View clinical trials related to Thromboembolism.
Filter by:It is not known how to best restart warfarin after temporary withdrawal. Participants will be randomized to two groups. Group 1 will restart warfarin at their usual maintenance dose, group 2 will restart warfarin at double their maintenance dose for two days followed by their usual maintenance dose. The main outcome parameter will be the number of patients who are back in therapeutic INR (international normalized ratio) range 4, and 9 days after restarting anticoagulation with warfarin. Thromboembolic and/or bleeding events will be recorded as additional parameters. These data will be collected by a standardized telephone interview at 1 month. In addition, the investigators will evaluate a possible prothrombotic state by measuring the potential of thrombin generation and D-dimers in the subset of patients visiting HHS-General Hospital for their INR tests.
Venous thromboembolism (VTE) has considerably harmful effects on morbidity and mortality of cancer patients. Several guidelines recommendations have been made about the use of anticoagulation for the prevention and treatment of VTE in Western patients with cancer. In Western VTE guidelines, all solid cancer patients receiving abdominal major surgery are strongly recommended to receive pharmacologic prophylactic anticoagulation such as low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) in the perioperative periods. These guideline recommendations are based on high incidence of postoperative VTE development in Western cancer patients. However, there have been many cumulative data about the effect of different ethnicity on the VTE development and more and more investigators and clinicians admit that Asian ethnicity has lower incidence of VTE than Western ethnicity. Therefore, it may not be advisable to apply Western guidelines as it is to the clinical situation of Asian cancer patients. Although gastric cancer is the common cancer in Asia, there is no prospective data on the incidence of VTE development during the postoperative period of gastric cancer surgery. In other words, Asian doctors including Korean clinicians don't know the exact incidence of surgery-related VTE. From their clinical experiences, most Korean surgeons think that the incidence of postoperative VTE development is rare. They also have much concern about the complications such as bleeding that might be caused by routine use of pharmacologic thromboprophylaxis during the perioperative periods. Therefore, in most clinical situation, Korean surgeons do not perform perioperative pharmacologic thromboprophylaxis using LMHW. Considering these clinical situations in Korea, the uncritical acceptance of Western guidelines is inappropriate. The necessity of pharmacologic thrombo-prophylaxis can be answered only from the results of the prospective study on the incidence of postoperative VTE development after gastric cancer surgery. Moreover, current surgical trend in cancer patients is minimally invasive approach such as laparoscopic surgery. However, the necessity of pharmacologic thromboprophylaxis in patients receiving laparoscopic cancer surgery has not been evaluated even in Western countries. Western guidelines also cannot exactly answer whether pharmacologic thromboprophylaxis is really necessary in cancer patients receiving laparoscopic cancer surgery. On above backgrounds, this study was designed.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of two doses of TB-402 administered as a single intravenous infusion for the prevention of VTE in subjects undergoing total hip replacement surgery.
This prospective randomized study aims to determine whether intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC), 75 patients, beneath functional bracing compared to treatment-as-usual in plaster cast, 75 patients, can reduce the Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) incidence and promote healing of sutured acute Achilles tendon ruptures. At two weeks post surgery, the IPC intervention will be ended and both patient groups will be immobilized in an orthosis until follow-up at six weeks. The endpoint of the first part of the study is VTE events. The primary outcome will be the DVT-incidence at two weeks, assessed using screening compression duplex ultrasound (CDU) by two ultrasonographers masked to the treatment allocation. Secondary outcome will be the DVT-incidence at 6 weeks. 1) Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) detected by CDU , 2) isolated calf muscle vein thrombosis (ICMVT) detected by CDU, 3) symptomatic DVT or ICMVT detected by CDU, 4) symptomatic pulmonary embolism detected by computer tomography. The endpoint of the second part of the study is tendon healing quantified at 2 weeks by microdialysis followed by quantification of markers for tendon repair. The endpoint of the third part of the study is the functional outcome of the patients at one year post-operatively using four reliable and valid scores, i.e. the Achilles tendon Total Rupture Score (ATRS), Physical Activity scale (PAS), Foot and Ankle Outcome Score (FAOS) and EuroQol Group's questionnaire (EQ-5D) as well as the validated heel-rise test.
The purpose of this study is to compare the safety and security and efficacy of sodium enoxaparin Cristália Produtos Químicos Farmaceuticos Ltda - Endocris with Clexane (Sanofi-Aventis) to prevent Venous Thromboembolism in Patients With High-Risk to Develop Thromboembolic Disease Undergoing Geral Abdominal Surgery.
Preventing the formation of blood clots in the veins so they do not injure leg veins or travel to the lungs, also called venous thromboembolism prophylaxis (VTE-P) is an essential component of safe in-patient care, yet it is deployed sub-optimally in many hospitals, including The investigators own. Two prior VTE-P improvement projects were completed at Mayo Clinic hospitals, one in the Department of Medicine, and the other in selected divisions of the Department of Surgery. Both projects resulted in marked improvement in the percentage of patients receiving appropriate VTE-P. This project seeks to utilize the lessons learned from these two pilots along with known best practices for "spreading" to deploy methods that enhance VTE-P to the entire hospitalized population. The investigators seek appropriate VTE-P rates exceeding 95%.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of thromboembolic diseases and heparin complications in patients with a lower limb trauma supported by physicians of mountain.
Lybrel® is an oral contraceptive that delivers low doses of levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol (90 μg/20 μg). Lybrel is taken on a continuous basis without a placebo or pill-free interval to inhibit menstrual cycle bleeding by delivering a steady level of the 2 hormones for as long as the drug is used. Lybrel was marketed in the US in July of 2007. The objective of this database case-control study is to estimate the risk of idiopathic VTE (deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism) in current users of Lybrel (ethinyl estradiol 20ug/levonorgestrel 90ug) compared to current users of other oral contraceptives containing 20μg of ethinyl estradiol.
Until now, no risk assessment model informing about the need of thromboprophylaxis in patients admitted for an acute medical event has been validated. The goal of this project is to indirectly validate a model developed in Geneva by a non -interventional study involving the collection of patient characteristics during the hospitalization and a 3-month follow-up. These data will allow for the determination of the patient's risk, according to the Geneva model, and its validity, according the actual thrombo-embolic events, corrected for the thromboprophylaxis received. The project is multicentric in Switzerland (5-10 centers) and should involve about 1000 patients. First amendment (may 2011) : we have obtained the IRB approval for collecting data from patients who die during their hospital stay and for whom informed consent is not be possible to obtain.
The purpose of this study is to determine if it is feasible to conduct a multi-center randomized trial to determine whether a blood thinner, low-molecular-weight-heparin (LMWH), is effective at preventing blood clots, thromboembolism (VTE), in postpartum women at risk.