View clinical trials related to Substance Use.
Filter by:Adolescents in residential substance use treatment have serious substance-related problems and poor outcomes following discharge: follow-up studies indicate that 60% of adolescents treated in residential treatment will relapse within the first 90 days. Parenting practices have been established as a critical predictor of adolescents' substance use outcomes and likelihood of relapse following treatments, but parents are notoriously difficult to engage in adolescent substance use treatment. Findings such as these provide strong justification for targeting parents of adolescents in residential substance use treatment via easily accessible interventions. This study tests the effectiveness of a technology-assisted parenting intervention called Parent SMART (Substance Misuse among Adolescents in Residential Treatment). The intervention combines an off-the-shelf computer program that teaches parenting skills called Parenting Wisely, four telehealth coaching sessions, and a networking forum that allows parents to connect with a clinical expert and with other parents. The investigators will compare adolescents who receive standard residential substance use treatment to adolescents who receive the same treatment plus whose parents receive Parent SMART. Investigators will test the comparative effectiveness of Parent SMART versus residential treatment as usual on parental monitoring and communication, adolescent substance use (i.e., days of substance use and substance-related problems), and substance-related high-risk behaviors (i.e., school-related problems, criminal involvement, externalizing behavior). The investigators will also test whether improvements in parenting partially mediate any observed changes in adolescent substance use and other high-risk behaviors.
This study utilizes a randomized controlled trial design to evaluate the efficacy of two intervention components for couples HIV testing and counseling (CHTC): a communication skills training video and a substance use module. Participants are randomized in a full-factorial design to one of 4 conditions: CHTC as usual; CHTC + communication skills training videos; CHTC + substance use module; or CHTC plus both adjunct components.
The purpose of this study is to develop transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), specifically TMS at a frequency known as theta burst stimulation (TBS), to see how it affects the brain and changes the brain's response to alcohol-related pictures. TMS and TBS are stimulation techniques that use magnetic pulses to temporarily excite specific brain areas in awake people (without the need for surgery, anesthetic, or other invasive procedures). TBS, which is a form of TMS, will be applied over the medial prefrontal cortex, (MPFC), which has been shown to be involved with drinking patterns and alcohol consumption. This study will test whether TBS can be used as an alternative tool to reduce the desire to use alcohol and reducing the brain's response to alcohol-related pictures.
Combatting the rise of the opioid epidemic is a central challenge of U.S. health care policy. A promising approach for improving welfare and decreasing medical costs of people with substance abuse disorders is offering incentive payments for healthy behaviors. This approach, broadly known as "contingency management" in the medical literature, has repeatedly shown to be effective in treating substance abuse. However, the use of incentives by treatment facilities remains extremely low. Furthermore, it is not well understood how to design optimal incentives to treat opioid abuse. This project will conduct a randomized evaluation of two types of dynamically adjusting incentive schedules for people with opioid use disorders or cocaine use disorders: "escalating" schedules where incentive amounts increase with success to increase incentive power, and "de-escalating" schedules where incentive amounts decrease with success to improve incentive targeting. Both schemes are implemented with a novel "turnkey" mobile application, making them uniquely low-cost, low-hassle, and scalable. Effects will be measured on abstinence outcomes, including longest duration of abstinence and the percentage of negative drug tests. In combination with survey data, variation from the experiment will shed light on the barriers to abstinence more broadly and inform the understanding of optimal incentive design.
This study will use a randomized control trial (RCT) design to administer two versions of a multisession remote behavioral intervention for youth seeking Emergency Department care for a violent injury with the goal to reduce their violence involvement and associated negative behaviors and consequences. The study examines two versions of the remote therapy intervention - a standard RTI (S-RTI) and an Artificial Intelligence RTI (AI-RTI). The application of a just-in-time adaptive strategy to address youth violence is an important and novel direction for this research, particularly given the need to understand best practices for delivering behavioral interventions among lower-income populations.
The proposed research aims to assess the multiple forms and paths of stigma and substance use as they relate to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) use for HIV prevention. How stigma and an evolving public health landscape impact PrEP use among Black sexual minorit men who use substances is unknown. The current application focuses on addressing critical and novel questions to improving the essential building blocks of biomedical prevention approaches by providing crucial information for enhancing interventions to lower HIV prevalence among substance using Black sexual minority men.
This study will adapt and evaluate a novel, innovative, and highly scalable parenting intervention that employs video coaching to target responsive parenting, Filming Interactions to Nurture Development (FIND), among women who have been referred to or are in treatment for opioid misuse/addiction.
Across the US, substance use is a significant public health concern, with juvenile justice (JJ)-involved youth representing a particularly vulnerable population. The current study proposes to adapt and test an intervention Trust-based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®) for preventing initiation and/or escalation of opioid misuse among older adolescents involved in the JJ system. Successful completion of study aims will provide information on TBRI's utility for older JJ adolescents, barriers and facilitators of sustainment, and provide training and implementation support for sustainment in participating facilities.
The Primary objective is to explore ambulance service attendance at incidents involving alcohol and/or substance use over the period of the pandemic lockdown, and the following months. This will be to determine prevalence and explore factors such as patient gender, age, ethnicity or location. Analysis will examine the calls over the course of the year prior to the lockdown, and then compare this to the period of lockdown and following months.
80 young adult men will complete an initial survey and receive 1 of 2 types of alcohol and sexual health education and information to encourage prevention of alcohol-related problems, HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Participants will then take pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention and complete a daily 5-minute, telephone-based interactive voice response (IVR) assessment of alcohol/substance use, sexual behavior and PrEP taking for 30 days. Medication will all be active PrEP. There is no placebo control in this study. Follow-up will occur after 30-days and 6-months later.