View clinical trials related to Thromboembolism.
Filter by:Study Objective: To assess the value of Rivaroxaban for the prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE) after knee arthroscopy (KA) taking the placebo as standard of reference. Study Population: Patients undergoing therapeutic KA at the study Centers, irrespective of the type and duration of the procedure, will be eligible for the study. Study Design: Multicenter, randomized, double blind superiority, phase II trial comparing two arms: - (R-7d) Rivaroxaban (10 mg od os) for 7 days - (PL-7d) Placebo for 7 days. Follow-up: 3-month period after the randomization Standard of Reference:Placebo will be the standard of reference in accordance to international guidelines Study length May 2012-December 2012 Total patients number: 500 patients Primary Efficacy End-Point: Occurrence in the 3-month period after the randomization of at least one of the following events, objectively proven (by means of CCDU; multi-slice chest TC-angio; autopsy, if necessary, or clinical ground): - All-cause mortality - Symptomatic VTE - Asymptomatic proximal DVT Secondary Efficacy End-point: • Combined incidence of all DVT plus symptomatic PE Primary Safety End-point: Incidence of major bleedings. Secondary Safety End-point: Overall incidence of bleeding
Following the findings of the clinical trials in drug development, this global non-interventional cohort field study will investigate rivaroxaban under clinical practice conditions in comparison with current standard of care for patients with acute deep vein thrombosis (DVT). The main goal is to analyze long-term safety in the use of rivaroxaban in the treatment of acute DVT in routine clinical practice.
The presence of clots in the veins of arms and/or legs or lungs of Cancer patients decreases their quality of life, delays their treatment and may cause death. The best way to avoid new clots is by giving blood thinners before clots are formed, but even some patients who are taking blood thinners may form blood clots. A major problem is that it is difficult to know which patients form clots while they are receiving blood thinners, a situation called treatment failure. Several studies have shown that by doing blood tests that measure the formation of clots, the investigators could know if the patient is responding to the blood thinners. If this is proven, the investigators will be able to apply these tests to all patients.
Now, after a cluster randomized controlled trial, eAlerts providing evidence-based guidelines on venous thromboembolism prophylaxis will be rolled out and evaluated hospital-widely.
The use of a new generation low molecular weight heparin (Bemiparin)and the well known LMWH (Enoxaparin) after Caesarean sections and vaginal deliveries in a risky group patients for venous thrombosis.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether extended prophylaxis with oral betrixaban can prevent blood clots in the leg and lung that sometime occur in patients hospitalized for an acute medical illness and to compare these results with standard of care enoxaparin. The safety of betrixaban will also be studied.
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a clinical syndrome characterized by repetitive closure of the airway and frequent awakenings during sleep. Repeated episodes of hypoxia, decrease in intrathoracic pressure, increased venous return and venous stasis, damage to vascular wall may ensue. An increased tendency for coagulation has also been reported in OSA. Venous stasis, vascular endothelial activation and hypercoagulability are also known risk factors for thromboembolism. All of these pathophysiologic changes in OSA may predispose patients for the development of pulmonary embolism (PE) however there is limited data about role of thromboembolic events in OSA.
Experiments suggest that during treatment with vitamin K antagonists (VKA) the activity of coagulation factors (F) II and X better reflect anticoagulation than does FVII. Based on this a new prothrombin time based monitoring test (Fiix-PT) has been invented which is only sensitive to FII and FX. The Fiix-PT can be converted to INR ("Fiix-INR"). The investigators hypothesize that the Fiix-PT may reflect anticoagulation and the antithrombotic effect of VKA as accurately or better than the current PT based tests do (INR based on PT or P&P). The protocol describes a prospective randomized double-blind trial that will be conducted at the Landspitali Anticoagulation Management Center (AMC). The objective of the protocol is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Fiix-INR as a monitoring test compared to the current PT based assays (INR) used to monitor patients treated with VKA to prevent thromboembolism. The investigators will randomize 1200 clients of the AMC into two identically sized monitoring groups, Fiix-INR (test group) and INR (control group). The clinical endpoints to be studied include efficacy (arterial and venous thromboembolic event rate) and safety (bleeding events). Additionally, surrogate convenience endpoints will be studied such as test frequency and time within target range.
The aim of this study is to determine if by providing a collaborative, integrated pathway-based healthcare compared to the usual healthcare, whether or not this would be superior in reducing the length of hospital stay across five high frequency /high risk medical diagnoses: Acute Venous Thromboembolism, Acute Kidney Injury, Community Acquired Pneumonia, Adult Left Ventricular Heart Failure, and Asthma.
The main objective of this study is to evaluate, for 15 healthy volunteers and for 15 patients with a history of venous thromboembolism (VTE), the monthly variation (over 6 months) of plasma nucleosome and free DNA concentrations.