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Sexually Transmitted Diseases clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT03678181 Completed - HIV Infections Clinical Trials

Increasing Engagement and Improving HIV Outcomes Via HealthMPowerment

Start date: July 7, 2020
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The overall goal of this 3-arm randomized trial is to test whether a network-driven online intervention tailored for intersectional stigma amelioration can elicit online social support, promote intervention engagement, and mitigate the impact of multiple stigmas on HIV-related outcomes among young Black and/or Latino men who have sex with men and transgender women.

NCT ID: NCT03528135 Completed - Depression Clinical Trials

Project PRIDE (Promoting Resilience In Discriminatory Environments)

Start date: November 9, 2018
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The specific aims are to: 1. Pilot test a randomized controlled trial of Project PRIDE for feasibility for subsequent research projects. A sample of 123 men aged 18-25 who identify as gay, bisexual, queer, or some other non-heterosexual identity, who are HIV negative, who report at least once instance of condomless anal sex in the absence of PrEP in the past 60 days, and who report drug use at least once in the past 60 days will be recruited and randomized to one of two conditions: 1. Project PRIDE: an eight-session primary HIV-prevention intervention; or 2. Wait-list control condition: after approximately 5 months, participants will receive Project PRIDE. 2. Test the feasibility of obtaining biological measures of stress, drug use, and HIV/sexually transmitted infection (STI) status. To examine the impact of the intervention on stress physiology, participants will provide saliva samples that will be used to assess diurnal stress (i.e., cortisol) at pre-test, post-test, and 3-month follow-up. To substantiate self-report measures, participants will provide urine samples that will be used to assess drug use. Participants will be tested for gonorrhea, and chlamydia at each time point by providing a separate urine sample, HIV via oral swab and for syphilis by providing a blood sample. 3. It is hypothesized that, compared to the wait-list control group, those in the treatment group will report significant reductions in mental health problems (depression, anxiety. loneliness), minority stressors (internalized homonegativity, sexual orientation concealment), substance use (drug and alcohol), condomless anal sex, number of sex partners, and stress-related biomarkers (salivary cortisol). In addition, compared to the wait-list control group, those in the treatment group will report significant improvements in self-esteem.

NCT ID: NCT03453515 Completed - HIV Infections Clinical Trials

Reducing HIV Risk Among Adolescents: Evaluating HEART for Teens

Start date: March 1, 2018
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This study evaluates an educational web-based intervention designed to increase adolescent boys' and girls' motivation and skills to engage in safer sexual behavior (HEART: Health Education and Relationship Training). Half of participants will receive HEART and half of participants will receive Growing Minds, an attention-matched control website focused on growth mindsets of intelligence and self-regulation. The ultimate goal of this work is to help youth reduce their risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases and to avoid unplanned pregnancies.

NCT ID: NCT03431168 Completed - HIV Clinical Trials

A Novel Regimen to Prevent Malaria and STI in Pregnant Women With HIV

Start date: March 7, 2018
Phase: Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

More than 3 billion people worldwide are at risk of acquiring malaria and pregnant women living with HIV in Africa are at particular risk. An effective prophylaxis regimen capable of preventing malaria and other common perinatal infections would have great potential to improve adverse birth outcomes. The purpose of this randomized controlled trial is to evaluate a new combination prophylaxis regimen in pregnant women with HIV in Cameroon to determine its efficacy and safety.

NCT ID: NCT03414710 Completed - Behavior, Health Clinical Trials

A RCT Promoting Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision

Start date: January 1, 2017
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

A parallel-group, non-blinded randomized controlled trial was conducted. Participants were uncircumcised heterosexual male sexually transmitted disease patients attending the four collaborative public sexually transmitted diseases clinics in three Chinese cities. Those who were known to be HIV positive were excluded. After completion the baseline face-to-face interview, 238 participants will be randomized 1:1 into the intervention group and the control group. Participants in the control group will receive a health education booklet introducing voluntary medical male circumcision. In addition to the health education booklet received by the control group, the intervention group watched a 10-minute video and received a brief counseling delivered by the clinicians. Participants will be followed up by telephone six months afterwards.

NCT ID: NCT03408743 Completed - Clinical trials for Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Engineering an Online STI Prevention Program: CSE2

Start date: September 18, 2017
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The overall objective of the proposed research is to reduce the incidence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among college students. The investigators propose to accomplish this by using the innovative, engineering-inspired multiphase optimization strategy (MOST) to develop a highly effective, appealing, economical, and readily scalable internet-delivered behavioral intervention targeting the intersection of alcohol use and sexual risk behavior. The rate of STIs on college campuses is alarming: one in four college students is diagnosed with an STI at least once during their college experience. Sexual activity when drinking alcohol is highly prevalent among college students. Alcohol use is known to contribute to the sexual risk behaviors that are most responsible for the transmission of STIs, namely unprotected sex, contact with numerous partners, and "hook-ups" (casual sexual encounters). Few interventions have been developed that explicitly target the intersection of alcohol use and sexual risk behaviors, and none have been optimized. In order to reduce the incidence of STI transmission among this and other high-risk groups, a new approach is needed. MOST is a comprehensive methodological framework that brings the power of engineering principles to bear on optimization of behavioral interventions. MOST enables researchers to experimentally test the individual components in an intervention to determine their effectiveness, indicating which components need to be revised and re-tested. Given the high rates of alcohol use and sex among college students, the college setting provides an ideal opportunity for intervening on alcohol use and sexual risk behaviors. The proposed study will include a diverse population of college students on 4 campuses which will increase the generalizability of the findings. The specific aims are to (1) develop and pilot test an initial set of online intervention components targeting the link between alcohol use and sexual risk behaviors, (2) use the MOST approach to build an optimized preventive intervention, and (3) evaluate the effectiveness of the newly optimized preventive intervention using a fully powered randomized controlled trial (RCT). This work will result in a new, more potent behavioral intervention that will reduce the incidence of STIs among college students in the US, and will lay the groundwork for a new generation of highly effective STI prevention interventions aimed at other subpopulations at risk.

