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Effectiveness of Armodafinil for Treating Fatigue in Adults With HIV/AIDS

Armodafinil Treatment for Fatigue in HIV+ Patients

This study will determine whether armodafinil (Nuvigil), an FDA approved medication, is effective in reducing fatigue in adults with HIV/AIDS.

NCT00737204 — HIV Infections
Status: Completed

Supplementing Hearing Aids With Computerized Auditory Training - LACE

Supplementing Hearing Aids With Computerized Auditory Training

The study is designed to examine the effectiveness of a computer-based auditory training program to improve the benefits received by individuals who wear hearing aids. The study will involve 3 groups - a computer-based training group, an active listening group which will involve listening to books on CD, and a placebo group that receives no additional treatment.

NCT00727337 — Hearing Loss
Status: Completed

Family Centered Advanced Care Planning for Adolescents With HIV/AIDS and Their Families

Family Centered Advanced Care Planning (FCACP)

This study will examine the efficacy of Family Centered Advance Care Planning in enhancing quality of life, integrating effective end-of-life care, and preventing depression and anxiety among HIV infected adolescents and their family members.

NCT00723476 — HIV Infections
Status: Completed

Preventing HIV/Aids in Drug Abusing Youth

Preventing HIV/Aids in Tx-Resistant Drug-Abusing Youth

This project involves two studies focusing on the engagement and treatment of adolescents diagnosed with substance use disorders. Study 1 will evaluate a promising parent-based engagement intervention, Community Reinforcement Training, designed to facilitate the entry of resistant drug-abusing adolescents in treatment. The approach will be compared with an Engagement As Usual intervention condition. Study 2 involves a controlled clinical trial evaluating the efficacy of an HIV/AIDS prevention intervention embedded in family-based drug abuse treatment for reducing HIV/AIDS risk behaviors and substance use. Adolescents who are successfully engaged in treatment through Study 1 will be randomly assigned to receive either family therapy alone or family therapy with the integrated HIV/AIDS prevention intervention. Both studies are being conducted in Portland, Oregon.

NCT00680719 — HIV Infections
Status: Completed

Aging & HIV/AIDS Neurocognitive Sequelae and Functional Consequences

Aging & HIV/AIDS Neurocognitive Sequelae and Functional Consequences

While the numbers of HIV infected veterans under the age of 50 are declining, the percentage of HIV infected veterans over the age of 50 is increasing with the largest percentage increases in the 50-59 age group and the 70+ age group. With increasing incidence rates of new cases among individuals over 50 years of age and the longer life expectancies of the current HIV-infected population, it becomes increasingly important to better understand the impact of the aging process on the clinical and behavioral manifestations of HIV/AIDS. The project seeks to determine the effect of age on neuropsychological performance in HIV+ persons. This objective seeks to determine the degree to which older age represents an independent risk factor for neuropsychological impairment in HIV infected persons, with a particular emphasis on those cognitive processes that are preferentially impacted by both the normal aging process as well as HIV infection. Additionally, another aim of the study is to determine the impact of neuropsychological decline on everyday functional abilities among older vs. younger HIV+ adults. This objective seeks to determine the effects of advancing age and neuropsychological impairment on the ability of HIV+ persons to discharge more demanding requirements of independent living (e.g., driving, financial management, medication adherence). The project will last for a duration of 5 years.

NCT00675766 — HIV Infections
Status: Completed

Improving Diabetes Care With Patient Decision Aids - A Trial in Community-based Primary Care

Improving Diabetes Care With Patient Decision Aids - A Randomized Controlled Trial in Community-based Primary Care

