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Mobile Health App to Reduce <b>Diabetes</b> in Latina Women

Mobile Health App to Reduce <b>Diabetes</b> in Latina Women With Prior <b>Gestational</b> <b>Diabetes</b>

The proposed project sought to develop a culturally- and individually-tailored, plain-language Spanish/English mobile phone intervention for Latinas with prior gestational diabetes (GDM). The intervention is based on earlier in-person to online modification of the CDC-funded Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), for women with prior GDM led by co-investigator Dr. Ellen Seely of Brigham and Women's Hospital.

NCT04149054 — Gestational Diabetes
Status: Completed

A Behavioral Intervention to Prevent <b>Gestational</b> <b>Diabetes</b> Mellitus - DIGITAL-G

<b>Diabetes</b> Mellitus, Impaired Glucose Tolerance and <b>Gestational</b> <b>Diabetes</b> Mellitus Intervention Action-Leading Trial- <b>Gestational</b> <b>Diabetes</b> Mellitus Study

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) increases the risk of adverse pregnancy outcome and developing type 2 diabetes after delivery. It is well recognized that behavioral intervention is effective in preventing type 2 diabetes in high risk population. Recently, some studies showed that exercise, dietary and weight control reduced the risk of developing GDM in obese/over weight women or in women with GDM history. With the increasing use of smartphones, mobile applications (APPs) can be applied in the education and management of chronic diseases, including diabetes. Therefore, the investigators will conduct a multi-centered, two-armed, open-labeled, randomized controlled trial to evaluate whether early lifestyle intervention with a mobile APP can prevent the occurrence of GDM in pregnant women who are at high risk of this disease. The investigators hypothesis that behavioral intervention from the first trimester of pregnancy with mobile APP that incorporates nutrition, exercise and phycological support will: 1. Reduce the risk of developing GDM in pregnant women with risks of GDM. 2. Improve the pregnant women's adherence of behavioral intervention and their satisfaction of prenatal medical care.

NCT03987412 — Diabetes, Gestational
Status: Recruiting

<b>Diabetes</b> Prevention Strategies in Women With <b>Gestational</b> <b>Diabetes</b> Mellitus (GDM)

Comparative Effectiveness of <b>Diabetes</b> Prevention Strategies in Women With GDM

The main goal of this study is to examine the comparative effectiveness of diabetes prevention strategies in women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) on the control of the following conditions: obesity, hyperglycemia, hypertension and depression. This randomized lifestyle intervention study will be conducted at Kaiser Permanente Northern California. Women in the intervention will receive a letter on gestational weight gain during pregnancy and in the postpartum period, a curriculum of individualized lifestyle counseling via telephone, augmented with e-mail and an interactive Web site. Patients randomized to the usual care arm will receive the standard-care telephone calls from the Perinatal Center during pregnancy and the Center's printed educational materials postpartum. Outcomes will be assessed through the electronic medical record and patient surveys conducted during pregnancy and at 6-weeks, 6- months and 1-year postpartum.

NCT01344278 — Obesity
Status: Completed

Effect of Digital Storytelling Intervention on <b>Diabetes</b> Self-Management in Pregnant Women With <b>Gestational</b> <b>Diabetes</b>

Effect of Digital Storytelling Intervention on <b>Diabetes</b> Self-Management in Pregnant Women With <b>Gestational</b> <b>Diabetes</b>

The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of digital storytelling intervention on diabetes self-management in women with gestational diabetes. It is a quasi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest control group. The main hypotheses of the study are: Digital storytelling has an impact on women with gestational diabetes' perception of diabetes self-management. Digital storytelling has an impact on the diabetes self-efficacy levels of women with gestational diabetes.

NCT06148688 — Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Pregnancy
Status: Recruiting

Prevention of <b>Diabetes</b> Mellitus Type 2 in Women Post <b>Gestational</b> <b>Diabetes</b> Mellitus Diagnosis - GDM

Identification of Risk Factors for DM Type 2 in Women Post GDM Diagnosis and Its Prevention by Changing Life Style

Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disorder with increasing incidence and long term complications. Its incidence differs in various ethnic populations.Gestational DM (GDM) is diagnosed when impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) is first detected during pregnancy. GDM incidence in Jewish and Bedouin women has been rising in recent years. It has been reported in many studies that women who had been diagnosed with GDM are more prone to GDM in their next pregnancies and to DM Type 2. Appropriate changes in everyday diet and physical exercise may reduce the chances for future GDM and type 2 DM. The investigators aim was to determine GDM frequency in the Negev area in Jewish and Bedouin populations and to construct a plan for follow up and reduce future problems by changing their life style.

