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Effects of Acupuncture and Intradermal Acupuncture on Insomnia

A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial to Evaluate Effectiveness of Acupuncture on Insomnia

The aim of this clinical study is to observe the therapeutic effect of acupuncture and intradermal acupuncture in the treatment of insomnia Participants were randomized into the acupuncture group and control group. Both groups were treated 3 times in a week and assessed before and after the treatment. Hypothesis : 1. Acupuncture group will produce superior effect in the treatment of insomnia compared with control group. 2. Acupuncture group will produce superior improvement in anxiety, depression, quality of life, sleep log, recognition, attention, and memory.

NCT01956760 — Insomnia
Status: Enrolling by invitation

Effect of Acupuncture on Anti Mullerian Hormone and Assisted Reproduction Outcome in PCOS Patients Undergoing IVF

Acupuncture Treatment Versus Non-Acupuncture During IVF

Acupuncture at follicular phase of the cycle may improve the pregnancy rate. This study aims to compare assisted reproduction outcome between two groups of PCOS patients underwent IVF, one group received acupuncture and other group without acupuncture.

NCT01778621 — PCOS
Status: Completed

Acupuncture in Infantile Colic - a Three Armed Randomized Multi Center Trial (ACU-COL) - ACU-COL

Acupuncture in Infantile Colic - a Three Armed Randomized Multi Center Trial Comparing Acupuncture in a Standardized Point, Acupuncture in Individually Chosen Points and no Acupuncture

The purpose of this prospective randomized three armed, multi center study is to compare the effect of two types of acupuncture and no acupuncture in 2-8 weeks old infants with infantile colic. Group A will get standardized minimal acupuncture in LI4, group B will get individualized acupuncture in different points according to symptoms and group C will not get acupuncture. Parents (who register the infants crying) and the nurse they meet at the study CHC are blinded.

NCT01761331 — Infantile Colic
Status: Completed

Cephalic Version by Acupuncture-Moxibustion for Breech Presentation - ACUVERSE

A Simple Blind Controlled Randomized Trial: Cephalic Version by Acupuncture-moxibustion vs Placebo for Breech Presentation

For breech presentation, the cesarean section rate is decreased by external cephalic version. This is a painful operation, with some rare but serious complications. The aim of this trial is to evaluate the effectiveness of acupuncture-moxibustion, a non-invasive technique, to correct breech presentation before 37 weeks of gestation.

NCT01487590 — Breech Presentation
Status: Completed

Acupuncture Compared With "Sham" Acupuncture for Treatment of Chronic Neck Myofascial Pain

In order to investigate the therapeutic effect of acupuncture on chronic neck myofacial pain syndrome, the investigaotrs designed a pilot study of a single-blind randomized controlled trial. A total of 34 chronic neck myofacial pain syndrome patients were selected from Department of Neurology of Nantou Hospital, Department of Health. The age ranged from 18 to 85, and all subjects were full informed consent and volunteers. They were divided into two groups of 17 subjects randomly as follows: acupuncture group, acupuncture stainless needles were inserted into bilateral Fenhchi, Jianliao and Houxi acupoints, respectively. The acupuncture needles then were manual twist and de Qi, and remain for 20 min; sham acupuncture group, the methods were identical the acupuncture group, but acupuncture stainless needles were inserted into subcutaneous tissue only. All the subjects were treated with acupuncture two times per week and continuously three weeks, i.e. Six times acupuncture treatment. The therapeutic effect of acupuncture was assessed before and finishing six times acupuncture treatment, and four weeks and twelve weeks after stopping acupuncture, respectively. The index of acupuncture therapeutic effect was according to the range of motion (ROM) of the cervical spine, the intensity of pain (Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire; SF-MPQ) and quality of life (SF-36). The investigators expect acupuncture apply to bilateral Fenhchi, Jianliao and Houxi acupoints may relief the pain and motion of chronic neck facial pain syndrome patient, and also improves the life quality.

NCT01250093 — Chronic Neck Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Status: Completed

Management of Postoperative Pain Following Total Knee Arthroplasty by Using Acupuncture-moxibustion Therapy

Orthopedic surgery is reportedly among the most painful surgical procedures. Surgical damage following major orthopedic surgery often involves a large, deep incision with considerable tissue dissection and muscle, bone, and vascular exposure. Post-operative pain after such surgery is exacerbated on movement or by reflex spasms of the muscles, which may delay mobilization, reduce satisfaction, prolong hospitalization, and possibly increase medical costs. We design a prospective randomized study for postoperative pain control following total knee arthroplasty.

NCT01047384 — Osteoarthritis, Knee
Status: Completed

Effectiveness of Acupuncture for Asthma

Effectiveness of Acupuncture for Asthma: A Randomized, Sham-Acupuncture and Waiting-list Controlled Trial

What is the trend of changes in asthmatic patients' daily peak expiratory flow (PEF) variability, pulmonary function, and quality of life (QOL) with acupuncture treatment on specific acupoints (CV22 and bilateral LU5, ST40, BL13, EXB1) compared with minimal acupuncture treatment (sham control group) on non-acupoints, and no acupuncture treatment (waiting list control group)?

NCT00917215 — Asthma
Status: Completed

Acupuncture Versus Placebo Acupuncture During In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Embryo Transfer

Acupuncture Versus Placebo Acupuncture During Ivf Embryo Transfer

During IVF treatment, acupuncture at the time of embryo transfer may improve the pregnancy rate. This study aims to compare IVF pregnancy between two groups of patients that received either acupuncture or sham acupuncture (placebo)around embryo transfer

NCT00913354 — Infertility
Status: Completed

Treatment of Functional Dyspepsia With Acupuncture

Treatment of Functional Dyspepsia With Acupuncture: A Randomized, Blinded, Sham Acupuncture Controlled Study

Functional dyspepsia (FD) is one of the most common chronic gastrointestinal disorders affecting humans. Existing therapies for FD are still far from satisfactory and new therapies are constantly being sought. Acupuncture has been used for the alleviation of functional gastrointestinal symptoms in several non-controlled studies. This study aims to investigate the therapeutic efficacy of acupuncture in patients with FD.

NCT00786214 — Functional Dyspepsia
Status: Completed

Stimulation of Auricular Acupuncture-Point for Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea/Vomiting

Stimulation of Auricular Acupuncture-Point for Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea/Vomiting: A Prospective Randomized Double-blind Cross-over Study

The purpose of this study is to evaluate auricular acupuncture as an antiemetic treatment compared with sham acupuncture and with no acupuncture in patients receiving moderately-high to highly emetogenic chemotherapy. Acupuncture constitutes a nonpharmacological intervention for chemotherapy-induced nausea/vomiting (CINV). Chinese medicine holds that stimulating select points both on the body and the ear, that lie along meridians or life channels, can relieve diseases.

NCT00360841 — Cancer
Status: Completed