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Substance Use clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT01752998 Completed - Depression Clinical Trials

Treating Chronic Pain in Buprenorphine Patients in Primary Care Settings

Start date: September 2012
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Individuals will be recruited by posted advertisements in the waiting rooms of the PCP offices and by physician referral. After an initial phone screen, research staff will meet with interested individuals in their PCP offices for informed consent, baseline interview and randomization. Participants will be randomized into a Health Education study arm, and receive 7 individual sessions on general health education, or an Intervention study arm, and receive 7 individual sessions of the Treating Opioid Patients' Pain and Sadness (TOPPS) intervention.

NCT ID: NCT01737632 Completed - Substance Use Clinical Trials

Family-based and Adolescent Residential Drug Treatment

Start date: August 2000
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The fundamental objective of this study is to compare the effectiveness of an intensive in-home family-based treatment, Multidimensional Family Therapy, with a multifaceted residential treatment, Adolescent Residential Treatment, over 4 years post-intake and to delineate the mechanisms of change for each treatment. The study targets dually- diagnosed adolescent drug abusers recommended for residential treatment.

NCT ID: NCT01683643 Completed - HIV Infections Clinical Trials

Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment for Offenders

Start date: April 2012
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of the study is to determine whether SBIRT is an effective intervention with inmates and to estimate the costs of providing SBIRT to this population.

NCT ID: NCT01670708 Completed - Substance Use Clinical Trials

HOPE Demonstration Field Experiment Multisite Evaluation

Start date: August 2012
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of the Multisite Evaluation of the Honest Opportunity Probation with Enforcement Demonstration Field Experiment (the HOPE DFE Evaluation) is to conduct a randomized control trial (RCT) replication of the original Hawaii HOPE program and evaluation. The HOPE program provides strict oversight of probationers through a HOPE Court judge and intensive probation supervision, including random drug testing, coupled with swift and certain sanctions in response to positive results on random drug tests and other violations of conditions of supervision. The HOPE DFE Evaluation is being conducted among probation populations in four sites and will identify the effectiveness of swift and certain sanctions on targeted outcomes, both primary (appointment no-shows, positive urine tests, re-arrest rates) and secondary (revocation rates, jail days served, prison days sentenced).

NCT ID: NCT01668303 Completed - Substance Use Clinical Trials

Family-Based Juvenile Drug Court Services

Start date: June 2004
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The objective of the proposed study is to adapt and implement an efficacious adolescent substance abuse treatment, Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT), within the juvenile drug court service system. Additionally, the investigators will also examine the extent to which MDFT can enhance the effectiveness of existing juvenile drug court services in terms of decreasing drug use, delinquent behavior and arrests and improving school and vocational outcomes. The study design is a fully randomized controlled trial.

NCT ID: NCT01514630 Completed - Depression Clinical Trials

Creatine as a Treatment Option for Depression in Methamphetamine Using Females

Start date: January 2013
Phase: Phase 4
Study type: Interventional

Methamphetamine (MA) is a psychostimulant drug with high abuse potential. MA can be smoked, snorted, injected or ingested orally to produce a release of high levels of dopamine into the brain and reduction of dopamine uptake. Its use results in feelings of pleasure, increased energy, and greater alertness lasting up to 12 hours. In 2010, the National Survey on Drug Use and Health reported that 353,000 Americans aged 12 or older reported being current MA users. Over the past decade MA use rates have fluctuated with current use rates on the decline; however, importantly, even though overall use rates are declining, use rates among males and females are approaching equal proportions. This use rate pattern is unlike other drugs of abuse, which typically demonstrate males using more than females. In some states, more females than males consider MA as their drug of choice. Namely, in a 2010 report in the state of Utah, more females were diagnosed with MA as a primary substance of abuse than males upon admission to treatment. Depression and MA use are highly comorbid. The relationship between MA use and depression is likely bidirectional, with MA use causing changes in mood and being used as a self-medicating behavior to reduce symptoms of depression. Several studies have shown that depression rates are higher in MA-using females compared to their male counterparts. It is likely that neurobiological and psychosocial mechanisms contribute to increased incidence of depressive symptoms in females. No clear treatment model exists to suggest how the comorbidity of depression and MA use is best managed. In studies of antidepressants for treatment of MA withdrawal and dependence, findings have suggested that antidepressants are ineffective for treating depressive symptoms. Creatine is an organic acid occurring naturally in vertebrates, where it takes part in energy homeostasis in tissues with fluctuating energy demands. Exogenous creatine has been shown to increase brain concentrations of PCr. Neuroimaging studies of creatine have shown increased brain phosphocreatine (PCr) content with creatine administration. Therefore, we hypothesize that oral creatine administration will increase PCr levels and reduce depressive symptoms in a sample of depressed female MA users. This hypothesis will be tested by a within subjects design by giving depressed MA using females oral creatine for eight weeks and measuring PCr pre- and post-treatment with magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Moreover, depressive symptoms will be measured by administration of the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale twice weekly during the course of creatine treatment.

