View clinical trials related to Urethral Cancer.
Filter by:This research study is a pilot clinical trial, which hypothesizes that the combination of electromagnetic tracking in conjunction with laparoscope imaging and ultrasound probe imaging will aid in reducing the complexity of both laparoscopic lymphadenectomy and/or organ removal in patients with a confirmed diagnosis of cancer in urologic regions of interest (Bladder, Prostate, Testicular, Kidney, Urethral, and Penis), by resulting in better visualization and more accurate localization of certain areas in the diseased organ or the diseased lymph node, and allowing for improved surgical and patient outcomes, fewer complications and better clinician performance.
This phase I/II clinical trial evaluates if using a radiotracer targeting granzyme B, 64-copper granzyme targeting restricted interaction peptide specific to family member B (64 Cu-GRIP B) with positron emission tomography (PET) imaging can be safe and useful for detecting granzyme B (GrB) in patients with advanced cancers that has spread to nearby tissue or lymph nodes (advanced). Granzyme B (GrB) is a biomarker produced by immune cells in response to immunotherapy, which may highlight tumors that are more likely to respond to treatment. The study population is focused on genitourinary (GU) malignancies, including renal cell and urothelial cancer, two tumor types with high mutational burden and tumor infiltrating lymphocytes compared to other tumor types, and have a predictable response rate at the population level to immune checkpoint inhibitors. The information gained from this trial may allow researchers to develop future trials where 64Cu-GRIP B PET may serve as a biomarker to monitor early response to immunomodulatory therapies which are used to stimulate or suppress the immune system and may help the body fight cancer.
The objective is to show non-inferiority of overall survival between four cycles and six cycles of first-line cisplatin based chemotherapy to determine the optimal duration of chemotherapy in patients with advanced urothelial carcinoma.
This is a comparative study using resected/ biopsied tumors samples collected from renal cell carcinoma and urothelial carcinoma patients who underwent surgical removal of lesions, followed by immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) treatment targting programmed cell death 1 (PD1) but developed new lesions later were also removed and stored in the biosample repository (BSR). The histology and genomic analysis of the pre-treatment and metastatic samples from the same patient would be used to find out the changes that may have lead to metastasis. Also, metastatic samples from ICB naive patients would be collected and compared with those from ICB treated patients to find out if the metastasis in treated patients was due to development of reistance.
The iCaRe2 is a multi-institutional resource created and maintained by the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center to collect and manage standardized, multi-dimensional, longitudinal data and biospecimens on consented adult cancer patients, high-risk individuals, and normal controls. The distinct characteristic of the iCaRe2 is its geographical coverage, with a significant percentage of small and rural hospitals and cancer centers. The iCaRe2 advances comprehensive studies of risk factors of cancer development and progression and enables the design of novel strategies for prevention, screening, early detection and personalized treatment of cancer. Centers with expertise in cancer epidemiology, genetics, biology, early detection, and patient care can collaborate by using the iCaRe2 as a platform for cohort and population studies.
RATIONALE: Sunitinib malate may stop the growth of tumor cells by blocking some of the enzymes needed for cell growth and by blocking blood flow to the tumor. PURPOSE: This phase II trial is studying the side effects of giving sunitinib malate and to see how well it works in treating patients with locally recurrent, locally advanced, unresectable, or metastatic urinary tract cancer.