NCT01480895 — Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Status: Completed

<b>Diabetes</b> Prevention Programming for Women With a History of <b>Gestational</b> <b>Diabetes</b>

<b>Diabetes</b> Prevention Programming for Women With a History of <b>Gestational</b> <b>Diabetes</b>

The purpose of this study is to offer women with a history of gestational diabetes access to diabetes prevention programming; their children 10 and older can participate.

NCT03971838 — Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2
Status: Completed

Balance After Baby Intervention for Women With Recent <b>Gestational</b> <b>Diabetes</b> - BABI2

<b>Diabetes</b> Prevention in Women With a Recent History of <b>Gestational</b> <b>Diabetes</b> Mellitus

Women with a history of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) have an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. In our 2012 pilot study we created and tested a web-based lifestyle intervention program adapted from the NIH sponsored Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), modified specifically for women with a recent history of GDM. This program, delivered in the first year postpartum, encouraged weight loss, dietary changes, and physical activity. The purpose of the current study, called Balance After Baby Intervention 2 (BABI-2), is to study a larger group of women with two years of follow-up. We will assess whether women assigned to the intervention group lose more weight and decrease their risk factors for type 2 diabetes. Participants assigned to the BAB lifestyle intervention will receive support from a lifestyle coach and gain access to a website with online presentations that contain healthy eating and physical activity educational tips. Participants assigned to the post-GDM follow-up group will have access to a website containing links to information about diabetes prevention.

NCT02744300 — Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Status: Completed

<b>Diabetes</b> Prevention Among Post-partum Women With History of <b>Gestational</b> <b>Diabetes</b> - Star-Mama

Reaching High Risk Post-partum Women for Nutritional Assessment and Counseling Via a Telephone-based Coaching Program

The purpose of the STAR-MAMA intervention is to develop a patient-tailored telephone-base counseling intervention for young Latino women who are at high risk of diabetes. The intervention will focus at the end of pregnancy and the 9 months post-partum period to improve education and behavioral counseling on nutrition and other related health topics . The following hypotheses will be formally tested: Compared with controls at 9 months post-partum: 1. Women in the STAR-Moms program will have improved self-reported behavioral outcomes for minutes of physical activity, lower fat diet, and breast-feeding duration (in weeks); 2. Women in the STAR-Moms program will have improved diabetes prevention knowledge; 3. Women in the STAR-Moms program will have increased diabetes-relevant screening rates. Women in the STAR-MAMA will have lost more weight than women in the control group.

NCT02240420 — Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Status: Completed

<b>Diabetes</b> Prevention in Women With a Recent History of <b>Gestational</b> <b>Diabetes</b> Mellitus (GDM)

<b>Diabetes</b> Prevention in Women With a Recent History of <b>Gestational</b> <b>Diabetes</b> Mellitus (GDM)

Many studies have shown that women with a history of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) have an increased risk of developing diabetes later in life. The purpose of the study is to test whether a web-based lifestyle intervention program adapted from the NIH sponsored Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), modified specifically for women with a recent history of GDM, incorporating advice about diet and physical activity, delivered in the first 12 months after delivery will help women lose weight, improve overall health, and decrease their risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

NCT01158131 — Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Status: Completed

<b>Diabetes</b> Prevention in Women With a Recent History of <b>Gestational</b> <b>Diabetes</b> (Focus Groups)

<b>Diabetes</b> Prevention in Women With a Recent History of <b>Gestational</b> <b>Diabetes</b>

The objective of this research is to conduct focus groups in order to adapt the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) so that it may successfully target women diagnosed with gestational diabetes (GDM) who are at high risk for developing Type 2 diabetes in the post-partum period. As this research seeks to gather formative data for a future intervention, the focus groups will: 1) provide information to maximize participation in the future intervention and 2) inform the location, content and format of the intervention. We will be conducting focus groups and informant interviews to determine the DPP modifications necessary for adapting to the post-partum lifestyles of women with a recent history of GDM. Subjects will attend a 1 hour focus group or phone interview where they will be encouraged to respond to the facilitators' questions and to each other's comments on topics such as: gestational diabetes, healthy eating, exercise, and other type 2 diabetes prevention related activities. Working with a variety of health care providers, including endocrinologists, obstetricians and nurse-practitioners, we will identify and enroll up to 60 women total who are either current GDM patients at BWH or have a recent history of GDM who have delivered at Brigham and Women's Hospital in the last 5 years.

NCT01102530 — Gestational Diabetes
Status: Completed