View clinical trials related to Thromboembolism.
Filter by:Odiparcil is being studied to determine if it can prevent blood clots from forming after a total knee replacement and also to prove that odiparcil is safe.
Evaluate efficacy and safety of Indobufen v. Aspirin in preventing thromboembolic events in patients at high risk of CV events such as patients suffering from nonrheumatic atrial fibrillation.
The aim of the study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Bemiparin, a second-generation LMWH, in the prophylaxis of VTE (using a postoperative regimen, i.e. administering the first dose 6 hours after finishing the surgical procedure) for 28 days compared to 8 days, in oncological surgery.
Hypothesis: Does the time spent within the target INR range differ when patients are managed by AMD or IT models of anticoagulation care? Experimental Design: The 36-month trial enrolled 192 eligible patients currently receiving chronic warfarin therapy at the William S. Middleton Memorial VA Hospital. Consenting patients are enrolled and randomized to 1 of 2 groups: usual clinic care with face-to-face visits every 4 weeks (AMS model) or clinic visits every 3 months with interim laboratory visits and telephone follow-up every 4 weeks (IT model). At study conclusion, the amount of time the INR is within target range will be compared between the two groups. Thromboembolic and bleeding event rates, patient knowledge, quality of life and healthcare utilization will also be analyzed.
The purpose of this study is to assess the long-term out-of-hospital treatment of patients with proximal venous thrombosis through the administration of subcutaneous low-molecular-weight heparin (tinzaparin sodium) versus low-molecular-weight heparin followed by warfarin sodium.
The purpose of this study is to assess the long-term treatment of patients with proximal venous thrombosis through the administration of subcutaneous low-molecular-weight heparin (tinzaparin sodium) versus the standard care use of intravenous heparin followed by oral warfarin sodium.
To explore the relationship between tissue factor levels, tumour progression, activation of blood coagulation and venous thromboembolism with malignant glioma
The purpose of this study is to test the hypothesis that the Günther Tulip Vena Cava Filter can be removed after a period of implantation, when implanted in patients for the prevention of pulmonary thromboembolism.
FIDO was a multicentred randomized, open-label trial that compared fixed-dose UFH with fixed-dose LMWH for initial treatment of VTE. Patients were followed for 3 months during which they received warfarin (target INR 2.0-3.0).
PROTECT Pilot objective is to assess: 1) the feasibility of timely enrollment and complete, blinded study drug administration, 2) the bioaccumulation of LMWH in patients with acquired renal insufficiency and its association with bleeding, 3) the feasibility of scheduled twice weekly lower limb ultrasounds, and 4) recruitment rates for a future randomized trial.