy . Alfentanil is widely used in the analgesia of ERCP . The purpose of the study was to determine the 90% Effective Dose of Remimazolam for Duodenoscopy Insertion During ERCP With Alfentanil 10µg/kg
Minimal flow anesthesia has economic and environmental advantages in addition to providing earlier recovery following general anesthesia. There is a paucity of data concerning the effect of minimal flow anesthesia (fresh gas flow <0,5 l/min) on recovery parameters. The primary objective of this study is to compare the recovery parameters of desflurane and sevoflurane in minimal flow anesthesia while the secondary objective is to compare the effect of these agents on anesthetic depth using bispectral index.
Control of intraoperative and postoperative pain with the use of opioids constitutes normal practice. Opioid free anesthesia (OFA) is a relatively recent anesthesiology practice according to which opioids are not administered during surgery and are avoided postoperatively. Opioid free anesthesia seems to provide better quality of postoperative analgesia while protecting the patient from the side effects of opioids such as respiratory depression, postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV), opioid induced hyperalgesia and postoperative cognitive dysfunction. The aim of this study is to investigate the possible difference in the intensity of postoperative pain (based on the numeric rating scale 0-10) and the presence of PONV in patients undergoing transurethral urologic surgery under general anesthesia, when patients receive randomly either opioid free anesthesia (OFA) or opioid based anesthesia (OBA).
Older patients are more prone to adverse cognitive outcomes such as postoperative delirium (POD) and postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD). Both conditions are associated with an increased risk of death, functional decline, and health care costs. The presence of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the central nervous system has detrimental effects on the regulation of neurotransmitter signaling in different areas of the brain, especially the hippocampus, ultimately resulting in neuronal dysfunction and cognitive decline. Neuroimaging studies have provided important information on the structural and functional networks involved in the pathogenesis of POD and POCD. Strong evidence has shown a decrease in the integrity of the default mode network (DMN), along a continuum from normal aging to mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. Dexmedetomidine is a highly selective alpha-2 adrenergic agonist with sedative and analgesic properties but minimal respiratory effects. Several studies have shown that dexmedetomidine reduces serum pro-inflammatory cytokines and POCD. The expected results are to analyze the change in the integrity of the DMN from the preoperative period to the first weeks after discharge given by the two anesthetic strategies (SEVO vs SEVODEX). In addition, it seeks to evaluate (1) Changes in the integrity of the DMN at 3 months. (2) Modulation of structural changes in white matter integrity as measured by DTI. (3) Patient performance in specific cognitive function tests and serum inflammation biomarkers between the pre- and postoperative period. For the analysis, the Generalized Linear Model (GLM) will be used, in which the integrity of the DMN is the dependent variable. As predictors will use the anesthetic groups (SEVO and SEVODEX) and the measurement time (preoperative, 1 to 3 weeks after discharge and 3 months later as levels). With this work we aim to provide a mechanistic explanation of the observed neuroprotective effects of dexmedetomidine in anesthesia protocols for elderly patients. Furthermore, this work will possibly promote functional connectivity as a possible clinical biomarker of cognitive impairment in this vulnerable population.
The investigators propose a single-site, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial of lavender aromatherapy versus placebo for patient satisfaction in adult women having a surgical abortion before 10 weeks and 0 days gestation. The investigators will evaluate whether lavender aromatherapy is an effective adjunct therapy for patient satisfaction during first trimester surgical abortion. The investigators will measure satisfaction using the Iowa Satisfaction with Anesthesia Scale (ISAS). The investigators hypothesize that women receiving lavender aromatherapy will report higher satisfaction scores compared to women receiving placebo. Prior studies have investigated the use of aromatherapy in laboring patients, in menstruating women, and in general post-operative populations. No investigations have focused on the use of lavender aromatherapy as an adjunct therapy to paracervical block and/or oral narcotics and anxiolytics in outpatient surgical abortion. Our study is novel in investigating patient satisfaction with first trimester surgical abortion using lavender aromatherapy. The contribution of this proposed research to the literature is significant because current affordable anesthetic adjuncts to opioids and benzodiazepines are limited.
Remimazolam has shown promising results for sedation in colonoscopy . Alfentanil is widely used in the analgesia of ERCP . The purpose of the study was to determine the median effective dose of remimazolam for duodenoscopy insertion during ERCP with alfentanil 10µg/kg.
Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide. It is estimated that approximately 55,000 Canadians are surviving with brain tumors. It is projected that around 3000 persons will be diagnosed with brain and spinal cord tumors, and approximately 75 percent patients will not survive. Out of all brain cancers, high-grade gliomas [Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM)] impose highest morbidity and mortality. Therefore, it is important to explore ways in which Investigators can improve and prolong the lives of patients suffering from brain cancers, particularly high-grade glioma, which is the most common and aggressive primary brain tumor. So far the Investigators know that the surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are the three corner stones management options for these patients, and majority of the research have been conducted on these three major domains. Therefore, it is imperative to explore the other variables those may impact survival characteristics. One of the integral variables of the brain cancer surgery is anesthesia. Interestingly, the role of anesthetics was explored in some other non-brain solid organ tumor surgeries. It is observed that out of the two main types of anesthesia [one is through intravenous (propofol) and other one is gaseous (sevoflurane)], intravenous based anesthesia maintenance regime may delay the cancer progression and prolong the recurrence free period. In addition, two very large retrospective studies with approximately 11,000 and 18,000 patients respectively, showed that as compared to gaseous (volatile anesthetics) based, intravenous (propofol) based anesthesia conferred some protection against cancer progression and was also associated with lesser overall mortality. The exact nature of these protective mechanisms is not known but in animal and other laboratory-based experiments, propofol seems to inhibit cancer formation steps, delays inflammation and provide protection from cancer cell growth. This is a feasibility study for knowing various aspects of workflow; recruitment characteristics of participants and various obstacles in implying anesthesia based protocols so that the Investigators can conduct a well-designed multicenter international randomized study.
Endotracheal intubation requires significant training and expertise. This experience can be quite stressful for novice users. To accelerate the learning curve of newly enrolled trainees to assess and secure airway, the investigators propose supplementing current training techniques with access to an airway video library consisting of real- life clinical videos of airway and endotracheal intubations.
Investigation of pupillometry as guide for extubation readiness in anesthetized children.