NCT ID: NCT01511380 Completed - Substance Use Clinical Trials

Targeting HIV Risk Behaviors in Juvenile Drug Court-Involved Youth

Start date: September 2008
Phase: Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

This study is designed to gain knowledge about effective interventions for reducing HIV risk in a high risk population. A new Risk Reduction Therapy for Adolescents (RRTA) will be compared to usual services received by youth in juvenile drug courts. It is expected that youth treated with RRTA will show greater reductions in substance use and risky sexual behaviors. Reducing HIV risk by effectively targeting substance use and risky sexual behaviors in high-risk groups such as juvenile drug court-involved youth could favorably impact society at multiple levels (individual, family, peer, community, fiscal).

NCT ID: NCT01490307 Completed - Depression Clinical Trials

A Family Intervention for Adolescent Problem Behavior (AKA Project Alliance 2)

Start date: February 2006
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The goal of this project is to empirically refine and improve a comprehensive family-centered prevention strategy for reducing and preventing adolescent substance use and other problem behaviors. This project builds on 15 years of programmatic research underlying the development of the Family Check-up model (FCU), originally referred to as the Adolescent Transitions Program (ATP; Dishion & Kavanagh, 2003), but later expanded as a general approach to mental health treatment for children from ages 2 through 17 (Dishion & Stormshak, 2007). The FCU model is a multilevel, family-centered strategy delivered within the context of a public school setting that comprehensively links universal, selected, and indicated family interventions. Previous research and the investigators' practical experience working in school settings indicate that the intervention strategy needs improvement in 3 critical areas to build on previous significant effects and to enhance the potential for future dissemination and large-scale implementation:(a) improve the feasibility of both the universal level and the indicated level of the intervention by broadening the intervention components and systematically embedding these components into the current behavioral support systems in the schools; (b) address the transition from middle school to high school, with special attention to academic engagement and reduction of deviant peer clustering; and (c) explicitly incorporate principals of successful interventions with families and young adolescents of diverse ethnic groups into both the universal and indicated models. An additional general goal of this study is to develop, test, and refine a set of research-based instruments that facilitate evaluation, training, implementation, and monitoring of intervention fidelity to maximize the potential success of implementation and large-scale dissemination. Participants include 593 youth and their families recruited from the 6th grade in three public middle schools in Portland, OR. Families were randomly assigned to receive either the FCU intervention model or treatment as usual. Assessments were collected for 5 years through the 10th grade. High school transition planning and intensive intervention efforts occurred in Grades 7-9. The investigators tested the hypothesis that the FCU intervention will reduce the growth of problem behavior and substance use through the enhancement of family management and parent involvement in school.

NCT ID: NCT01407120 Completed - Substance Use Clinical Trials

15 Year Follow-up of New Beginnings Program for Divorced Families

Start date: July 2006
Phase: Phase 2/Phase 3
Study type: Interventional

The project is a 15-year follow-up of 240 young adults whose families participated in an experimental evaluation of the New Beginnings Program (NBP), a preventive intervention for divorced families. The NBP was provided in late childhood; the follow-up occurred in young adulthood. Families were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: mother program (MP), dual-component mother and child program (MPCP), or literature-control (LC) condition. Programs were designed to change several putative mediators of children's post-divorce mental health problems using empirically-supported change strategies. The investigators expected that the NBP would have either main or risk by program interactive effects on mental health and substance use problems and disorders, developmental tasks, parent-young adult relationships, physical health problems, and competencies, such that YAs who participated in NBP will have better functioning than YAs in the control condition. The investigators expected that the NBP will have either main or risk by program interactive effects on mothers' mental health; those in the NBP are expected to have fewer mental health problems than those in the control condition.

NCT ID: NCT01387646 Completed - Pregnancy Clinical Trials

Behavioral Intervention for Minority Adolescent Women

Start date: October 2004
Phase: Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this Stage II clinical trial is to test the efficacy of a culturally sensitive, cognitive-behavioral intervention to reduce sexual risk behavior among minority adolescents for prevention of sexually transmitted infection (STI/HIV), unintended pregnancy and abuse by changing high-risk sexual behaviors, decreasing substance use and encouraging contraceptive use. Its primary goal is to expand risk-reduction interventions created in previous studies to further increase intervention efficacy for this particularly vulnerable, high-risk group. An adolescent intervention has been created and pilot tested in developmental studies. Results indicated reductions in substance use, risk behaviors, unintended pregnancy, STI and abuse without reports of adverse outcomes. Specific aims of the current study include: 1) To obtain a more in-depth understanding of configurations of psychosocial and situational factors associated with high-risk sexual behavior, substance use, STI/HIV and contraceptive use among abused minority adolescent women with STI; 2) To implement a controlled randomized trial of a cognitive behavioral risk-reduction intervention consisting of 2 small group sessions, 2 individual counseling and 3 support groups for this group; 3) To evaluate the effects of the adolescent intervention model versus enhanced counseling for this group on AIDS Risk Reduction Model (ARRM)-related constructs, high-risk sexual behavior, substance use, abuse recurrence, contraceptive use, unintended pregnancy and STI/HIV at 6 and 12 months follow-up. Participants will include a convenience sample of 600 Mexican-and African American adolescent women, aged 14-18 years with a history of sexual or physical abuse and current STI.