Mounting evidence documents the positive impact of using patient decision aids (PtDA) to facilitate shared decision-making (SDM) between patients and physicians in preference sensitive contexts. But overall use of PtDAs across the broader US healthcare system remains low. More compelling evidence is needed to make the case for policies that would accelerate adoption of PtDAs in routine clinical practice in primary care settings that serve diverse and economically disadvantaged populations. The investigators believe that it is now time to move beyond the subjective evaluations of PtDAs that are commonly reported in clinical trials of PtDAs, to evaluate whether these tools can also change health behavior and improve health outcomes. Therefore, the investigators will build on their expertise in working with community-based physicians to evaluate a newly developed PtDA focused on diabetes, using a mixed-methods approach. The investigators patient sample will be drawn from primary care practices serving African American, Latino and Caucasian patients. The investigators will conduct a 2-group randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effects of the diabetes PtDA, combined with telephone coaching, in increasing patient self-care and self-efficacy, increasing diabetes knowledge and improving clinical measures including glycosylated hemoglobin A1c, lipids and blood pressure. The investigators will also explore variation in effects of the patient decision aid, comparing African American, Latino and Caucasian patients and conduct in-depth interviews with a randomly selected subset of trial participants to explore patient perceptions of the decision aid and variation across racial/ethnic groups. The investigators hypothesize that, compared to the control condition, participants assigned to receiving the video PtDA program and telephone coaching will report: greater self-efficacy and diabetes knowledge, more engagement in self-care behaviors, better glycemic control as measured by hemoglobin A1c, as well as lower quantitative LDL and blood pressure levels. The conceptual model guiding the investigators trial is the Integrative Model of Behavior Change. The model includes three primary determinants of behavior: 1. attitudes toward performing the behavior 2. perceived social norms about performing the behavior 3. self-efficacy. The investigators expect the diabetes PtDA to affect each of these constructs directly or indirectly.

NCT00668590 — Diabetes
Status: Completed

Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation Maternal Events and Pregnancy Outcomes (MEP Project)A Multi-site Protocol - MEPProject

Maternal Events and Pregnancy Outcomes in a Cohort of Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Women Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy in Sub- Saharan Africa

The purpose of this study is to find out if antiretroviral drugs are safe and well tolerated by HIV-positive pregnant women and their infants in South Africa and Zambia.

NCT00639145 — HIV Infections
Status: Completed

Evaluate Weight Gain Using 2 Different Formulations of Megestrol Acetate Oral Suspension for AIDS-related Weight Loss

A Randomized, Open-labeled, Pilot Study Comparing Weight Gain in Adults With AIDS-related Wasting Given Either Megestrol Acetate Oral Suspension Nanocrystal Dispersion (MA-NCD) or Megestrol Acetate Oral Suspension (Megace)

Explore weight gain in HIV-positive patients who have weight loss associated with AIDS-related wasting (anorexia/cachexia). Patients are treated for 12 weeks with either megestrol acetate oral suspension nanocrystal dispersion formulation, or megestrol acetate oral suspension original formulation

NCT00637572 — HIV Infections
Status: Completed

Cognitive Stimulation Program in AIDS

Pilot Study of an Internet-Based Cognitive Stimulation Program in AIDS

There has been little success in treating the cognitive (thinking) problems associated with HIV/AIDS using medications. The purpose of this study is to determine whether an internet-based cognitive "stimulation" program might help HIV-infected individuals think more clearly. If this is true, then it means that people with mild forms of cognitive impairment may be able to help themselves to get better.

NCT00619567 — HIV Infections
Status: Completed

Bortezomib, Ifosfamide, Carboplatin, and Etoposide, With or Without Rituximab, in Treating Patients With Relapsed or Refractory AIDS-Related Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

Safety and Efficacy Pilot Trial of the Anti-Viral and Anti-Tumor Activity of Velcade Combined With (R)ICE in Subjects With EBV and/or HHV-8 Positive Relapsed/Refractory AIDS-Associated Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

RATIONALE: Bortezomib may stop the growth of cancer cells by blocking some of the enzymes needed for cell growth and by blocking blood flow to the cancer. Drugs used in chemotherapy, such as dexamethasone, ifosfamide, carboplatin, and etoposide, work in different ways to stop the growth of cancer cells, either by killing the cells or by stopping them from dividing. Monoclonal antibodies, such as rituximab, can block cancer growth in different ways. Some block the ability of cancer cells to grow and spread. Others find cancer cells and help kill them or carry cancer-killing substances to them. It is not yet known whether giving bortezomib together with combination chemotherapy is more effective with or without rituximab in treating AIDS-related non-Hodgkin lymphoma. PURPOSE: This clinical trial is studying giving bortezomib together with dexamethasone, ifosfamide, carboplatin, and etoposide to see how well it works with or without rituximab in treating patients with relapsed or refractory AIDS-related non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

NCT00598169 — Lymphoma
Status: Completed