NCT ID: NCT03407586 Completed - Clinical trials for Sexually Transmitted Diseases

STI Care Model to Reduce Genital Inflammation and HIV Risk in South African Women

Start date: May 15, 2016
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The goal of this prospective cohort study is to determine if a model of care including point-of-care testing, immediate therapy, expedited partner therapy and test of cure will result in a higher cure rate and a lower recurrence rate of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), with a subsequent reduction in genital inflammatory cytokines and hence HIV risk among young women in a high burden setting in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The study will identify individuals with STIs using the GeneXpert system for the simultaneous detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis, and Trichomonas vaginalis. Genital tract cytokines will be measured using Bio-Plex Pro Human Cytokine kits and a Bio-Plex MagPix Array Reader. Following point-of-care diagnosis, participants will be treated immediately with appropriate therapy under direct supervision, offering the participants expedited partner therapy for their partners. STI testing and cytokine assessments will be repeated after 6 and 12 weeks, to determine if these have decreased. Overall, this study will provide some evidence on whether this STI care model can have an impact on STI prevalence and genital tract inflammation, in a low- and middle-income country, where currently syndromic STI management is the standard of care.

NCT ID: NCT03369249 Completed - HIV Infections Clinical Trials

Health and Justice: A Continuum of Care for HIV and SU for Justice-Involved Young Adults (PHASE 2)

Start date: December 9, 2017
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This research study proposes to embed HIV testing outreach workers from a young adult focused medical and HIV treatment program into an alternative sentencing program to deliver a new service delivery model (Link2CARE) that integrates evidence-based protocols for justice-involved young adults to: a) promote HIV and STI testing, and HIV and SU risk screening, b) provide onsite intervention, and c) cross-system linkage to HIV, STI, and SU care. Phase 1 has already been completed. In phase 1, the intervention components were adapted for use among justice involved young adults and the resulting protocols were piloted with justice involved young adults, finalizing the resulting 4-session Link2CARE intervention. In phase 2, we will test Link2CARE among N=450 justice-involved young adults enrolled at the alternative sentencing program and conduct process evaluations with N=15 alternative sentencing program staff.

NCT ID: NCT03366636 Completed - Clinical trials for Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Project Legacy Impact Evaluation Study

Start date: October 30, 2017
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This study will design and rigorously evaluate the efficacy of Project Legacy, a five week positive youth development intervention to decrease sexual risk for unintended pregnancies and STIs among youth experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness aged 14-19. This randomized control trial will compare Project Legacy to a usual services control.

NCT ID: NCT03352219 Completed - Clinical trials for Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Reality Check: An HIV Risk Reduction Serial Drama

Start date: September 1, 2016
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

African Americans have considerably higher rates of HIV infections than do White, Hispanic, Asian, and Native Americans. African Americans accounted for 59% of all diagnoses of HIV infection among youth (13-24 years of age) in the United States. Young African Americans also have disproportionately high rates of other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Therefore, the broad, long-term objective of this research is to identify interventions to reduce the risk of HIV and other STIs among young African Americans. Entertainment-education refers to narrative interventions designed to change behavior while providing entertainment. Several studies have evaluated the impact of media content on HIV risk behavior. One study found that exposure to an entertainment-education based HIV testing campaign was associated with increases in HIV testing among sexually active teens 12 months post exposure. Similarly, a radio soap opera called "Twende na Wakati" became the most popular television show in Tanzania and was highly successful in reducing the number of sexual partners and increasing condom use. A narrative video intervention study in STI clinic waiting rooms in three U.S. cities found a significant reduction in STI re-infection among patients visiting during months when the video was shown compared with patients visiting during months when it was not shown. Although these studies show that entertainment-education can be a promising medium for behavior change, none of them evaluated the efficacy of a tailored online entertainment-education intervention specifically designed for African American youth. To address this gap in the literature, this study tested the preliminary efficacy of an innovative, theory-based HIV risk-reduction serial drama intervention, Reality Check, specifically tailored to young African Americans. We used a randomized controlled trial, allocating African Americans 18 to 24 years of age to Reality Check, or an attention-control intervention promoting physical activity. Each intervention was delivered as a series of videos streamed online and accessible via any Internet-capable device. Participants completed surveys online at baseline, immediately post intervention, and 3 months post intervention. We hypothesized that, Reality Check would reduce condomless sex during the 3-month post-intervention period compared with the attention-matched control group, adjusting for baseline of the criterion.